
Son of The 27th Wizard King

What if the 27th Wizard King Conrad Leto had a son.

NexusKosuke · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

In the air two people can be seen flying towards a castle, these two are Mizar Leto and Julius Novachrono the captain of the Grey Deer Magic Knight squad.

Mizar: "This is the Grey Deer's base." Mizar stares at the large castle.

The two fly into the castle courtyard and are met by a man with shaggy, black, medium-length hair that hangs down and covers half of his face, wearing the Grey Dear robe.

Elger: "Captain your back, oh and who might you be?" Jien greets his captain and asks Mizar who he is.

Mizar: "Mizar. Mizar Leto, i'll be joining the Grey Deer's from today." Mizar introduces himself.

Elger: "Well it's nice to meet you Mizar, i'm Elger Werkzeug vice-captain of the Grey Deer's." Elger introduces himself to Mizar.

Julius: "Elger can you show Mizar around?" Julius asks Elger.

Elger: "Sure, follow me Mizar." Elger walks off with Mizar following him. "This is the main area, where we all meet and hangout. Over their through those doors is the dinning hall, wherr breakfast, lunch and dinner is served. Any question yet?" Elger says showing the first two rooms to Mizar and asking if he has questions yet.

Mizar: "Yeah, when are breakfast and dinner served?" Mizar asks Elger.

Elger: "Breakfast is served from 4:30am to 8:30am and dinner is served from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. That all?" Elger tells Mizar the times of breakfast and dinner to Mizar.

Mizar nods. Elger leads Mizar around showing him different parts of the base such as the; bath, girls dorm, storage room where Julius keeps all the magic tools he found and the male dorms. Walking down the hallway of the male dorms, Elger stops in front of a door.

Elger: "This is your room, and that concludes the tour. I have to be going know, got some work that needs to be done." Elger says then leaves Mizar in front of his room door.

Mizar opens the door to his room to reveal a large room with one wall seperating the part of the room were the bed, couch and desk are and a door leading to a bathroom.

[Next Day]

As the sun rises a beam of light slips through the curtains and shines on Mizar's closed eyes. Waking up Mizar gets out of bed and opens his curtains, then goes to have a bath, finishing his bath he dries himself with a towl and changes into a black shirt with a black jacket over it, white pants and black boots, finished with the Grey Deer's squad robe.

Once Mizar finished changing their was a knock at his door, he opens it to see a Grey Deer squad memeber.

[GDM = Grey Deer Memeber]

GDM: "Lord Mizar, the captain would like for you to go to his office after you had breakfast." The squad memeber said before walking off.

Mizar: 'Guess Julius must have a mission for me already.' Mizar thinks as he leaves his room.

Mizar goes to the dinning hall to get breakfast, finishes it and goes to Julius' office. Mizar stands outside of Julius' office and knocks on the door.

Julius: "Come in." Julius says.

Mizar opens the open and close's it behind him.

Mizar: "You called for me Julius." Mizar says seeing Julius sitting in his chair.

Julius: "Yes, I have a mission for you." Julius tells Mizar who nods. "You have to deal with some bandits in the Common Real, but since you currently don't possesses any attacl magic you'll be joined by another memeber." Julius says as the door opens to reveal an 18 year old with fair skin, a soft facial structure, and long black hair that is pulled up into a high ponytail, wearing the Grey Deer squad robe over a light-colored jacket and dark-colored belts.

Julius: "Morgen, good your here." Julius greats the male now named Nacht.

Morgen: "Well you did call for me captain. So what do need me to do?" Morgen asks Julius what he needs him to do.

Julius: "I need you to go on a mission with Mizar here." Julius says telling Morgen his mission.

Morgen turns to face Mizar, extending his hand.

Morgen: "It's a pleasure to meet you Lord Mizar, i'm Morgen Faust, I look forward to working with you on this mission." Morgen says introducing himself.

Mizar: "Pleasure to meet you Morgen, i'm Mizar Leto, and you can just call me Mizar, no need for all the formalities." Mizar says accepting Morgens handshake.

Julius: "Well it's best for you two to leave now, incase the bandits move." Julius says and Morgen leaves the office with Mizar following.

Morgen: "Mizar, what is the mission the captain gave us?" Morgen asks as Julius didn't tell him.

Mizar: "Julius wants us to deal with some bandits in the Common Realm near a place called Tiulyu." Mizar tells Morgen the location they need to go to.

Morgen: "Tiulyu huh, then I know just the place they'll hide." The two them leave the castle and fly on their brooms towards Tiulyu. "Mizar, what magic do you use?" Morgen asks Mizar about his magic.

Mizar: "I use Key Magic and currently it's useless as I haven't stored anything in it yet." Mizar explains his magic and how it works to Morgen. "What about you Morgen, what magic do you have?" Mizar asks Morgen about his magic.

Morgen: "I use Light Magic, and i'll distract them so you can take their magic." Morgen tells Mizar the plan to take the bandits out.

Mizar: "Sounds good to me." Mizar says as the two continue flying towards Tiulyu.

After an hour or so the two reach Tiulyu and Morgen leads Mizar to the location the bandits are most likely using as a hideout. The two arrive in front of a cave in the forest around Tiulyu.

Mizar: "So this is it?" Mizar asks Morgen.

