
Son of The 27th Wizard King

What if the 27th Wizard King Conrad Leto had a son.

NexusKosuke · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

[26 years before canon]

[Clover Kingdom Leto Mansion]

Inside the Leto mansion in the Clover Kingdom, a women can be heard screaming. The women has red hair and bright green eyes. Standing next to her holding her hand is a tall man with messy black hair and a green patch on the right side of his head, wearing a white fur cape.

Conrad: "Hang on Lovilia, your nearly their." Conrad says to his wife as she squeezes his hand tighter.

Lovilia screams as the doctor tells her one more push. After a couple minutes the screaming stops and the sounf of a baby crying is heard.

Doctor: "Well done Lady Lovilia, you and Lord Leto now have a healthy baby boy." The doctor says handing the baby to Lovilia and leaves with the rest of the staff.

Lovilia: "He's beautiful conrad. What should we name him?" Lovilia says asking her husband for a name.

Conrad: "What do think of the name Mizar?" Conrad asks his wife what she thinks of the name he thourght of.

Lovilia: "Mizar. Mizar Leto, I love it." Lovilia says hugging her now named son.

Conrad hugs his wife as they both continue smiling.

[Timeskip 6 years later]

In the garden of the Leto Mansion, we see a young boy about six years old with black hair that has a red partch and blood red eyes. The boy is wearing a black shirt with the a three-leaf clover the back, white pants and black shoes, with a pendant.

The boy is Mizar Leto son of the current wizard King Conrad Leto and his wife Lovilia Leto. Mizar's father became Wizard King three years ago and has rarely been at home since, but Conrad and Mizar get along greatly as whenever Conrad is free he sends it teaching Mizard about magic and previous Wizard King's. Mizar's mother was killed five years ago on a mission.

As Mizar was trying to do magic he felt someone nearby, turning around he see's a blonde male wearing a Grey Deer Magic Knight uniform.

Mizar: "Julius, what are you doing here?" Mizar asks the blonde male.

Julius: "I thought i'd come see how your doing and to see if you've learnt your magic yet." Julius says smiling.

Mizar: "So the usual reason. Well, I still can't use magic." Mizar says sighing in annoyance.

Julius thinks for a minute before coming up with an idea.

Julius: "Why don't you think of an image of a key." Julius says to Mizar.

Mizar: "What makes you think that will work?" Mizar asks the Grey Deer captain.

Julius: "Well you normaly think of an element, but for all we know you could of inherited Conrad's magic.

Mizar groans but raises his hand with his palm open, closes his eyes and imagines a key. After a minute Mizar opens his eyes to see a key in hand. Mizar smiles happy that he finaly used magic.

Mizar: "I did it, I did it, I used magic. Thanks Julius." Mizar thanks Julius for his help.

Julius: "It's no problem. Now I have to leave other wise Jien won't stop scolding me." Julius leaves the Leto mainson.

Mizar continues creating keys for hours till he grows tired. He walks inside into the dinning hall to see his father sitting in a chair.

Mizar: "Dad your back." Mizar says sitting in a chair as a maid puts food on the table.

Conrad: "Yes, I finished the paper work I had for today, so I decided to come back home for dinner." Conrad say as he continues eating.

Mizar: "That's perfect i've have something I want to show you." Mizar smiles at his father.

Conrad: "Oh, and what would that be?" Conrad asks looking at his son.

Mizar: "I managed to use magic today, see." Mizard says smiling as he creates a key in his hand.

Seeing his son create a key Conrad smiles at his son.

Conrad: "That great Mizar and you used Key Magic. That means i'll be able to help with learning your magic even better know." Conrad smiles as now he has more of a reason to spend time with his son.

Mizar: "I know right, with this i'll became the strongest Wizard King to ever live." Mizar says as he starts eating his food.

