
Sometimes Love Isn't Enough

[WARNING MATURE CONTENT] For the first time in Nuelle's life, she experienced what you see in a movie. From the bullying to the unexpected love situations and the heartbreak and betrayal she still can't believe her once peaceful life is now full of drama. Nuelle kalio is a 17 almost 18-year-old girl that moved from her home country Nigeria to New Orleans with her family. She had a normal life with no drama but all that changed when she meets Jeremy Morgan. Jeremy Morgan is a troubled 19-year-old who is used to people being at his feet, what is he going to do when the new girl in school is not easily intimidated? Can they handle what life has in store for them? PS cover picture from Pinterest

Serendipity_Lee · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs



"Mum do not forget to be at school today you missed the last PTA meeting. I remind my mother as I rush out so I can catch up with the school bus. Levi is not picking me up today for some reasons unknown to me.

. . .

"Levi, where have you been? you missed the first period" I ask worriedly.

"Had some business to take care of with Anthony, you remember him from the party right?" he answers.

"Yeah I do but what business do you have with him isn't he into really dangerous stuff?" I ask

"Where did you hear that from," Levi asks.

"I have other people that I talk to Levi" I answer

"Really?" Levi questions with disbelief on his face.

"You don't believe me," I ask.

"Yeah I don't so spill, where did you hear that from," he asks.

"I feel sad that you don't believe me I do have other friends, well I heard some boys talking about it at the party that day, they didn't say what he does just that his family is involved in illegal stuff and that he is capable of murder, is he though?" I ask.

"No he's not and we were just doing boys' stuff," he says.

"Ok if you say so, my mom just texted me I think she just finished talking to the principal I will see u later I," say as I walk towards where my mom is.

I see my mom standing at the entrance of the school but she isn't alone she is talking to a man whose back is facing me but still looks very familiar as I get closer I hear his voice WTF.

"Nuelle how have you been It has been quite some time," Seth says in his sickly smooth voice.

"I'm good and why are you with my mom," I ask.

"Nuelle don't be rude you know this is Mrs. Morgan's husband right?" my mom queried.

"Yeah, I do that's why I'm wondering why he is talking to you" I answer.

"Elle you don't have to be defensive I met your mom at the principal office, I'm here for Jeremy," he says.

"Ooh ok" I answer 

"It's nice to finally meet you Mr. Morgan and please don't mind my daughter's rudeness" my mom apologizes for my rudeness towards him.

"It's all good I have a younger brother her age so I understand, I will take my leave now," he says to my mom then he turns to me and say "see you around" before he leaves.

"See you around how?" My mom asks.

"He means at the boutique" I reply to my mom.

"Ok good so I hear you get into fights a lot at school Nuelle if you get kicked out I don't have money to send you to another school  and since when do you fight in school eh this child?"

"I don't fight oo" I grumble.

"So your principal is lying or should we go ask him maybe it's not your Nuelle he was talking about," my mom says sarcastically.

"If something is going on in school tell me I'm your mother eh if you are being bullied say something I will help" she scolds me

"I'm okay mom it was just a misunderstanding," I say quietly.

"The principal said you and Mr. Morgan's brother are always having issues is he bullying you Nuelle if he is tell me.  Before you came me and Mr. Morgan was discussing it and he claims that you guys are friends is that true?" she asks


"Yes" is my short response, "I have class soon I have to go see you at home mom," I say hurriedly.

"Why are you in a hurry for me to leave are you chasing me away" my mom query's me.

"No mom I have a class soon" I replied hurriedly.

"We will talk when you get back," she says as she leaves.

"I see what you did there Elle".

"What did you see Jeremy," I ask. To be honest I hurriedly sent my mom home because I saw Jeremy coming I don't want him to meet her. I don't know what he might do or say.

"You don't want me to meet your mother I bet if it was Levi you will let him meet her right?" Jeremy asks.

"You're right I will, he is my friend he's more responsible than you and why will I introduce you to my mother we are not even friends. And why are you always bringing Levi into our conversation" I ask frustrated by his attitude.

Jeremy gives me a throaty chuckle "We aren't friends we are more than friends, friends don't play with each other's private parts, or do they, Elle?".

This guy gives me reasons to dislike him literally every day.  

"Jeremy what do you want I'm sure trying to figure out what friends do and do not do with their private parts is not the reason you stopped me here what do you want," I ask my patience is running thin when it comes to dealing with this boy  

"My parents are celebrating their marriage anniversary next Saturday I want you to be my plus one" he announced.

"You're crazy, Haha" I laugh "you really are not okay I can see that, why in God's name will I agree to that I'm very sane Jeremy No juju in this world will make me be your date to any stupid party so my answer to your request is NO in capital letters".

"I think you are misunderstanding something here it's not a request it's a must you don't have a choice here Nuelle," he says.

"A must really and how are you going to make me go I already said I am not going with you. You have so many girlfriends to choose from them". I say nonchalantly.

My phone vibrates and what I see made color drain from my face.

"Is that juju enough to move you?" he asks with a smirk on his face.

Jeremy, I hate you🤬.