Morgen: "It should be, as it's the only place to hideout without using magic to create it." Morgen says leading Mizar into the cave.

As the two continue walkimg further into the cave they are eventualy met with a metal door with no handle or key lock.

Morgen: "It seems to be a magic door that only opens with a special password. You got anyway to open it Mizar." Morgen tells Mizar about the door and asks him if he as a way to open it.

Mizar: "Well my Key Magic allows me to create keys that can lock amd unlock anything, so a door is nothing." Mizar walks up to the door and creates key and a keyhole manifest on the door, the key goes in the keyhole and turns unlocking the door.

Mizar pushes the door open but Morgen jumps in front of Mizar.

Morgen: "Light Magic: Crystal Wall!" Morgen summon a large wall of light that blocks a fire blast.

Mizar: "Thanks Morgen." Mizar thanks Morgen for saving him.

Morgen: "It's no problem, were in the same squad so we have to look out for each other." Morgen says as the both them get ready for a fight.

Mizar looks at the bandits and he smiles.

Mizar: "Well, some of them have interesting magic." Mizar says smiling and Morgen looks at him for a second.

Morgen: "You can tell what magic they have, you must have an exceptional talent in mana sensing. So what do they have?" Morgen says as he asks Mizar what magic they have.

Mizar: "The white haired one in the back has Barrier Magic and the blue haired one next to him has Spatial Magic. And the three in front have Steel Magic, Fire Magic and Gravity Magic." Mizar tells Morgen the magic the bandits have.

Morgen: "Well that' a line up of magic." Morgen says thinking for a moment. "You take the two in back and take their magic, i'll distract the three in front." Morgen tells Mizar his plan.

Mizar: "Got it. Let's go!" Mizar says to Morgen.

Morgen shots a light beam at the gravity mage and appears behind the steel mage using a light spell, then kicking him in the stomach, the fire mage focuses on Morgen allowing Mizar to get close to the spatial mage. Mizar grabs the spatial mage's collar kneeing him in the stomach followed by a headbut to the nose, Mizar drops him and opens his grimoire.

Mizar: "Key Magic: Janus Baptism!" Mizar uses a spell and a keyhole manifests in the spatial mages grimoire with the key entering it and turning.

The grimoire turns to stone and the mages mana is drained.

Barrierbandit: "What the hell did you just do?!" The bandit yells as he demands an answer from Mizar.

Mizar: "I think it's best to show you. Spatial Magic: Spatial Rend!" Mizar uses a spell from the mage he stole Spatial Magic from.

Multiple beams start slicing at the barrier mage and stops once he falls to the ground. Mizar walks up to him and uses Janus Baptism to take his Barrier Magic.

Mizar: "Morgen, i've delt with these two." Mizar says loudly and turns to see Morgen had delt with the other three.

Morgen: "That was faster then I expect. Now why not take the magic of these bandits." Morgen says standing a pile of three bandits.

Mizar uses Janus Baptism again to the bandits Steel Magic, Fire Magic and Gravity Magic.

Mizar: "Who would of thourght I would get some incredible magic on my first mission." Mizar says laughing.

Morgen: "Yeah, it's not everyday you face a group with Spatial Magic and Gravity Magic. And since you now have Spatial Magic you should be able teleport us back to base." Morgen says to Mizar as he should have a teleportation spell.

Mizar: "Well luckly that bandit's Spatial Magic was both form. Spatial Magic: Eclipse Gate!" Mizar uses a Spatial Magic teleporation spell.

A door appears and opens to reveal an image of the Magic Knights HQ were they'll hand the bandits to. Mizar and Morgen walk through the gate while dragging the bandints with them. Walking out of thin air in front of HQ the guards are surpised and ready their grimoires.

Mizar: "Hey, were not here to fight, just to hand over some bandits." Mizar says as he and Morgen show them the bandits.

[RM = Random Mage]

RM: "Oh, right. You just appeared out of thin air and surprised us, and we'll take the bandits from here." The guard says as they put their grimoires away.

Mizar and Morgen hand the bandits over aswell as their now stone grimoire, which Mizar explained was due to him stealing their magic. After handing the bandits over Mizar creates another door and the two Grey Deer memebers walk through it and appear in the courtyard of the Grey Deer base.

Morgen: "We'll report to Julius about the mission and that we handed them over and then we'll go about our day unless Julius has another mission for one of us." Morgen explains to Mizar.

The two walk to Julius' office and givw him a report about the mission and the magic that Mizar stole from them.

Julius: "Spatial Magic, Barrier Magic, and Gravity Magic, those are some powerful and rare magic attributes you stole from the bandits. Same they became bandits, with those magic attributes they would have been great Magic Knights." Julius continues ranting about the magic that Mizar stole for a few minutes. "Anyway you two can relaxe for the rest of the day, you shouldn't have any missions." Julius says as the two salute and leave.

Morgen: "You did good on the mission Mizar, normally a new Magic Knight isn't ready to take on a missiom lile that." Morgen says complementing Mizar's skill on the mission.

Mizar: "Well if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't of been able to steal the magic of those bandits." Mizar says telling Morgen he couldn't do it without him.

Mizar and Morgen spend the rest of the day getting to now each other and eventualy go to their dorms as the moon starts to raise.