
Ch.1: Fortunate Soul




Why hello, my name is Death, no I'm not a rotting corpse or literal skeleton, I'm but a simple man with my comfortable suit on, though I may be scrawny, I don't think I'm that skinny. Anyway before I ramble on and on about my looks because you humans think that I am such a bad thing, shall we get started on what you're here for?

That's right, first the soul, you see we have a system necessarily between life and death, when you die you're soul stay's in your body, then I come and extract it and then I put them in a waiting area so to say.

Then after you're put there, you're judged based on what actions you've done, you're also judged based on your character. Lets say you killed for fun, obviously you would go to hell, now lets say you fought for your country and you killed someone when you were ordered to, you get a mark on you're soul basically telling us that you had a 'reason' to, of course this can only go on for so long. Like Hitler for example, his soul was one of the darkest I've seen, along with Stalin of course. Their beliefs destroyed way to many lives to be counted as marks, if anything it's more like their soul was chard. If you hold no Huge malice to the man you killed it would just mark your soul.

Lets just say I've found one of the purest soul's I've seen, but the thing is, It was Pitch Black. Not Chard like the others, no malice for anyone and hasn't killed a soul, his soul was one of the most wonderful things I've seen.

It also attracted attention of the Higher-Ups I work for, they proposed an idea. Send this soul into one of the other multiverses and watch what happens like those stories humans read, of course I liked this idea as well, you see I love to read when I have the time to, this soul looks extremely familiar to a character I've read about, Sung Jin-Woo also known as The Shadow Monarch. Whilst Jin Woo was a good man and only killed when needed, his power made his soul completely pitch black.

And so I just 'happen' to give him said Shadow abilities like Jin Woo. Now for the world hmm.... not to hard in the beginning but scales pretty high in the later stages of the story... wait that's most worlds, hmm... ah yes that world, Charon... where the wars between the light and dark lord happened, I remember reading so much about it, and those games about the 'gravewalker', it seems like a good place to put him for now so he can grow, and he can learn about building an army while he's there since almost everything was won with armies.

Well I guess I'll bring him here now to explain the situation and what's going to happen in the near future.


( MC POV )

Darkness is very peaceful, and right now it feel's like eternal sleep at the moment. I cant quite remember about things when I was alive, but something I do remember is the noise and the people. So loud but sometimes that's what you need, but then their loud all the time, and after years and years of dealing with people you need a brake, and darkness is my escape from society.

Not in a edgy way, more of a comfort place. Though this darkness was different from back then, right now its all consuming, back then it only surrounded me when I desired but now I couldn't escape even if I wanted to.

???- "Hello young man, could you spare me some of your spare time."

"Hmm, oh.... ok not like I have much to do"

Death- "Very well let me introduce myself, my name Death"

"Ah, hello I would introduce myself if I could remember my name but it seems I can't"

Death- "Ah yes sorry, that's something I need to fix before telling you about your predicament, but I will only give you useful information about where you're going and what you're doing"

And with the flick of his finger knowledge came flooding into my head.

"My name is.... Logan, but what about all these other things?"

Death- "Yes well I'm going to explain that, you see you're going to be sent to a world with an objective, although when you get there I'd just advise you to get stronger."

"So you're forcing me to?"

Death- "Oh no no, you can do whatever you want and you don't have a time limit or anything, it's just my tip for when you get there, because as you've seen it's quite the waring world."

"I understand what you mean but, why me?"

Death- "Because you're soul is special so to say, It's just different and got me and my higher ups attention."

"That's it?"

Death- "All there is to it. Anyway time to send you to Charon, bye bye."

As Death waved his hand I was sucked into an odd Purple Portal.

Death- "Well now I guess I just watch him on his journey."

As soon as he said that he was suddenly surrounded by furniture and a T.V. and he wasn't in his suit as he was now in a comfortable robe.

Death had a smile on his face as he said- "Now it's time to relax. When was the last time I had a vacation?"