
Solo Run

After death Min-Soo suddenly found himself in a white room where he became a candiate of Nameless and was granted a System to help him prepare for the trials of nameless. After completing the trials Min-Soo returned to earth! Sorry this is all the info I can give don't hate the author hate no, not the book either just read it.

Usot2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Trials of Nameless 1: Part 1

inside the rift that was transporting Min-Soo to the Trials of the Nameless, he laid unconscious and unclothed as he was being transported. the system began going through simulations.

[User unconscious]

[User unconscious]



[User unconscious, System proceeding]

[Undergoing changes in user's traits.]





Name: [Kim Min-Soo]

Race: [Human]

Age: [16]

Trait: [Strong]

Lv: [15]

Special Ability: [None]

Constellation: [Candidate of Nameless]

HP: [Auto]

MP: [50]

[Simulation complete]



Min-Soo felt a gentle shake waking him from a deep sleep.

"Hey, are you finally awake? You've been out for quite a while."

A goddess-like girl with long black hair was gently urging him to get up.

"Are you waking up? Are you okay?"

He forced his tired eyes open, realizing his head was resting on her lap.

"Hey… you, are you a goddess?"

He mumbled, still half-dreaming.

Her face flushed bright red, like a hot pepper.


She stood up abruptly, causing Min-Soo's head to hit the ground, jolting him awake. He rubbed the back of his head, wincing.


He turned around to look at the girl and noticed his surroundings. Three people were in the room, including the girl who woke him up, all unfamiliar to him.

Min-Soo had to crawl on all fours to pull himself up.

"Who, who the hell are you guys?"

He shouted as he got to his feet.


A scoff drew his attention. The person who scoffed was a young blonde male, about the same age as him, with an intimidating demeanor.

"What a joke,"

The man spoke with a nasty tone, mocking Min-Soo.

Min-Soo realized this wasn't the training room; it looked more like the inside of a temple.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

An immense pressure made everyone in the room drop to their knees. The force was so overwhelming they couldn't move. It was coming from the deepest part of the building, something so logic-defying.

A humongous shadow with immense pressure sat on a shadow-made throne that was just as large as itself. It stared down at them with its blue eyes as if they were mere insects.

"What's hap-"

[Alert: A Female User was muted by unknow force.]

The girl who woke Min-Soo up tried to speak, but a shadowy energy covered her mouth, making her unable to speak.

The three looked back, seeing what happened to her for speaking, which instilled fear in them.

Suddenly, the immense pressure was lifted.

[Alert: Immense pressure lifted. Users can move around freely.]

"Huff... huff... huff..."

Everyone was panting heavily, trying to regain their composure.

[Alert: A Female User has been unmuted.]

The shadowy energy covering the girl's mouth disappeared.

"Where… where is this?"

[Alert: You are in the first trial, facing the shadow demon.]

"That… that thing over there…?"

[Alert: Affirmative, that is the shadow demon.]

"No freaking way, do we even have a chance against that thing?"

The three looked at Min-Soo like he was crazy.


He asked them. They couldn't see the system like he could.

"Great, they gave us a crazy person,"

The blonde guy scoffed again, mocking Min-Soo.

The guy spoke again mocking Min-Soo

"Are you okay? You were talking to yourself," the girl asked.

Min-Soo looked puzzled.

"You guys can't see this?"

The girl shook her head.

"System, can they not see you?"

[Alert: No.]

Min-Soo felt disbelief, realizing he must seem like a crazy person to them.

"Everyone calm down. Why don't we introduce ourselves?" suggested a girl with blonde hair tied in a ponytail and golden-brown eyes.

"I agree. After all, we're here together. Let's at least know each other's names,"

The girl who woke Min-Soo up said happily.

"My name is Ichika Suzuki. I'm from Japan, Shizuoka. I'm sixteen and still in high school," Ichika introduced herself.

The girl that suggested the idea introduced her, Even though she was only a year older than Min-Soo she was mature for her age.

