
Something Is Wrong With The First Young Miss

"Hello, readers! Wu Shuyu here! I'm The female lead of this novel! So I just want to let everyone know this novel really makes me look bad! So I decided to try to clear my name. I do not, and I repeat, I do not swindle people! I do not hit people either! I am a really good girl! I swear! Ah! One second... Hey, mister would you like to buy this Stage Breaker Stone!? It's only 100 silver... Huh? You say your cousin's, uncle's brother's, aunt's, ex-husband's, brother in law's, nephew bought one not too long ago and it turned out to be an ordinary rock? Hey, why are you taking out that sword for! Ah!~ Sorry everyone I need to cut this short! I need to run away real fast!" Wu Shuyu a girl who likes to cuddle other girls died and was reborn into the General's Manor as the First Young Miss, Wu Shuyu who had just recently died. The First Young Miss was not able to cultivate and was treated worse than trash. Now taking over her identity Wu Shuyu will swindle her way through life... Err I mean, take revenge on those who harmed the body's original owner. While climbing her way to top of the cultivation world and at the same time trying to find cute girls to cuddle and a cute man with a big thigh to latch on to! "Hey! Hey! This is really making me sound bad here... Oh **** here they come again gotta run!" Check out my newest novel Phantasia: The Princess Knight Show your support and buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/invayne join the new discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/ Updated Daily! New Cover Art!

invayne · Fantasia
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154 Chs

Good For Nothing Father Part One

Feng Jei was stunned by Wu Shuyu's words but being a man if his woman told him to get on the bed he should do so right? So without hesitation, Feng Jei walked right over to the bed stripped down to his outerwear and... got in! Wu Shuyu saw his actions and raised an eyebrow as she thought 'Yep this one is a keeper!'

Feng Jei scooted himself over to give Wu Shuyu room to get in. Wu Shuyu walked over to the bed lifted the covers as she said: "As my future husband, it's your job to allow me to sleep well at night from now on! Otherwise, Qin Ming will have to be your substitute! By the way no touching!" As she said that she slipped under the covers, then wrapped her arms and legs around Feng Jei before finding a comfortable spot and instantly fell asleep!

The speechless Feng Jei furrowed his brow. He thought the would hate being touched like this but for some reason, Wu Shuyu's touch seemed comfortable and warm. Feng Jei did as Wu Shuyu told him and did not touch her in any way. Instead, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Like this one man and one girl who had decided to be a couple no more than fifteen minutes ago slept peacefully together for the first time.

Morning came and Wu Shuyu woke up feeling a little cold. The man that was supposed to be next to her was no longer there, in his place was a note. "Little Thing I left earlier because of business in the palace. I will come find you when I have finished." Reading the note and thinking about how handsome Feng Jei was brought a smile to Wu Shuyu's face.

"Mmm! Yes, he is a keeper for sure." As Wu Shuyu got up from her bed, she heard a knock at the door.

"Young Miss! Are you okay!?" Qin Ming's worried voice came from the other side.

"Of course your Young Miss is okay come on in Ming'er help me get changed." Qin Ming opened the door after hearing Wu Shuyu's words. When Qin Ming saw her Young Miss was okay she finally let out a sigh of relief.

Wu Shuyu looked at the black circles beneath Qin Ming's eyes and let out a sigh. "MIng'er you do not have to worry about Feng Jei. He is now your Young Miss's future husband. So after you help me get dressed you should go get some sleep. Your Young Miss will be in seclusion for the rest of the day."

"Ming'er will do as Young Miss's says. But Young Miss. Please do be careful." Qin Ming was still worried but if her Young Miss says it will be okay, she can only ask her Young Miss to be careful.

"Un! I always am! If you happen to hear any ruckus out in the yard later do not come out of your room. Also, take this." Wu Shuyu handed Qin Ming a cultivation manual. "When you wake up start cultivating. You need to be strong to live in this world. Ming'er if you are strong I can find you a handsome husband with a huge thigh to hang on to! Now quick help your Young Miss, I want to take a bath!" Wu Shuyu hurried Qin Ming along.

After a refreshing bath and a change of clothes, Wu Shuyu sent Qin Ming away so she could start her own cultivation. It was just that this quite time did not last long when a loud voice yelled out at her courtyard entrance.

"Wu Shuyu! Get out here!" A man's voice roared out. Wu Shuyu furrowed her brow, she knew who this voice belonged to. According to the old Wu Shuyu's memories, it belonged to her good for nothing father who had completely abandoned her at the age of five.

Wu Shuyu casually strolled out of her room but stopped at the doorway as she lazily leaned up against the door frame. "Oh!? If it's not the great General Wu! What do I have the pleasure of having the great general visit my humble abode? I would offer you tea but it's hard enough to even get food and clean water around here never mind tea."

General Wu snorted. "You seem to be energetic enough! Not only did you beat your second sister but you beat her mother Concubine Xun as well! Also, I heard you spread false rumors about your Third Sister just yesterday!? How is it in the course of a few days you have caused our Generals Manor to lose so much face!?"

"Oh? Your General's Manor had any face, to begin with? I do not know if the great General Wu remembers but I am nothing but trash! In the eyes of all, I am just a worthless good for nothing. You act like some kind of glorious General Wu in front of the masses while at home you neglect a daughter, allowing her siblings to treat her as a punching bag and beat her to death. She has no other choice but to scrape by with what little food which is normally rotten the General's Manor gives her and sometimes has to go without food for days. Even most of the water she drinks is dirty and undrinkable... But!... The first time she retaliates you come rushing over, acting all high and mighty. Can I ask the so called General Wu, why the fuck did you give birth to me if all you want is for me to die? " Wu Shuyu held nothing back as she let out all the old Wu Shuyu's grievances. The girl had suffered for nine years until her own sister beat her to death with a whip. The girl had no way to protect herself and no support from the General's Manor whatsoever. What reason did she have to give any face to such a place?

Heyo! Author here, I hope everyone is enjoying the novel so far! If you are let me know I love hearing everyone's opinions!

Also, check out my other novels!

Eternal Saga The Beginning: Magic Realism, Romance

How To Get Cute Girls After Transmigrating: Magic Realism, Romance, Yuri (Pure Yuri)

and of course, Ah Chun and Young Miss Strike Back!

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