
Chapter 19 God Of War

​"What did you call me? Kiss your life goodbye boy." Ares said as the flames in his eyes were blazing out of control. It seems like I touched a sore spot for the God. I walk toward Percy and take his sword from his hand. "Let me borrow this Percy." Although confused as to why I needed his sword, he let's it go handing it to me. "How about we make a little wager, 'God of War'?" I put emphasis on God of War, making Ares clench his fist tighter than it already was.

"Why would I wager with a little shit like you when I could just kill you here and now?" Said Ares swinging his baseball bat on his hand. "Here is the wager, me and you will have a battle of combat. If you win, you have my life." Lucian said ignoring Ares' pervious remark. Ares smirked coldly but looked interested. "Ha! I could take your mortal life whenever I want, there is no need for me to have a battle with you. But...you do have my interest. Tell me, what happens if you win by some off chance miracle?" Lucian smiled. "You give us Hades Helm." Ares snorted. "*hmph* You think your life is equivalent to the Helm? You must be joking." Lucian raised an eyebrow mockingly. "What? Dont tell me the God of War is to scared to battle with a small demigod. Pity, I see why your name as the God of War is in title only."

Ares was once again pissed by the little shit in front of him. If Ares hated one thing, it would be bringing up his loss to Kratos and being stripped of his god title. All he wanted to do now was beat the little godling, even if his side of the bet was not to his advantage. "Very well, how do you wish to fight? Modern or...?" Lucian looked at him like an idiot and pointed the sword at Ares. Ares hated the look in Lucians eyes, but obliged to his request, He was a god after all. Ares metal baseball bat transformed from a bat to a two handed long sword that had a skull at the end of the hilt.

"Come at me boy, it is below me to even move." Ares said as he had his sword resting on his shoulder. "Lucian stop! Are you seriously going to fight a god?!" Annabeth tried to stop Lucian from being idiotic. Grover also seemed pretty scared but was trying to act brave. Percy didn't say anything and just stared at the idiotic demigod. Lucian smiled and tapped Annabeths forehead with his knuckle. "Your suppose to be the brave one, remember? Its going to be okay." Annabeth bit her lip and looked down. She took off her necklace and put it over Lucians neck. "For good luck...don't die." Lucian smiled then  faced toward Ares and charged at him. He couldn't honestly say he was completely fearless of the guy, since he is a god. But he had a feeling in him, like if he knew he could win against him. This acted as reassurance for him, as he tried not to instantly get slashed into two by that long sword.

The two swords met when Lucian swung his sword in between Ares fire pit eyes. Sparks flew when the sword connected, and the swords shakes from the amount of streangth being used to hold off one another. Ares raised an eyebrow at the display of strength from a demigod brat. "Now you have me interested, you better help me stretch my muscles brat!" Ares exerted more streangth onto the sword, sending lucian back a few feet. Lucian landed on his feet as he charged once more. They clashed swords for about 5 minutes, but each of them ended with Lucian being thrown back.

"You are to weak brat, you should just give me your life, save us both some effort." Ares mocked Lucian who was dripping in sweat. Lucian was already feeling exhausted, and they haven't even fought for 6 minutes! "Fine, guess I'll have to end this." Ares disappeared, then reappeared next to Lucian. He swung his sword trying to cleave him in half, but Lucian was able to dodge it, barely. Ares didn't give up and continued to strike, while Lucian dodged the heavy strikes. Lucian was slowly being pushed to the side of the pier, then all of a sudden a strike that he was not able to dodge appeared. Lucian quickly raised his sword in effort to block it, and as soon as the swords met he was thrown off the pier and 100 meters toward the beach.

Lucian crash landed onto the sand, and looked like how a pebble would if it was skipped on a lake. Lucian groaned and slowly stood on his hands and knees. He realized that he did not have the sword, he looked around and saw it a few feet away from him. He tried to stand but his body felt like if there was no energy left. He slowly crawled toward the sword, slowly crawled to his only defence, his only hope. Once the sword was in front of him, Lucian reached out to grab it. He used the sword as support to help him stand up, but as he was standing Ares kicked the sword from beneath Lucian, making him topple to the sand again. "Is that all you had? Disappointing."

