
Solo Leveling: E Rank Support

" If I wasn't so lazy, maybe I could have been an S Ranker by now." [ If you stop dying maybe you would.]

TOFIE · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Author Note.

[ Hi this is Tofie.]

Short summary: The edited chapter for chapter 6 has exceeded webnovels word count of 20k. The original chapter would be moved to volume 00 and the chapters posted after this note would be the edited version of the original.

Changes made in the chapter: Easier to read through, some fixed spelling mistakes, expanded content and interactions in the story.

I don't believe things have changed so much, but it would feel like a longer story.

Sorry for the inconvenience for past readers who've already read through the chapter, but I hope the added content makes up for it and feels like a different chapter than the one you had read.

Again sorry in advanced I wouldn't be posting this if there weren't a word count limit for chapters. 

I will work on the next chapter after some thoughts.