"My name is Hiyori Yuna. I'm sixteen and also from Japan, but Tokyo. It's nice to meet you guys,"

The girl who woke Min-Soo introduced herself next.

Min-Soo blushed, realizing it was her lap he had slept on.

The girls looked at Min-Soo, waiting for him to introduce himself.

"I guess it's my turn,"

He thought.

"I'm Kim Min-Soo. I'm sixteen and I lived in Seoul, Korea before coming here."

Yuna clapped as soon as Min-Soo finished, making him blush again.

Everyone's attention turned to the blonde guy who mocked Min-Soo.

"The name's Sun Xiang,"

He scoffed, giving a short response.

"Where are you from?"

Yuna asked cheerfully, getting close to him.

He simply ignored her.

Min-Soo felt a pang of jealousy. Yuna was the first girl he had been in contact with, and now she was doing the same thing with another guy.


She's not mine to control. I don't even know her,"

Min-Soo thought.

He then noticed a guy with messy black hair covering his eyes sitting in the corner. He seemed to be the silent type.

"Where did he com-"

Before he could finish, Yuna ran up to the guy, as always getting close.

"Hey, what's your name?"

The guy ignored her.

"Hey, are you okay?"

The guy glanced at her and stumbled down. Min-Soo thought it was his time to save the girl.

"Hey, that's not co-"

Goudou! Goudou! Goudou! Goudou!

Before he could finish, the ground started shaking from the deepest part of the building. The shadow began erupting dark energy.


[Alert: Wave 1 commencing]


The sheer force of the soundwave hit the group like a physical blow, almost knocking all of them off their feet and sending them sprawling across the floor. Min-Soo

gritted his teeth, feeling the intense pressure pushing against him, threatening to crush his very bones.

Just as he managed to steady himself, the translucent screen materializing before his eyes.

Quest: Survive the Waves (1/5)

[Alert: Wave 2 Commencing]

"Damn!, Another one is coming"

He shouted, trying to warn them.

Before they could grasp what Min-Soo said to them, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air.


The wave pushed almost half of them to the ground. It shoved Suzuki and the quiet guy. Only Min-Soo, Xiang, and Yuna remained standing.

Min-Soo's eyes widened in surprise as he glanced at Yuna. Despite her frail appearance, she stood her ground, unyielding against the ferocious wind.

Xiang stormed towards Min-Soo, his face a mask of fury.

"Who the hell are you? How did you know that wind was coming?"

Min-Soo met his glare with a calm but steely resolve.

"Does it matter? I just saved your lives, you bastard."

Xiang was shocked that Min-Soo stood up to him.

Yuna quickly came in between them, trying to calm the situation down.

"He's right, you know. If he didn't warn us, I don't know what would've happened."

Min-Soo smiled brightly that Yuna came to his defense.

Xiang scoffed before backing up.

Suzuki stood up and went to help the quiet guy.

"Don't touch me!" he yelled out.

The screen appeared before Min-Soo again.

Quest: Survive the Waves (2/5)

[Alert: Wave 3 Commencing]

"Everyone, brace yourselves!"

Min-Soo shouted over the roar, his voice barely audible above the cacophony.

Everyone except for the quiet guy was prepared this time, but he struggled to stand.


The third wave hit with even greater ferocity. Min-Soo felt his strength waning, but he couldn't afford to stop. The system's relentless countdown was a grim reminder of the stakes.

"Just two more waves,"

Min-Soo panted, trying to muster what little strength he had left.

"We can do this."

Quest: Survive the Waves (3/5)

[Alert: Wave 4 Commencing]

The wave was more powerful than before, pushing the quiet guy to the wall and knocking him unconscious.

The wave was lasting longer than before, pushing everyone except for Min-Soo against the wall.

It began dragging Min-Soo.

"System inventory!"

He yelled out.


