
son of the demon king

Reinhart born as the son of the Demon King realizes how people label others just as it happened to his father, since he had the status and named Demon King, they sent someone who called himself a hero to assassinate him. So at the young age of fifteen he was orphaned, so he vows to take revenge on all the people who did him wrong. "As you thought that my father was the villain just because he had the title of Demon King, now I will take revenge on you just because you have the title of humanity".

Alfred_0624 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

chapter 4

"Thank you for helping us a while ago." Said one of the elves standing next to Reinhart. "Don't worry about it." Reinhart said without looking at the elf.

In fact he only helped them because they were humans and he hated their guts, if it was any other race he wouldn't give a fuck. So the elves are lucky.

"Ppp... Why did you have to kill them like that?". Asked an Elf who looked a bit younger than the others. She still carried the slaughter in her head haunting her a bit. Reinhart looked up to see her and said. "That's a personal thing so don't butt in." The girl hearing this fell silent and didn't speak for the rest of the way.

When they reached the city they parted ways. Reinhart headed towards the guild to deliver the herbs and collect the reward. "Here's the mission stuff." Reinhart said to the receptionist. The receptionist looked at Reinhart and noticed that he was smeared with blood. "Excuse me, I imagine you encountered a hell beast if I'm not mistaken." Said the receptionist handing over 5 copper coins.

Reinhart didn't respond, instead he immediately left for the inn to wash up. When he arrived he went into his room, took off his clothes went into the bathroom and cleaned his body. "That's how it feels to kill, although I'd say it's a bit satisfying, Now I must concentrate on what I swore to myself." Saying that he relaxed for a while to remove the fatigue from his body.

At one point Reinhart fell asleep. He began to dream of strange things. In the dream he was in a black gothic castle in front of him.

The more he looked at it the more he felt attracted, when he entered he saw a strange decoration. The whole hall was decorated with a red carpet in parts while in others it was black.

On the walls there were skulls of different shapes contrasting with each other, on the ceiling there was a chandelier made of parts of arms and at the end of the hall there was a throne of bones on which a woman was sitting.

"So you're Reinhart aren't you." Said the woman sitting on the throne in a melodious voice.

Reinhart upon seeing the woman was enchanted by her beauty.

The woman had blood red eyes giving a sense of intimidation, blue hair like lapis lazuli giving a beautiful sight highlighting all her facial features.

On the sides protruded two distinctive horns giving away with her wings what race she was. It was a demon.

Her petite hourglass body exuded a youthful charm. All her femininity was well proportioned, not too big, not too small.

"What did you think, do you like it?". Said the woman as she watched Reinhart look all over her body.

"The truth is, it's the first time I've seen such a beautiful woman that's why I was looking at you.". Reinhart said without hesitation and in a slightly amused tone.

"Who are you and what is this place. Since this is so realistic I find it hard to believe that this is a dream." Reinhart said to the woman.

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Lilith and I am one of the primordial demons. You find yourself in a zone built by me so I can contact you." Lilith said with a smile on her face.

Reinhart hearing all this confused him more when he heard that she was one of the primordial demons so he decided to ask her what that was. "Could you explain to me, what are primordial demons?".

Lilith answered. "Primordial demons are those that have existed since the beginning of time as a manifestation of the negative energies that exist in the world."

"So you are the true ancestor of all demons, of course not all because there could be more if I am not mistaken and besides that why did you summon me here." Reinhart spoke to change the subject to the main topic.

"I have been watching you all this time and I know you hate humanity so I will help you in your revenge only if you agree. And if you are I can give you the power you need to be able to achieve your goal you say." Lilith said the reason why she summoned Reinhart so now everything depended on him if he accepted or not.

"I know you don't trust me for being someone you don't know, but I would never betray anyone, that's something I'm proud of." Lilith said placing her hand on his chest.

Reinhart thought about what Lilith said and appreciated the fact that he needed more people in order to accomplish his goal.

After much thought Reinhart agreed. "I accept but, on one condition. If you have some form of training you will show me if not, I do not accept it is clear." He said with a serious look.

"Who do you think you are talking to, I have lived for a long time so I know infinite forms of training, and yes I accept your condition.".Lilith accepted, then lines of different colors and shades appeared connecting Lilith and Reinhart as if showing that they had sealed their pact.

Reinhart saw how around him it was becoming dark which indicated that the connection with this place was ending, before leaving Lilith spoke.

"We will meet again very soon, goodbye."

Half drowsily an exquisite floral fragrance entered through his nose relaxing the atmosphere. He moved his hand to his chest and what he touched left him bewildered, as it felt very soft and smooth as if it were cotton.

"Mmmm." A muffled moan echoed in the room. Reinhart upon hearing this opened his eyes and saw Lilith naked tucked into the bathtub lying against him.

"What are you doing here Lilith!" Reinhart yelped out of surprise that she was here.

"I told you I was going to help you that's why I'm here, and tell me how you liked grabbing my breast." Lilith said with a mischievous smile on her face.

"I must admit I would like to grab it one more time, but that's not the point here. How did you show up here?" Reinhart asked curiously forgetting that they were both naked.

"Since we made an agreement or pact you gave me a way to enter this lower realm it's like a vacation for me." Explained Lilith.

"What do you mean by realms." Reinhart said confused.

"Easy don't worry about it yet as you get stronger I'll explain it to you good. Now show me everything." Lilith argued resolutely.

"Okay but first let's get some clothes on." With that they were ready to leave.