
Chapter 26: Cartagena Sunrise

I: Zane

While I wrestled with the peculiar messages traveling between the phone of Walter Gates and the phone of Miss Lauren, Walter Gates insisted on retrieving breakfast for us from the cafeteria. I was too hungry to object.

“Do not bring me coffee,” I said as he was leaving the room.

“Oh, I hear ya,” he said.

“Oh, screw it, bring me coffee.”

With Walter Gates on his way, the phone sounded again. “I did love you once,” Miss Lauren said.

I didn’t understand, except in the context of the dialogue from Hamlet.

“Are you saying it’s too late, Miss Lauren?” I wrote back, as Walter.

“The signs are all there,” was the next message.

“We defy augury,” was my response. There were no more messages for a few long moments.

“Are you really Walter?” she finally said.

“Yes, of course. I am Walter Gates,” I responded.

“Well then, which room are you in, ‘Walter?’” she said.

“It is on the second floor. Room 2B, I think?”

“‘2B you think?’” she said. “You don’t know your own room number?”