Ares kneeled down and used his index finger to bring Lucians chin up to face him. "What happened to all of your big talk earlier? Not so tough now, are you? Little godling." Ares slapped Lucian, making the latter spit out blood. "Tell me boy, who is your God parent? Your parents must feel so much shame when they see you." Lucian didn't look up when Ares spoke, and only looked at the sand. "I heared...you were...sweet with Aphrodite. Hehe." Lucian spit out the blood forming in his mouth, he looked up at Ares and smiled with his arrogant smile. "I would like to see if she will ever talk to you once she knows you killed her son." Ares was shocked to hear this. He is Aphrodites son? No, impossible. She hasn't slept with a man other than me in a millennium!

"You speak lies boy! I will show you the punishment in disrespecting a God!" Ares shouted. "Hah! You are no God. Perhaps you once were, long ago... But now?" Lucian looked at Ares up and down. "Your nothing. Believing your all powerful because you have a title, didn't you pay the price once for underestimating a demigod?" Lucian taunted. Ares had enough and raised his sword, ready to execute Lucian. Lucian closed his eyes, accepting the fate of being to weak.

Ares slashed down the sword but stopped short when he felt a rock hit his head. Ares slowly turned around and saw Annabeth with a flushed sweaty face in a throwing position. When Annabeth had seen what was happening, she quickly ran down the pier as fast as she could. Percy and Grover followed Annabeth but they were not able to catch up. They saw as she picked up a nearby rock and chucked it at the gods head.

Ares glared at the group of kids, and suddenly got a twisted idea. He raised his hand toward them and fire started to circle around them. It slowly started to inch closer to them, threatening to burn them alive. Ares had a twisted smile on his face as he looked at Lucian. "Now watch as your precious friends die before your eyes, boy. I will make you feel the most misery before I send you back to Hades!"

Lucian looked at his friends from the sand, he looked at their helpless and frantic faces. He wanted to help them, but all he could do was lay there and eat the sand. He started to feel anger swell up inside. Anger toward his weakness, anger toward himself, and most of all anger toward Ares. Lucians hands started to set ablaze just like when he killed the hydra, but there was something different, something frightening. The fire was not orange like before, but instead blue, and amongst the fire there was lightning that spewed out. Lucian looked up and glared at Ares, and what Ares saw frightened him, a god. He saw swirls of lightning in place of Lucians eyes, just like Ares eyes.

Percy who was watching all of this from within the circle of fire, felt the lightning bolt shake. It shook like it wanted to jump into the hands of the raging boy, and aid him in his battle against a god. Lucian quickly stood up and dashed at Ares with unimaginable speed. Ares who was still in shock received an Uppercut, sending him flying across the beach. Ares stood back up after crashing into the sand, and spat out blood as he rubbed his jaw. That shit hurt, it hurt a lot.

Ares gripped his sword tighter as he finally got serious, he wouldn't lose to a demigod again. Ares saw Lucian sprinting at him, covering a lot of ground. In just a few seconds he ran a mile and made it to his location. Lucian jumped up and delivered a superman punch, which Ares blocked with his sword. When the fist and sword met, there was a huge shockwave. They stood like before in the first encounter, but this time it was Ares sword that was being pushed back with strength. Ares felt the amount of heat radiating off Lucian and the lightning numbing his arms from the sword.

This brat is far too dangerous to leave alive, he needs to die. Ares tried to figure out a way to kill Lucian, but in the middle of his thinking he did not see a fist fly to his face. Lucian punched Ares sending him to his knees. He then proceeded with a powerful knee to the face, knocking Ares to his back. Lucian grabbed Ares leg and swung him back to the location of the Pier.

Annabeth, Percy, and Grover who were back to back, trying to stay away from the fire saw Ares in the air heading their way. He landed a few meters away from them with a huge crater in the sand. They were completely dumbfounded, a god was being thrown around like a ragdoll! They saw Lucian running back and kneeing Ares in the face when he was trying to get back up. Lucian got on top of Ares and started to rain down punches on his face, sending blood everywhere. Ares was not able to put up much of a fight, Lucians strength was to strong, and he had underestimated him. Ares has dropped his sword, lying it next to him. He did not have the streangth to pick it up, and just stared at Lucian with fearful eyes.

"Give me the Helm." Although it seemed like Lucian has lost all control and sense of reason, it seems like that was not the case. Lucian was still conscious of his actions, but only felt immeasurable rage and power. Ares gritted his teeth and honored his end of the bargain. He pulled out the Helm that was in the shape of a ski mask, seemingly out of nowhere. He tossed it to the side, and looked at Lucian. "Dispell the fire." Aries did as he was told, freeing the three from the fire prison. Grover grabbed Hades Helm that was on the floor, for safe keeping.

