
Tearfull life experience

I was born the first in a family of three. we were raised up by a single parent that my mother. In my background boys pass circumcision at an age of below 10yrs.

At an age of 8yrs its when my turn came which changed my life completely. In my mother's room we used to all sleep on one bedding. There was this old lady who used to come to me at night while we were sleep. It started when i passed my circumcision.At that age i took it normal not knowing that it was made to take effect in my next life.

The first night i saw an old person come to me In a kind of a dream. The lady kept on starring at me and finally said called me by my name. She told me i should go near her and we shake our hands. It was so unfortunately that my mother saw me getting out of the bed at the middle of the night and controlled me from going anywhere.

The next the was the same story and my mother controlled it. It happened to me for about four times. I used to normalize it because even when I told my grandparents they did nothing about it. The forth and the final day came, i saw my mother seated at the center of old women. I could even know by there name because i used to see then daily.

This time i was ready to shake her hand which i did comfortably since my mother couldn't do any thing. All this instinct happened in a kind of a dream. My worsed chapters of life were opened that same night and my life took another controller.

On one time my grandfather was cleaning his drawer which contained some important documents. He picked some photographs and started showing us. To my surprise i saw a photo of an old woman who used to visit at night. He told me that's his mother and died before i was born. Amazed but she knows my by my Names.

I started having so many complications of the body but i was just 8years of age. On one evening my mother was preparing for dinner and i was just seated outside complaining of a sharp pain on my right hand. Out of countless complains, my mother called to inspect what was wrong with me. Her first question did you fall any where. My hand this time couldn't even fit on a t-shirt. In africa especially my country Kenya if you have any pain in your body there some pain relieve creams so my mother applied some on my hand since it was at night and she was jobless so getting a cash was just a problem.

Then next day was worse as i was even unable to attend the school considering there was an end of the year exams that week. On the evening it when i was talken to a near by dispensary for check up. The doctor said he is familiar to the same and i will end the suffering. I took some injections and pills to take them as painkillers. I was appointed for visit the next day.

The day is when the doctor opted for a minor operation considering that was a small clinic. The decisions were all straight do what you can i just want him well. For one week every thing was so in a mess. Worsening situation continued. Pitty to my mother who used to take me to hospital and at sometimes said the life is merciless and unfair.

My next appoint was to take place in a district hospital. And the first step was an e-ray scan. I interpretation of the scan revealed nothing, So i send home with some painkillers. I visited other famous hospitals without success. This now had taken a year and some months.

Everything started changing and my hand broke to a big wound. I visited so many traditional doctors, fortune tellers, and traditional witches. This only wasted the little money my family could afford in the name of he will be well if you visit so and so . Every person had his/her own desicion about me. My mother's even could handled it any more and she toke off to town for search for an employment.

All this time was about 3-4 years of cleaning and dressing the wound. I could attend classes in rear occasionals. So there was this old lady in our village who told me to visit her to check on me. On arrival the lady said i should have my hand chopped of. The decision did please me to leave without an hand for rest of my life.

My mothers opinion was different from others and in our home area too there was a doctor who owned a clinic but we never visited him. So the next day we went there and he insisted for a new e-ray scan. He even directed us to a person who can do it for us. On our back results he interpreted the scan pointing out that your hand is broken in the middle of a pelvic bone and an immediate major operaton should be done.

The cost of the operation was so higher that my family was unable to raise. We started involving the well wishers who could contribute some cash to enable the same. When the money was halfway done i was redirected to another missionary hospital which seemed cheaper and better than the first hospital.

After a month of numerous appointments now was there in a ward awaiting for an operation. The next day at 6am I was talken an operation room for a major treatment. In a comer i could here some say he is dead. I saw myself pass there water banks in a white palace. Hours passed and eyes started i saw my grandfather seated beside me. I had i big bandage around my hand. I knew a will be well not knowing that was the half of my experience on this world....