
Deal with the devil

Inside the dimly lit cave sat a man with short black hair dressed in a black robe.He seemed to have noticed the presence at the entrance of the cave. And raised his head to look at his visitor.Wearing a smile on his face he greeted the newcomer.

"Lucifer...How nice to see you again... Have you come to kill me..?"

"Stop with that nonsense, Zeref. You know I don't like wasting my time."He replied immediately shutting off the other one.

"Impatient as always I see." The man named Zeref said standing up.

"You know I always wondered, You the first demon i created. Among all my creations only you were different. Able to ignore my commands..Maybe it's because i was not much experienced a that time. But still you were able to grow...become the most powerful demon..then, Rewriting your own book....denying your very own existence....breaking free from me..." He continued as his eyes turned red.

"Tell me...How did you manage to do it.."

"It's none of your business.."

"Yes... Right, it's none of my business anymore"He replied regaining his aloof attitude again.

"Then i suppose you haven't come today just to say hi to me"

"I've come to redeem the favor you owe..."

"Favor....what favor...?"

Seeing him play dumb a cold sensation permeated through the air.

"Ohhh...my bad...we did had something like that did we...so tell me what do you want..do you want me to fix your book"Zeref said in an apologetic tone.


The black wizard seemed to have perked up hearing the word.

"Ohh... quite the peculiar topic you have there...what of it"

"Is it usable yet"

"I have indeed created the tool to travel in time. But it still needs celestial spirit magic and a few tricks of my own...

Don't tell me you want to go into the future too.."

"You sure jest....what are you going to do with it...is it true that you're collaborating with the dragons...." Lucifer said in a serious tone.

"Aah..yes. I am. We're planning to send some dragon slayers into an era where ethernano concentration is greater ,so that th.."

"The Dragon King's festival.."

"Correct again. He's becoming more and more powerful as days pass. So we don't have a choice. If this goes on even I wont be a match for him."

"Good. Then I have someone to send in too." Lucifer said after thinking for a bit.


"Hahaha...you took in a slayer....!" The back wizard said laughing hysterically.

"Stop it...And when will we send them" He said in an annoyed tone.

"Jeez...the next solar eclipse...that would be about an year from now.."

"Good. Then I'll meet you at the gate when the time comes.."He replied before taking off in a burst of wind.

"He isn't the type to take interest in the matters of others.. but still he took a liking to a human...or something else...Looks like things are going to be interesting again" Looking at the flying figure that had already vanished from his sight , Zeref murmured.

After a while, the figure of Lucifer landed in front of his house in the woods.

Opening the door he went inside to find the boy sleeping, sitting on a chair.A book on magic theory was resting on his laps. It seemed like he fell asleep while reading.

Scooping up the kid he carried him to the bed and tucked him in.

"One year.... We have a lot of training to do, till then sleep tight" Patting the sleeping boy's head he mumbled.


The next day.

Outside the house, both the father and son could be seen training.

The boy was desperately trying to hit the man but as soon as he came close the attack would be dodged.Still the next second the boy would unleash another attack.

"Now, come at me.." Putting his hands behind the back he told the kid who was panting on his knees.

"Aargh..." With a cry, Luciel ran towards his dad. And jumped high.

*Sky demon's tempest fist*

Coating his hands in the wind he punched hard towards the man.

"This wind does not even qualifies as a breeze.." The man said deflecting the attack with his bare hands..

"Tch...then take this...this and this..

...haaah haaah" Struggling to land a blow , the boy panted while delivering more and more attacks.

"You're tired after a few blows..! Your enemy won't wait for you to recover" He said delivering a kick which sends the kid flying.

"Gaaah...It's not my fault. You're just too strong.."picking himself up, he said with a pout on his face.

"I'm not strong...You're just too weak.."

"Isn't that basically the same thing" The boy argued back while doing a punch to the man's guts.

"It's not.." He replied simply shrugging off the attack.

"Aaaahhh.....then one more time " Ciel screamed again running towards him charging an attack.

"Nope. This ends here." with a flick to the forehead he sent Ciel flying again.

"Aaawwch...that hurts.. " Clutching the forehead which had a clear bump he screamed in pain.

"Put some medicine on it. It's just scratch.."

"Didn't you say sky type slayer magics inclined more towards supporting and healing spells..Then how come you don't know any"

"Who told you I don't know support spells.."

*Enervo* He said pointing his finger toward Luciel.

"Wha...my body..feels weak.." Ciel said Falling down again.

"This is a support spell which drains the energy of your opponents....

All my spells are like this. Since we have devil slayer magic all the support magic from it is related to curses and debuffs"

"Ohhh.. I see...Can you lift this spell now..." He said trying to stand up again.

"What did i tell you just now. I can CAST curses, not lift them.."He said with a deadpan expression.

"What...then why did you cast it on me" Ciel rebuked.

"It's just a low level curse, give it some time. It will go away " Lucifer said walking into the house,leaving the boy outside.

A chilly breeze of wind blew making the boy shudder in cold.

"Hey...dad...come on , don't play with me...it's too cold out here.Get me inside....



Stupid old man"

"I heard that..." A voice came from inside.
