

Inside a certain house in the woods, a father and son pair were eating their food quietly.

"Ciel...Since tomorrow's your birthday we will be going on a trip. So go to bed early." The older man said.

"You remembered. Are we going to a town..!" Ciel asked standing up excited.

"Mmm...Of course I remembered. It'll be a long trip. So pack up before bed." He said in a gruffy voice.

"yeah.." he said in an excited voice.

"Now sit down and finish your meal."

"Yeah...It'll be my first time going out.Now that you mention it I don't know anyone other than you.."

"mm, you're right."

"Are they also demons like us...?" Ciel asked hesitantly.

Hearing those words Lucifer went wide eyed.And his spoon fell down.

"You...how did you ..."

"Didn't you say all demon slayers will be able to sense demons and their weakness.... I could somewhat tell that you're a demon...and me too.....even though it feels kinda strange about me. And besides I read in a book that dragons teach human dragon slayer magic. So it's fair to think that demons do the same too right."

Lucifer looked at his son's face as he explained it to him and thought.

"Why didn't I think of that. But to think that he figured it out himself."

Turning around Lucifer grabbed his son's shoulders and said.

"Listen, kid. No matter what happens, don't reveal that you're a demon to another person. OKAY...." He said almost shouting.

"Y....yeah...of course, I won't tell anybody."

"Mmm....Good. Now go." He said taking the empty plate off the table.

"Was mom a.." A sound was heard as Lucifer made his was to the sink.

"No. She was not. She was a human"

"I see.." The boy wore a small smile on his face as he maked his way into his own room.

Washing the dishes Lucifer looked at the boy who was happily packing his bag.

"Don't take too many stuff. Only necessary items only." He said to the boy.

"Okay..." Luciel was in literal bliss as of now. Tomorrow is his birthday and for the first time in his life he will be going to meet new people other than his dad.

"Till now i have only read about cities and town. I wonder how they will be in real life." He thought to himself while picking up the items for tomorrow's trip.

After organizing his bag Ciel went to sleep. Finishing all the chores Lucifer came and sat on a chair nearby the beds and looked at the sleeping figure of his son.

"The time for eclipse is around the corner.For the last year , I have done whatever possible in my power to make him prepared for what's to come. So this week is all i have left to spend time with him..hhaa" He sighed leaning back on to the chair.

"Time sure flies by fast. I can't believe it's been 6 years since she left me with him. He has grown to be a very good boy, Luna. I wish we could watch him together.." he thought while taking out a picture from the drawer of the nearby table and looking at it. It was the picture of a young women and himself.

"What am I thinking now" Slapping himself in the face he stood up.

"This is for his own good....Let's get ready now." He said in a determined voice walking towards his own room.

The next Morning.

"Ciel...wake up.."

"Mmmh..five minutes.." The boy squirmed.

"We have to leave soon. Wake up and get ready" The father said slapping the boy's cheeks slightly.

"Wha...OHHH...The trip" He shouted jumping from the bed.

"I'm sorry dad...i'm late..." He said panicking left and right.

"Don't worry take your time. We aren't in hurry anyway." The man replied with a faint smile on his face.

"Sorr..what.." seeing his father smile he stood there frozen.

"Anyways go get ready, and oh Happy birthday." The man said turning around walking into the kitchen leaving the flabbergasted boy behind.

"What the...Why is he so kind all of a sudden. Usually he would have bumped my head already by now. Am I gonna die..?" he freaked out.

"Don't just stand there. Go shower quickly, and come to eat." A voice was heard from the other room which shook the boy out of his trance.

After showering and getting ready Ciel went to the dining room, Where his father was preparing the dishes for the breakfast. On the table there were several food already and more kept coming from the kitchen.

"Dad why is there so many dishes...?"

"Oh..Since it's your birthday , i thought why not.." The man said placing a steaming bowl of soup onto the table.

"Why are standing there. Come sit down eat. We have to leave after this." He said to the boy.

After the meal was done. Both of them took their bags and went outside. The boy was in a very pleasent mood.

"Shall we go now dad." He asked enthusiastically.

"Wait a second." The father said turning around. Kneeling down he placed his hands on the ground.


A barrier was erected around the house in seconds and then it vanished.

"What was that... I've never seen that one before..!" Luciel said in amazement.

"It's a quite high level one. I'll teach it later" Standing up he continued.

"Come on let's g...Oh wait"Suddenly remembering something he took out a rod made out of some kind of metal which was almost transparent as glass.

"Here, this is your birthday gift." and gave the rod to the boy.

"Oh yeah... a metal rod" He replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh no no , it's not a rod. It's your sword"

"No matter how you look at it. It's a metal rod."He deadpanned.

"Yeah it maybe now.But this will be your sword one day."

"Do I need to give this a blacksmith or something then" The boy said confused.

"Listen here kid, a sword is like your life partner, you need to treasure it. So you will need to make your sword yourself"

"How can i make a sword though. You didn't teach me smithing.!"

"No,no, you'll need to use your winds to carve out your sword out of this. Now try it." Lucifer said with a grin.

"Use my wind..? Like this..?" Ciel said trying to cover the sword with his winds.

"Not like that. Try to inject your magic into it like you do in sword magic" The man said correcting his son's actions.

But as soon as the boy tried to inject magic power into the rod , he was repelled back and the rod was sent flying from his hands.

"What..is this. I can't put my magic power inside it."

"Hmm...I suppose so. This is called Etherium and It is THE most magic resistant metal in this world." Lucifer said picking up the rod and giving it back to him.

"What...then why would you..?"

"Do you think i would do something that's pointless.? Keep doing it and one day when you're strong enough you'll be able to do it. Now come on we have wasted too much time." He turned around and started walking.

"Wait for me.."

Hey guys,

It's phantom here.

The next chapter is here. And it's mainly a filler kinda chapter since I need to establish Ciel's arrival in the future.

I will start his journey from the next chapter.

Please enjoy and don't forget to leave a comment.

Share your thoughts.

Anyway, that's all.


N0rma1creators' thoughts