

Yes indeed, at first it is dark in void because of the black hole, then that 'hole' exploded, scattering both matter and antimatter, life and death, this was the first thing the creator created.

Then he began forming the void, creating a vast universe, then he granted some planets the ability to hold life and sustain it, and it can also kill and eliminate, in this sisters of planets, there is someone who was named Gaia, Gaia cannot get ahold of the evolution granted to them so her power remained dormant.

Millions of years later, when Gaia was now able to sustain life, there came the single celled organisms, like them the gene they have can trigger a massive evolution, making them stronger.

After millions of years that had passed, the dinosaurs roamed the earth, then a large meteor the size of a massive mountain passed, it has its own pull of gravity and a powerful magnetic field, it may have missed collision but it has enough power to make the earth sway away its own axis.

Gaia having stimulated, began to tremble and triggered her power, she began to expand in size, the large continent of Pangaea to separate, in the near future it will be known as the great separation.

Then new islands and continents began to form, dinosaurs too began to change.

Then came the age of the mammals, as evolutions was happening to beasts gaining their abilities in certain fields.

Then there came a certain mammal, that started to walk on 2 legs, the homo sapiens.


Present day

June 2018

Eri Matthews walked along the city streets, memorising the most greatest music patriots of all time, for example Beethoven, when he first played music, it is as if he was born with it, he also discovered that music can give a boost to peoples morale, enhancing them, and the recently came the so called king of music, Michael Jackson, with his music, he commanded the masses to do everything in his bidding, it was a powerful under standing about music, until he was assassinated by his very own doctor.

Eri was a fourth year student in Washington D.C., in the university of George Washington, it was a massive university, rivaling a big city, where the place they train soldiers and other specializations, since the large comet passed by earth, the evolution of man began, and vast beast both reptile and beast.

Cultivation is a trend since the olden days, since first inhabitants of the massive eastern land(China), discovered the art of martial arts and breathing techniques, humankind had massive in survival, for they shared it with the world.

[Author: the reason why cultivation ceased to exist was because of large families and clans hogged it for themselves, then through out time, cultivation was lost, either it was stolen then forgotten, or their descendants don't have prior knowledge to it resulting to spring cleaning]

Cultivation was used by everyone to have power to fend against powerful beast.

Erin was now currently walking along various stalls, Erin was a tall man of 5'8, pale white skin, silver eyes, long jet black hair, a fit and healthy body, and a round face, his face was gloomy because his girlfriend broke up with him because of some handsome guy in the elite class, he was just only in class one, he was filled with rage.

He will not forget what she said that day, "I will break up with you, Richard will get me more of what I want." "What are you talking about, if something is wrong I can cha-" before he finished Jane cut him saying, "you are really super stupid, can't you see I'm only using you uhh!!, your so annoying".

He came home that day, filled with regret, how can he be so stupid, come to think of it they never hold hands, they never kissed, ahh I'm so blind, he thought, that day he promised, I will never be so blind again.

As he was walking he was stopped by a woman, "stop" she said, Erin at first was confused, then replaced with a cold expression, "their so low, just because of that."

The girl was one of the prodigies of the elite class, Sasha Moskov, a maiden from the barren lands of ice(Russia).

"Please go out with me" she said, Erin still wore a cold expression, "they are really challenging my bottom line, then I'll show you elite class" he thought and then he said.

"Yes I will, if you can defeat me that is"

Chapter end.

Hi~~yah new author here thank you for reading and I want to hear useful and educational criticism.

Warning:the wording that I used wasn't intentional so sorry te~he

lordbarbiecreators' thoughts