

While driving I heard my phone go off and saw that it was a text from Jin-ah.

<My class is convinced that my brother has a twin😞>

<I get that we look somewhat alike, but damn.>

<After comparing you it's actually easy to tell the difference. Your eyes are naturally blue, while my brothers is gray, your hair is laid down, but spiky while Jin-woos is just puffy and messy.>

<I don't think anyone looks at us that closely.>

<I'm just analytical😤>

<I see that now. I'll call you in a few days, but for now I'm a bit busy.>

<What do you even do to be so busy?>

<I work for the association and I have to go on multiple dungeon raids. I'll be with your brother though.>

<So I'll be stuck at home again😒>

<How about after I come out, we meet up?>

<I wouldn't mind, but won't people be questioning you about me and vice versa?>

<Then I can take you somewhere private. Have you ever flew before?>

<In a plane?>

<I'll fly around with you, but it won't be in a plane.>

<You can fly?>

<In a way, yes.>

<When would you be free?>

<I'll be out if this dungeon in about two weeks.>

<Alright, but set a reminder. You might forget like my brother.>

<Forget? Nah, couldn't be me🤔>

<Set a timer🙂>

<Alright imma call you then.>

<Okay. Stay safe>


Putting my phone back in my pocket, I parallel parked in front if my apartment complex and got out of my car. In that moment, I used [Cloud Movement] and appeared next to Jin-woo.

"First let's test somethings out." I said as I brought out my system.

"Call you see it?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said.

'Thank God.' I thought with a sigh.

[No problem]

"Your system talks?" Jin-woo asked while pointing at it.

"Sometimes." I answered. Jin-woo put his hand out and I saw a key appear in it.

"Must be the key to your dungeon?" I asked.

"Yeah, but this one is different. It's like 100 worlds on each floor. I'd say it's best to kill every demon on every floor to get the best rewards." He informed me.

"I see. Well you can actually choose which dungeon you want to go in. I'm currently doing the hardest one on easy or moderate. I recommend killing monsters in the forest for a few days in there then go to the monsters around the mountain." I told him.

"I see…" He said with an absent minded look on his face.

"Next, we should see if we can give each other things." I said and opened up my inventory. I took out an S+ rank dagger I got from one of the night monsters around the mountain I killed and gave it to Jin-woo.


I had about 5 of them. It had one effect, but it was strong.

Corruption: The one cut with this dagger will gradually loose 30 points if health per second.

Of course the effect can be nullified with skills like immunity and if your resistance is too high.

"We're giving gifts?" He asked looking at me with a blank face.

"If we take the one I gave you away, I have like four of these. Plus, I had to damn near die to get them. While the effect is good I guarantee o useless when you get around the base of the mountain." I said with an awkward laugh.

"Well I was going to use these, but here." He said and handed over a duffel bag. I opened it up and saw a brown cloak that had red straps around the top and shoulders.

Along with that, there was a ring with the water attribute and items that had massive fire element defense.

"Looks like I'm getting prepared to burn in hell fire with all this." I joked. I looked up to see him looking away while laughing lowly.

"You deadass?" I asked as I looked at the cloak.

"Fuck it, I've survived worse. I think." I said as I put the cloak and ring on. He gave me the key and I told him to just press accept for him to go inside and to say ID leave to get out.

With that we nodded to each other and I twisted the key as a portal was opened out if nowhere. The wind fucked up my hair and it asked me a question.

[Where would you like to go?]

"76" Jin-woo answered for me. My body was sucked into the portal and as it closed I got to my feet and the first thing I see was buildings toppled over and completed destroyed along with fire. Fore was everywhere, but the more I looked I started to see huge creatures with red skin, horns, etc.

'He actually sent me to hell.' I said as I shook my head. For shit like this, it's better to use wide range attacks and numbers.

I guess my magic should be enough. I said as my right arm started to have arcs if lightning come off of it. My left arm had wind rotating around it and to add force I spread them out as far as I could.

I slammed my hands together as a huge wave if air and lightning flooded the the place and destroyed a huge portion of this city.

I wasn't listening to the messages about me leveling up and instead I ran in and started killing demons. While this did take time, I could get it done quickly with stamina potions, healing potions, and mana potions.

The less amount of time I had to rest, the faster I can go up in floors. In front of me was a demon bigger than the buildings it was crushing. I jumped up with my hand coiling with lightning and once close enough I punched it in the chest.

A beam of lightning shot a huge whole through its chest as I was falling back to the ground. While all of this was happening I also had to stop to said a lot of useless material like old weapons and such.

Although he did keep some interesting items, that seem to have set effects.


Name: Sung Ming-yoo

Title: Storm Gods Incarnation

Rank: National Rank

Level: 78

HP: 48,000

MP: 11,000

Strength:200 Agility: 171

Vitality: 157 Dexterity: 187

Endurance: 179

Shop SM: SP: 0 Gold: 437.2bi


—About 3 days later—

With the amount of monsters there are, I've only been able to go up four floors. Then again, I've figured out there's about 10k monsters every floor and to be doing this alone should mean something.

As of now I'm on floor 80 and the monsters are more persistent and it seems like their getting smart. If that's the case then that means there's probably a monster or group of monsters with some intelligence on this floor.

'At least the monsters are strong, so it's good for me to level up.'