Lucian picked up Ares sword that was on the floor. He could feel the sword hum happily when he picked it up. It visibly vibrated as it shrunk in size and changed shape. Its new appearance was a one handed sword with a silver blade, so shiny you can see your reflection. Its hilt was black in color and had sharp looking patterns going up the start of the blade, and sharp ends pointing off the hilt. Ares eyes looked like the fires from the underworld, he was extremely pissed right now that the sword made for him acknowledged another master. It hadn't even acknowledged him, the creator of the sword. It merely listened to his requests out of respect for his strength.

Lucian looked at the sword in his hand and felt that it was so perfectly balanced for him. He decided to keep the sword, and lifted it at Ares. "Who made you steal the lightning bolt and Helm?" Ares stared at the sword, then at Lucian. "No one, I thought about it myself! Who says that I don't have dreams?! I can accomplish this easily!" Lucian narrowed his eyes. "Who said you dont have dreams?" Lucian rested the tip of the sharp blade on Ares neck. Ares looked scared of the blade and that he let that slip out of his mouth, but still smirked. "You dont know what your messing with boy, things that are beyond you. Defeating me is one thing, but killing me is another." Ares looks toward Percy. "You were supposed to die in the underworld boy, I curse the both of you for whenever you go to battle. You have made an enemy out of a god." Ares says then disappears in a portal he made behind his back.

"*tch* Coward." Lucian walks toward his friends but suddenly feels weak, like before. He falls to his knees and supports himself with his new sword. Annabeth and Grover go and support Lucian by offering him a shoulder to lean on. "Where's Percy?" Asked Lucian after looking around and noticing that Percy was gone after hearing what Ares said. "He went to get his sword you dropped." Said Grover as he lead me back up the pier. "Lucian do you know what you just did?! You fought a god! And won! You even took his weapon!" Annabeth was all smiles as she helped me sit down at a nearby stand. "Yeah well...I needed a weapon." Lucian said smiling. Lucian remembers something and takes off the necklace Annabeth gave him, putting it back around her neck. "Thank you for the good luck." Annabeth smiles and blushes a little. I look at the ring that's around her neck. "You should write a letter to your dad." Annabeth was surprised as she was not expecting that. "Why?"

"Because, you never know how long he will be around for. You should do it before you regret anything you didn't do." Annabeth thinks for a while but doesn't say anything. Soon Percy shows up grumbling that I dropped his sword very far away, and congratulates me on my winning.

As we were trying to figure out what to do next, we heard a screech come from above us. Three bats were flying their way toward us, and made a hard landing in front of us. Me and Percy had our swords at the ready, vigilant of our new guests. I realized that the creatures in front of us were the three furies, and that the one in the middle looked a lot like Mrs. Dodds, in fact, it is Mrs. Dodds!

"I have found you again Percy Jackson! Give me the lightning bolt, and that what you have stolen from our lord Hades!" Mrs. Dodds growled out. I grabbed Hades Helm from Grover and tossed it at the Furie. "Here, take it. Tell Hades that we were not the in ones who stole it. We honored our promise to him in returning his Helm, now we will see if he is also a man who honors his word." The furies caught the helm and glared at us. "And the Lightning bolt?" They asked. "You will not be getting the lightning bolt, we are returning this to Zeus." The furies screeched and flew up into the air. "We will return this to lord Hades. Do not let me see you again Percy Jackson! Or this time, I might really rip your heart out!" Mrs. Dodds squealed as she flew away with her two sisters.

"Dont worry Percy, if Hades is a man of his word, he will honor his promise in releasing your mother." Percy nods, obviously worried about his mother. "We should take a plane back to New York." I propose. "What? This is aken to taunting Zeus!" Said Grover, feeling a little scared of the Gods wrath. "What? He wont shoot us out of the sky, he will destroy his precious lightning bolt." They all realize this and nod. "Anyone know where Olympus is at?" I asked the group. "Its on the 600th floor in the Empire State Building. Chiron told me." Grover said.

"Do we have enough for the tickets?" Grover counted the money we had left. "Just enough, we'll be pretty broke after though." I nod. "Let's go to Olympus then."

Here is an image in how the sword looks like.


bamjrrcreators' thoughts