
Son of a fallen

In dxd with the mangekyou sharingan, ha can I even be stopped

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


I woke up at about 6 in the morning as I raised my hands I front of me as I opened and closed it

"looks like I'm at full power, but is my eye" I said as I moved my hand to my left as I opened it to see that I couldn't see

"it will probably heal later on, or was a 24 hour cool down" I said as I tried to get up but the was a body wrapped around me

"wake up" I said as Grayfia woke up and got on top of me

"what are you doing" I asked as she moved a bit

"as masters slave it's my responsibility to tend to every desire master has, and when it comes to women, I am yours, master, mind, body and soul" as I brought her closer for a kiss as it turned into a deeper one, but I soon broke it off

"not now, I'd like to lose my V-card later in the day, the morning doesn't feel right" I said getting off the bed as I stratched my body

"understood master" she said as she sat up from the bed as I looked at the time

"grayfia dont you have a job, you where gone for more then a day" I asked as she stopped

"I see no reason to continue serving the Gremory family and Lucifer" she said as I nodded

"then go and quit properly, but don't you have a child with him" I asked her as I found my clothes

"no, that boy is not mine, he is the child of Sirzechs true wife" she said as I placed my clothes on before

'should I bath first..... No, there's no need, I don't get dirty' I thought as I finished up before I used light to clean myself... Just incase

"huh it doesn't matter, go quit your job and return back to me once, it's complete" I said

"what should I tell them"

"that you made a bet and lost or something like that, your a smart woman" I said as I teleported to the church using Kamui

"now where is the school" I said as I flew into the air and looked around

"there" I said as I flew to the school as I turned invisible with a genjustu then dispelled it as I walked to the school

"ohh look at him"

"is he a transfer"

"he's so hot"

'yeah this is definitely DXD' I thought as I went up to the gate, when Sona and her queen

"you are"

"The new tranfer, I am simply here to pick up my uniform" I said to her with a bored tone as I looked around

"if so then you are ten minutes later" she said as I turned around and walked away

"where do you think your going"

"home, I've decided to not go to this school" I told her

"STOP" she shouted as her queen grabbed my arm to stop me

"president was still speaking to you, it would be wise of you to wait until she finished" she said as I took a deep breath

"first she is nothing but an irritation to me, second I've decided to not study here and last" I said as I grabbed her wrist and slowly removed her hand off me as she tried to use her strength but I was way stronger

"I am not a devil or one of your slaves, you are not my king or my God, so understand that I can and will destroy you along with every single devil in this school" I said as I released her before waking away from them

"huh what a bust" I said as I got to the park and went to see on one of the bench

"what a lovely day right" someone said as I sighed

"it was then this stupid girl ruined it, huh and to think I wanted to go to school" I said as I looked up as the temperature drop to the negatives as I looked to the side

" heard you threaten to destroy my So-Chan"

"what of it, her queen was in the wrong, and I simply wanted to leave, like I am right now" I said as a block of ice appeared in front of me, blocking my way

"you seem to believe that I care, you threatened my little sister and for that, I must punish you" she said as she held out her hand

"... mirror world" I said as she froze in place as I walked away

"I should find Azazel and inform him about the devils, Grayfia" I said as she immediately appeared

"how did you know I was here master" she asked

"my eyes see all Grayfia, now can you take this one where she belongs, I want to go and see Azazel" I said as she bow before I teleported away and appeared in front of a house surrounded by barriers and seals as I looked inside I saw Azazel energy

'this must be it' I said as I knocked

"yeah yeah yeah" he said as Azazel opened the door

"ohh it's you... How did you find me" he asked as a magical circle appeared on my hand

"I copied your teleportation circle to the latter and it brought me here, I then scanned the area and here I am" I said as with a smile

"yes but why are you here" he asked as I raised my eyebrow

"I wish to come with you to the meeting as a bodyguard"


"recently I've been fucked with twice and killing 90% of the khoas bridged will send the message"

"mind explaining"

"well after you left I decided to get some cash or support system when I was stopped by Grayfia"

"huh sorry but if you understood-"

"that she is a total bitch, that's plotting on destroying everyone" I said as I sat down on the couch

"YES like how the fuck does no one see it... Wait how did you survive, oh wait stupid question, but are you sure it's safe, you know her secrets and she is most probably going to hunt you down"

"oh don't worry about it, I've handled her" I said with a smile as he looked at me


"oh right, Grayfia" I said as she teleported in an bowed down

"yes my lord" she said as I Azazel looked at me

"what did-"

"changed the way she thinks" I said as I sat on Grafias back


"one of my powers, the ability to change the way one thinks and acts, I could turn the devil into a angel, but it has it limits, for strong willed beings like this one" I said as I spanked Grayfia

"I run the risk of going blind, which is like cutting 50% of my total power" I lied since it would be better if he believed that

"and you think you have her, is there a chance of her breaking out"

"no, I literally changed her brain and made her my slave, with all her memories and power, she will follow me to the end of time and back"

"yeah not convinced"

"grayfia strip down and present yourself to Azazel for me" I said getting off her


"understood master" she said with out a hint of shame took her clothes off

"I see, so what now" he said

"as I said, I'll flow, now I'll flow with a powerful maid that I will loss my V-card too, and maybe bring the uchiha clan to this world" I said to him as I nodded to Grayfia as she got dressed

'the fuck did I just say'

"huh so you basically going to do as you please as you, brainwash people into becoming your slaves" he said a bit worried as I shook my head

'..... Well I could, but I'm not the type'