- Kurokiba: [ Know as Black Fang a katana a Japanese sword]

- Boltcaster: [ A Gauntlet Crossbow known for it's accuracy]

Min-Soo quickly retrieved the katana from his inventory.

[Alert: Kurokiba Equipped]

He struck the ground using his katana to stop the force of the wave.

[Alert: Wave 5 will commence in 10 minutes.]


Part 2: 




They screamed in pain as they struggled to force themselves to stand. The agony and intense apprehension were evident on their faces, knowing they might not survive the next wave—if there even was one.

Min-Soo rushed to check on the quiet guy, now unconscious against the wall. His arm twisted at an unnatural angle.

Xiang approached Min-Soo, his anger simmering beneath a mask of distrust.

"You're not normal. No one pulls weapons out of thin air like that. What are you hiding?"

Min-Soo's gaze hardened, he stood up. "I don't have all the answers, but I'm here to survive. Just like all of you."

Their tension was interrupted by the system's announcement:

[Alert: Wave 5 will commence in 7 minutes.]

"Damn it, Another one is coming"

When Min-Soo announced another wave was imminent, their expressions hardened. Despite his suspicious nature, he had never been wrong about the timing of the waves.

"Another one"

Xiang's voice trembled, a nervous chuckle escaping him.

"It's him"

His gaze lifted, eyes filled with despair.

"yes It's him"

Xiang's muttering grew frantic as he turned to face Min-Soo.

"It's you, you did these, you monster"

He shouted, finger trembling as he pointed at Min-Soo.


Yuna slapped Xiang leaving him stunned.

"Your the monster. Min-Soo saved us twice now. even if he's hiding something all he did was try to help."

Her voice shook, but she stood firm. Xiang opened his mouth to retort but found no words and retreated to a corner, his expression blank.

Hearing Yuna's shaky voice, Suzuki, despite his fear, stood up. Trembling in fear stood up and moved to support the quiet guy, checking his pulse with a worried expression.

"His arm is dislocated We need reloacte it."

Suzuki said, her voice quivering.

Min-Soo, who had been staring blankly at Yuna as she defended him, snapped back to reality and He rushed over to where Suzuki was to support.


Min-Soo knelt beside Suzuki, his expression grave as she assessed the quiet guy's dislocated arm.

"We need to relocate it quickly,"

Suzuki said, her voice calm but urgent.

Min-Soo nodded.

"I-I'll hold him steady,"

He said, his eyes darting towards Suzuki for guidance.

Suzuki nodded in acknowledgment, her mind racing with the urgency of the situation.

"We need something to brace his arm,"

She said, scanning their surroundings for anything that could be used as a splint.

Yuna, still visibly shaken but determined, tore a strip of fabric from her shirt and handed it to Min-Soo.

"Will this work?"

She asked, her voice still wavering.

Suzuki nodded gratefully.

"It'll have to do,"

She replied, swiftly wrapping the fabric around the quiet guy's arm to immobilize it.

Meanwhile, Xiang watched from a distance, his earlier accusations momentarily forgotten in the face of the impending danger.

As Min-Soo and Suzuki worked together to relocate the quiet guy's arm, a tense silence settled over the group. The only sounds were the quiet murmurs of their efforts.

With a final, careful adjustment, Suzuki secured the makeshift splint in place.

"That should hold for now,"

Min-Soo nodded, his relief palpable.

"Did you study medicine,"

Min-Soo asked.

Suzuki stared at Min-Soo with a blank expression before responding,

"Something like that."

"Do you mind if I ask you something?"

Suzuki inquired, her voice measured and calm.

Min-Soo, puzzled by her tone, shook his head. "No, go ahead."

"Are you an enemy or an ally?"

Suzuki's eyes bore into him, her suspicion clear and unyielding.

Min-Soo was taken aback. He hadn't anticipated such a direct question from her, but he understood her caution. 

"Neither. I'm just trying to survive and get out of this place."

He answered steadily.
