

•The place where there is most darness. That is the place where even the dimest ray of light shines the brightes.

•There will always be people will find fault in you . It just depends on you either you take it the wrong way or the right.

• In the entire world there is no one who is not two faced , the reason just differs from person to person. Some are two faced because they have been hurt before and some don't want to hurt other . * See everybody is trying to look out for themselves don't know why they say being two faced is wrong when they are themselves.

• Sometimes crying is the sign of weakness it just means you have fought a lot and you need a let out .

• Too much trust , expectation blind belief is not good because a person is not perfect so they make mistake and when they do you get hurt more , cry more , the scar is deeper and more painful. People will not understand that they will say you are over reacting . But they were not the one who put their trust , expectation and belief . So , sometimes i think i should believe nobody in this world because they will do something that will hurt me and i wouldn't be able to be that person who i was again .

• When i am sad they say" the world is so beautiful don't waste your time being sad" , when i am happy " there is so much problem in the world be serious " , when i am serious "why are you so serious all the time enjoy a little feel the world the emotion" and don't talk about being angry because "being angry will do no good be forgiving " When your every feeling is interfered and whatever you feel is neglected you just want to stop feeling .