"no, I have morals Azazel, and I this ability is highly taxing as I told you and has a limit on how many times I can use it, plus I am a fallen now and you are the leader, I'll follow your orders no problem.... Well some" I said as he just looked at me

"huh you are really stressful you know that"

"yes, sooo"

"so what"

"can I come"

"why not the devils, have so many ultimate classes why can't we, ohhh and you'll be attending kaoh academy" he said as my smile dropped


"it will help to strengthen the bond's between the factions"

"I have Grayfia as my maid"

"yeah how you did that stays between us and if you don't mind I'd like for you to inform me first before you do it again, so I can cover up if need be, since you are still a fallen, your actions fall on us, mainly me" he said as I nodded

"I don't mind"

"but what are you going to do about her, she is Sirzechs queen" he asked as he looked at grayfia

"not anymore, as of today I resigned from my position, and thanks to my power and states I was able to do it without an issue" she said as I looked at her

"really, I thought that there would be some sort of issue but this works"

"well she is the head of a household that still holds power and some do remember her from war times, yeah fuck you bitch" he said as he gave her the middle finger

"thank you" she said with a smile

"I see well it doesn't matter, when is the meeting"

"in four days, I will contact you when it's time, for now go home and tomorrow, report here, I want to test your powers, it should be fun" he said as he had an odd look on his face

"hn, very well then... Ohh and where is my house"

"three houses from Issei, grayfia knows where" he said as I looked at him before I sighed grabbed grayfia and teleported to the street as we went to Isseis home and from there I looked for an empty house, but what I got was a home with magic around it

"grayfia, redo the seals, get rid of anything unneeded, then join me, I wish to speak with you about something" I said simply before going inside the house as she created a magic circles around the house, I saw her magic flow into the house as I went to the main bed room, then to the bathroom as I went to the mirror to look at myself in the mirror

"long massy black hair edge lord like look" then I took off my shirt

"toned body of a fighter and Chakra network, and two other energies, one must be for my fallen abilities which is way smaller than Azazel, but on the same level as the full powered elf, second one must be my Dijinn energy or Ruhk .. Yeah it's probably half of what Sinbad had when he uses Baal powers.... No its less way less, mountain level, but the big mountains" I said as I raised my hand

"Amaterasu" I said as a black flame lit up in my hand

"yep definitely an Uchiha, and I like my MS pattern" I said as I went out of the bathroom and to my bed as I sat there lookin at ceiling

A few minutes later the door opened as Grayfia came in and went to the side of the bed and got on her hands and knees

"you don't bow like this when there are others, I don't want people have idiotic thoughts"

"understood master"

"good now look at me" I said as she looked up as I smiled

"good dog, now..... Kill yourself" I said as she stood up created an ice sword and went for her neck but stopped

"master have I displeased you in anyway sort of way, please is I have I bag of you, allow me to redeem myself so I may serve you well" she bagged as she cried and lowered her head

"...." I said nothing as tears fall before she wiped them

"well then master it may have been short, but it was a true honor to serve you my lord" she said as she pointed the sword to her stomach and then stabbed herself full force before she twisted the blade as she dropped to her knees and pulled out the sword as blood came out and her breath slowed , but the second she died the world froze as it cracked then shattered like glass

"what" she said from her possession on the floor

"one of my genjustu, the same one I used in our first fight, but I had to insure your loyalty, and what better way than to die for me" I said as I kneeled down to her and grabbed her face as I leaned in closer as she did the same as we kissed as I picked her up the kiss began to get deeper as my hands roamed her body as I grabbed her boobs as she moaned into my mouth

(lemon, wanted to try it)

As a magic circle appeared as our clothes

"your exited" I said break off the kiss as I looked her in the eyes, her face was red, she was breathing heavily as her lowers where wet

"I'm with master and he is giving me his verginite"

"that is true huh" I said as began kissing her neck and went down to her boobs as my hand moved to her pussy as she began to moan again as I pleased my mouth on her nipple and began to suck at the same time I inserted two fingers into her vigina

"KYYYYHHHHAAAA" she shouted as I moved my fingers as she rocked her hips and covered her mouth but she was constantly moaning as after a few seconds she came hard and all over my hand

"I think that's enough four play, time for the main course" I said as I kicked my lips as she looked at me and spread her legs giving me a perfect view, as I rubbed my dick on her pussy

"M-M-Master I don't think its going to fit" she said as she looked down

"you underestimate your body Gray, now relax, this is my first time" I said as I slowly pushed in as she grabbed the sheets as she closed her eyes as I moved closer to her and kissed her as my tongue went inside her mouth, I pushed in as she screamed out in pleasure as she wrapped her arms and legs around me as I pounded away

"more... MORE" she said as I moved to her ear as I pounded

"I can't hear you, did you wish for me to stop"


"good now tell me what you want, let the whole world hear you"


"PLEASE MASTER FUCK ME, FUCK ME" she shouted as I did as she asked and applied more force as she scream out again, moaning in pleasure

"cumming, I'm about to cum" I said to her as she opened her eye

"ME TWO MASTER PLEASE DO IT INSIDE, I DON'T CARE" she shouted again as I felt her tighten around my dick as I did one more deep pump

"AAAAAHHHHH" as I released into her as she also came

As we stayed there for a few as I pulled out

"m-master" grayfia said as she made a face as I watched her before rolling to the side as she crawled to me as I pulled her closer

"huh... Round two" I said as she smiled and went to my dick and placed her mouth on it

"oh OOOOHHHH" I said as I moved as she took me in