
Funs Over

It was poring outside, no one around for miles and broken street lights didn't make this adventure any better. The school's windows were black letting us know that no one was home, which was good. "Can we hurry up? The rain ain't stopping no time soon. " Angel said in a hushed tone, She was holding herself as we walked, obviously regretting her decision to only wear a sweater, I laughed and stopped at the school doors opening them with ease. "After you my lady. " I said,smiling at her as she walked in, mumbling something under her breath.It was so different at night, colder because the heat was off, darker and definitely creepy. I looked around a bit before taking out my flashlight. "Are you sure this is necessary? " Angel looked at me, her hair clung to her face desperately for warmth as she took off her hood and dropped her bag down on the floor. "Yeah let's just make a mess and get out ok, no big woop" I walked towards the desk in the middle of the room and sat in the chair "Go check out the place I'll meet you in the office in a few. " I said as I began to pull draws.

Everything was nicely packed in Mrs. Marshall's desk , so it was only right to destroy that order. As I rummaged through her things a folder appeared amongst all the magazines and the banana flavored laffy taffy, it was red marked "IMPORTANT"in all caps. " Might as well take a peak, " I opened up the folder, it was filled with late sign in sheets for the week and a sticky note with a password and username. I smiled and opened up the computer on the desk, typing in the information and as expected the computer opened up to me exposing a open tab of black Jack and a web search for hand bags.

"Stupid Chris, can't you just be a normal kid" Angel mumbled as she walked into the main office, it was quite, full of desk, a printer, and a coffee machine. She grabbed the keys off the wall and walked out I to the Hall searching for one of worse teachers room of all, Mr. Smith. He knew how to get under everyone's skin and since she was here she might as well get under his. The door read "History room 209" and with no effort Angel slid the key into place and unlocked the door, her nose was met with a foul oder a usual but in this case it wasn't Mr. Smith's lack of deodorant. She looked around until she found his desk all the way In the upper left corner. she ran to it and opened up his drawers, taking them out and emptying them completely. When she was done she spotted his locked closet, it was always locked with chains preventing anyone from going in. The closet was never opened and had a terrible smell like something had died inside. It had always creeped her out but if it was that heavily guarded, then she had to know what was in there and why.