
Son of Percy Jackson

Atlas_Rain24 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Atlas!," I turned my head to see my teacher poking her stick at me. "Answer this, question." She jabbed her wrinkled finger at my math textbook. 30=5\6 was all I could make out from the clump of numbers and letter.

"Uhhh...," I thought for a moment. "2?" Of course, the whole class laughed at me except for my best friend, Calvin. Calvin had ginger curly hair and a goatee, he was already past puberty and looked more like 17 than a 12 year old.

"Don't mind them Atlas," Calvin leaned closer and pat my back as I beat my head on the desk. Usually, Calvin was the one being bullied and I was the one who had to stand up to the bullies to show them what's what. But in class...that's another story. I have ADHD so I can't focus, the only subject I am good at is Greek, which my favorite teacher, Mr. Bruner teachers. When I was lost in deep thought, the class ended. My classmates rushed out of the door, stumbling and kicking over each other.

"Mr. Chase?," Mrs. Kelli used her old bony finger to drag me back in the classroom. "May I have a word with you?" Calvin was shaking, worse than ever before

"Monster...Can't be...Smell...Percy..." Calvin was pacing around in front of the classroom, he was scared of Mrs. Kelli.

"Calvin you can go." I gave him a nice smile as he mouthed thank you and ran off to Mr. Bruner's classroom.

"Mr. Chase, sit." Mrs. Kelli said. I plopped down on the ragged purple cushion and wondered if Calvin could hang out with me today. I suddenly heard a hissing sound, the one that snakes make, like sssssssssss. Then I saw the grossest thing that I ever saw, yes, it was worse than my step dad, Gary. Mrs. Kelli was changing form, first a mean old teacher and now a preppy cheerleader. I don't know if I can say this about a teacher but she was really cute, no absolutely stunning. One thing ruined the image though, her metal leg, that was hollow.

"Empousa." I whispered. Every Greek monster was in my head thanks to Mr. Bruner. Twice a week after school, he gave me private lessons about Greek monsters, gods, heroes, sword techniques, literally everything. Mrs. Kelli, er the pretty Empousa with a hollow leg smiled, not friendly but the I-am-going-to-kill-you smile.

"Yes, correct young demigod." Mrs. Kelli sneered. What did she just call me? A demigod? Demigod...Mr. Bruner told me about demigods, I was named after one apparently, Atlas, a strong man, son of Zeus... Maybe Mrs. Kelli mistakes me for the real Atlas, who is like a billion years old by now.

"Uh, er, Mrs. um Kelli?," I put my hands in my pocket. A weird habit I do when I am nervous or in this case about to die. "Are you sort of mistaking me for the other Atlas, the stronger more er, better one?" I waited for an answer like "Oh yes! Sorry, wrong person." But I was wrong.

"You are just like your father," Mrs. Kelli laughed. Well, that just made my stomach feel, what do you call it, uncomfortable. My mother, Annabeth Chase died while giving birth to my half sister, Lucy. I never had a father, he was long gone, I know, my mother told me. Now, I live with my step dad Gary, Lucy's dad. "Your father, killed me, once or twice with of course the help of your annoying mother." Mrs. Kelli looked like she was about to go to heaven and strangle my mom. Enough, about my family, it's a tough subject for me. It would be for you too if you lived with your step dad who gambles every night.

"Your father.. blah blah blah... Your mother.. blah blah blah." Mrs. Kelli talked on and on about how stupid and irritating my parents were and how they caused her pain and how she was here for revenge. Cool, I was attacked almost every single year, by um metal legged cheerleaders.

"Atlas!," oh boy, another teacher yelling for me. Hope this one doesn't have pigtails and makeup on. "Here!" Mr. Bruner went wheeling, yes wheeling, down the hallway with Calvin pushing his wheelchair. Mr. Bruner threw me a sword, now the words "This will help you later." remarked mp by Mr. Bruner after every extra lesson was making sense.

"Chiron, curse you!" Mrs. Kelli hissed. I grabbed the end of my sword and slashed at Mrs. Kelli. She dodged to the right to the corner. I had a plan. I made my way towards the corner and trapped her both ways, with my sword and stabbed her in the chest. Well, at least I tried too, before that, Mrs. Kelli turned into a burst of flames. Curse Mrs. Kelli, I thought. I then looked at Mr. Bruner and Calvin in a questioning way. I was saying What just happen? Have any explaining to do? with my eyebrows.

"Calvin, er take Hercules home and bring him to camp. It's time." Chiron said wheeling back out the door. Again, I did the eyebrows to Calvin.

"Um, we better go to your apartment." Calvin squeaked.

One knock, two knocks, three knocks, four knocks, five knocks. Finally, a blond haired blue eyed little girl opened the door, my little sister, Lucy Pine. "Hey Lucy," I walked to my room, which was a closet and grabbed my stuff. Two shirts, two pants, two jackets, two socks, one pair of shoes, a swimsuit, and my favorite book. "Listen. I am going to be gone for now okay." Tears filled Lucy's blue eyes.

"No, now don't cry," I said soothingly. I looked straight into Calvin's brown eyes with my green eyes. "Calvin will explain." Lucy hugged Calvin, and being the soft heart he is Calvin just couldn't let go.

"Maybe we should take Lucy with us." Calvin was charmed, like every other boy who meets Lucy. I shook my head no.

"I don't know where I am going but I think it will be safer for Lucy to stay here." I sadly zipped my ripped suitcase and headed out the door leaving my only family behind.