(Third POV/Jin-woo)

—Base of the mountain—

Dodging to the side, Jin-woo used [Rulers Authority] and ripped the head off of a monster at the base of the mountain. Ever since he got here, the amount of the monsters have been crazy. Of course he killed them and turned them into his shadows.

Even the weaker ones, started off at B-rank. The monsters around the base of the mountain were a bit stronger than S-rank monsters. Although he was able to beat a few of them with the dagger that was given to him, he would usually come out with heavy damage.

Almost always loosing an arm. His passive skill [Kandiaru's Blessing] always grew his limbs back and after some sleep he was always back to perfect health though.

Over these three days not only has he leveled up, but his shadows have as well. All of his main shadows are Around Commander rank and they helped him get higher up the mountain.

The mountain is huge, but theirs a screen in the top right of his vision saying he's still at the base of the mountain.

"Just how big is this mountain anyway? It was hard enough to get through and deal with whatever that tornado is." He said looking back at the wall of wing, fire, lightning, and dust.

"Spike." He said as his shadow extended. Something started to rise from it and took shape. Whatever it was couldn't be described as anything other than…weird, but interestingly amazing.


"Try to work your way around the mountain. Kill what you can." He said and the monster vanished from his position. He can make around 256 shadows as if now.

"I guess I better get back to it. Come out." He said as all of his shadows filled around the mountain.

"Kill whatever you can." He said as they all vanished up the mountain. He soon followed with his dagger out.


(Ming-yoo POV)

Just as I had punched a whole in the chest of a demon, I felt the presence of about 5 demons. They were decent in strength. I dashed at them as four also ran at me. They were clad in armor and had spears as they used them to strike at my vitals.

I dodged them easily as I easily cut their heads off with one slash of my short sword. I had got it from the shop since up to one attribute can be permanently added to it.

It gave a decision between the four elements and since I already had water, lightning, and air, I chose fire. I could still use [Electric Edge] with it as well to amplify its power.


I was about to cut the head of the last one in gold armor off, but it yelled in a girlish voice.

"I GIVE UP!!" It yelled as it threw its helmet off. Under it was a demon with purple, red eyes that had red markings around and under them. She had slightly pointed ears that had golden ear rings in them along with sharp canines.

"You say you give up, but what's stopping me from killing you?" I asked.

"M-my clan is responsible for protecting this area, so we can't just let you run around killing other demons like ants!!"

"So you were just doing your job?"


"And I'm doing mine." I said about yo stab again.

"Wait, I can get you whatever you want!!"

"The permit to this floor. I want it."

"It's being protected by my clan. If you can bring me back unharmed I can get you the pass." She said.

"That so?" I asked while looking to the sky.

'I could wipe out a clan and get the pass, but she keeps saying..'

Just as I was in my thoughts, I leaned to the right as the demon passed by me. I then kicked her in the stomach and she passed out.

'Like I was thinking. I could get information in these other clans then get the entry pass, then wipe out that clan. I wonder how many levels that would raise me?' I thought as I tossed the demon over my should and continued walking.

Sometime along the way I had to sit her down to fight a horde of monsters. After dealing with them I was about to pick her back up, but saw that she was coming too.

She jumped up and I used [Magic Hands] to levitate her off the ground.

"Alright. How about I spare your life for the entrance permit?"

"I even know where the ones on the higher floors are. I'll guide you as long as you guarantee the safety of me and my clan!!" She said hurriedly.

"Tempting." I said as my eyes started to glow an a crimson red.

"How much can I trust you?" I asked as I used [Dominance] to scare her.

"I-l'm not lying." She said as she lost all color in her face. She looked to be on the verge of crying.

'Why'd anyone allow this type of demon to fight?' I thought with a sigh. I kept using [Magic Hand] to keep her levitated as I walked.

"Your one and only job is to give me directions. So, where's the permit located?" I asked.

"It's in my clans territory." She said as she started giving me directions. Along the way there were demons, but they were getting easily eradicated and I was starting to barely level up.

We got to a bridge that was over a pit of lava, flames, and what looked like monster. I was about to go and kill them, when the demon told me, her father wouldn't give me the permit if I attacked anything on his property.

Getting over the bridge I opened a huge red double door.

'A demon castle inside a demon castle…'

"Where's my father?" She asked a guard as I let her down.

"He's currently in the throne room. Lady Elis, who's that man behind you?" The guard asked.

"He's an important guest, so show some courtesy." She said as the guard immediately bowed. We walked with her leading and we got to the throne room.

It was a wide space with a red carpet that had gold lining on it. There were also guards on opposite sides of the carpet that lead to a throne. Sitting in it was a man with a mustache and thick beard. He also had pointed ears, red eyes, and sharp teeth.




"Eh? This is a guest." She said.

"…" He still held a frightened look on his face, but he also seemed to be contemplating something.

"What is it you want?"

"The entry permit and for your daughter to guid me to the rest." I answered.

"…I see."


He convinced me to have some food with them as we discussed this.

"Are you really fine with only a guide and the pass?" He asked.


'Why's he so stiff about this?'

"And you won't put my daughter in danger right?"

"Nope, who else knows were the other passes are?"

"I see." He said as a mage came with a golden tray. In the tray was a scroll in it.

"Are you able to leave right now?" I asked.

"Yes." She answered.

"Let's go."

With that we left the castel.