Conrad: "I bet you will, but Mizar remember that on it's own Key Magic is practically useless. You'll have to borrow power from other mages. So always remember that someone can't do everything on their one and need help from time to time, even the Wizard King needs helps." Conrad says to Mizar telling him to accept help at times.

Mizar: "I will, if never need help I won't hesitate to ask others." Mizar smiles.

Conrad: "That's good and never give up." Conrad says placing his hand on Mizars head as the two of continue talking and Conrad teaching Mizar about Key Magic.

[9 Years Later]

In the nine years that Mizar has been training with his Key Magic, he increased the number of keys he could create. But in these nine years Mizar's and his father Conrad started to grow distant over the years and eventualy Conrad stoped coming home.

Recently Mizar turned 15 and today he'll recieve his grimoire. Walking down the halls of the Leto mansion we see a 15 year old Mizar with shoulder length black hair with a red partch that clovers his left eye and blood red eyes. He stands at six feet tall, with black marking around his eyes, thin black eyebrows, pointed ears that have a gold piercing each. He's wearing a high-collared, black shirt under a black jacket that is lined with red scrollwork. The jacket is held closed by a red fabric belt. He also wears a pair of black pants and black boots. The boots are trimmed with white and have four gold, diamond-shaped ornaments on the shins.

Mizar: 'Today is the day I get my grimoire.' Mizar says in his head walking out the mansion and to the royal grimoire tower for the ceremony.

Reaching the tower he see's a persom wearing a mask but chooses to ignore them. He walks into the center when people start recognizing him and begin talking. After a couple minutes, an old man with a long grey bread and blue eyes, wearing a stereotypical wizard outfit walks onto the podium.

[GTM = Grimoire Tower Master]

GTM: "Good morning to all the young nobles gathered here today. As all of you should know by know a grimoire will choose you and you can try out for the Magic Knights or not. Now let the grimoire ceremony begin!" The GTM begins the ceremony.

Grimoires of all different sizes, thickness and cover designs fly to the nobles gathered. After a couple minutes every noble is seen holding a grimoire.

Noble: "Hey look over there, it seems the Wizard King's son didn't get a grimoire." A noble says laughing followed other nobles.

As some of the nobles were laughing a bright crimson light appears catching everyone's attention, the bright crimsom light decsends to Mizar. The crimson light dies down to reveal the grimoire's cover.

Noble2: "H-Hey isn't that a f-four-leaf clover grimoire." A noble says as everyone looks shocked that someone got chosen by a four-leaf clover grimoire.

Mizar grabs the grimoire, leaving the tower to return home. Walking inside his home Mizar see's Julius sitting on a couch.

Mizar: "Julius, why are you here?" Mizar asks sitting on the couch opposite Julius.

Julius: "Well you got your grimoire today right?" Julius asks to which Mizar nods. "Can I see it?" Julius asks exited to see what grimoire Mizar got.

Mizar: "Sure, have a look." Mizar hands his grimoire to Julius, who has stars appear in his eyes.

Julius: "A four-leaf clover grimoire, I knew you where special but to get a four-leaf grimoire is nothing short of incredible." Julius says as he hands Mizar back his grimoire.

Mizar: "So, why else are you here?" Mizar asks putting his grimoire down next to him.

Julius: "I'm here with an invitation." Julius says catching Mizar's attention. "How would you like to join the Grey Deers?" Julius asks Mizar.

Mizar looks at his grimoire thinking about Julius' invitaion, after a minute or so Mizar makes his decision.

Mizar: "I accept your Invitation, captain." Mizar gives Julius his answer.

Julius smiles and hands Mizar a Grey Deer squad robe, Mizar takes the robe and places it down next to his grimoire.

Mizar: "So when should I be at the Grey Deer base?" Mizad asks his now captain.

Julius: "We can leave now if you'd like." Julius says smiling.

Mizar: "Okay, let's leave now." Mizar says putting on the Grey Deer squad robe as he stands up.

Mizar and Julius walk outside and fly with Mizar on a broom and Julius flying with advanced mana control.