
Solo Evolution system

Chapter 0 : The dark times and the birth of evolution. Ten years ago, the world was at peace and it was a time before the corruption had spread, before the world was ravaged by the darkness. The sun still shone brightly, and the breeze still carried the scent of flowers. People lived their lives in peace, with no knowledge of the coming storm. But then, a darkness crept into the world, a power unlike anything that had been seen before. It began in small pockets, at first only affecting animals and plants. But soon, the corruption spread like wildfire, twisting everything in its path. Natural disasters struck with greater frequency and severity, and the people began to flee in terror. Creatures, items and treasures that only exist in mythology and imagination starts appearing in the world it was a time of Chaos. As the world descended into chaos, a small group of scientists saw the destruction and knew that something had to be done. They began to study the corrupted creatures and the dark energy that controlled them, looking for a way to fight back. It was then that they discovered the ancient relics and treasures that had been hidden for centuries. These relics contained a power that could be harnessed by humans, giving them enhanced abilities and powers. With this discovery, the scientists set out to create a machine that would change the course of history. They called it the Evolution system and it was the beginning of a new era in the world.

Official_Chibuna · Fantasia
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92 Chs

Chapter 11: The Path of a Natural Evolver

In the sparse, windowless room, Master Yun and Cheol Su stood in silence for a long, tense moment. The heavy weight of expectation hung in the air like a fog, enveloping the pair.

Master Yun broke the silence, his voice echoing in the quiet space. "You are a natural Evolver," he said, his words carrying the weight of a proclamation. "Your power comes from within, from the natural energy now surging around the earth, from a fragment of your soul", not just from the evolution system you were accessed into . "The path you must take is different from that of the other students here," Master Yun continued, his voice steady and unyielding. "The methods they use to gain power will not work for you. You must find your own path. Your own way to harness and control your innate abilities."

Cheol Su nodded slowly, absorbing the gravity of Master Yun's words. He felt a flutter of nervousness in his stomach, but there was also an undeniable thrill at the prospect of charting his own path in the world of Evolvers.Master Yun's dark eyes seemed to bore into Cheol Su's soul, as if reading his thoughts. "Indeed," he said, a faint smile touching the corners of his mouth. "Your ultimate goal must be to ascend to the next level and earn a magic class. But you must understand that the journey will be different for you. There is no book, no instructor, no set of instructions that can teach you what you must learn."

Cheol Su's heart raced, his mind whirling with possibilities."You must start by mastering your own body," Master Yun said, his voice deep and resonant. "You must learn to control your breath, your muscles, your very cells, until you can harness their power at will. This will be the foundation upon which you build your abilities."

Cheol Su nodded, a determined expression settling over his face. "I understand," he said, his voice firm. "I am ready to begin."

Master Yun inclined his head in acknowledgement. "Very well. Today, you will learn the Way of the Breath.Master Yun took a deep breath, his posture straight and commanding. "For most Evolvers," he said, his voice low and measured, "they concentrate on a set out scheme of procedures labelled out years ago by powerful evolvers , it is ever sure but not simple. They also need magical potions and herbs set aside by Alchemist , allowing them to wield magic and progress along the Evolver path."

"But for you, as a natural Evolver, the power is already within you. You have no lay down access to gain it. Neither can you rely on magic potions to awaken your magic class. "The power of a natural Evolver comes from deep within," Master Yun continued, his gaze piercing. "It is part of you, as much a part of you as your very bones and blood. You must learn to tap into that power, to draw it forth and shape it to your will. But this is not something that can be taught in a classroom. It must be discovered, nurtured, cultivated like a flame in the darkness."

Cheol Su felt a surge of energy run through him, a sense of purpose and determination he had never felt before."The path you must walk will be difficult," Master Yun warned, his voice grave. "It will require dedication and sacrifice. You will need to push yourself to your limits, and then beyond. You must learn to trust in yourself, in your own abilities, in a way that few Evolvers ever have to."

Cheol Su swallowed, his gaze never wavering from Master Yun's. "I am ready," he said, his voice unwavering.

"Then we begin," Master Yun said, a flicker of admiration dancing in his eyes.And with that, Master Yun began to guide Cheol Su through the rigorous exercises of the Way of the Breath.

At first, the techniques seemed simple, even mundane. Slow, measured breathing exercises, followed by short bursts of intense physical activity. But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Cheol Su began to feel a change in himself.

It was subtle at first, a newfound energy coursing through his veins.But as Cheol Su continued to train, the changes became more pronounced. He could hold his breath for minutes at a time, his muscles felt denser and more resilient, and his reactions seemed to grow sharper with each passing day.

And then, one day, as he was practicing a complex breathing exercise, he felt something shift within him. It was as if a door had opened, revealing a vast, untapped reservoir of energy. He gasped, the air rushing into his lungs like a river, his heart pounding in his chest.When Master Yun saw the changes in his student, his expression remained impassive, but Cheol Su could see the glimmer of pride in his dark eyes.

"You have made great progress," Master Yun said, his words quiet but meaningful. "You have unlocked the first level of your inner power. With this, you are ready to begin the next phase of your training."

Cheol Su's eyes widened, the possibilities cascading through his mind. "What is the next phase?" he asked, his voice low with anticipation.

"The Way of the Chi," Master Yun replied. And with that, the training intensified. Master Yun led Cheol Su deeper into the arts of the Way of the Chi, teaching him how to harness and manipulate the life energy that flowed through all living things.

The exercises became more demanding, pushing Cheol Su to his limits and beyond. But with each session, he felt the power within him growing, the boundaries of his potential expanding.

One day, after a particularly grueling session, Master Yun turned to him with a serious expression."You have done well, Cheol Su," Master Yun said, his voice quiet but intense. "The time has come for you to test your skills in the field. A mission has been assigned to you, and I believe you are ready for the challenge."

Cheol Su's heart skipped a beat. A mission? He had never gone on a mission before. "What is the mission?" he asked, his voice betraying his apprehension.

"There is a village deep in the mountains," Master Yun replied, his face grave."The village is called Mt. Hakusan," Master Yun continued, his voice solemn. "It is said that the mountain holds a powerful energy, a rift that leads to a cavern of sorts, filled with dark and corrupted evolvers. A coven of corrupted Evolvers with a beast tamer on their side, and a army of magical beasts and undead creatures at their disposal, they have taken up residence there, preying on the villagers and disrupting the natural balance of the area."

"Your mission is to journey to Mt. Hakusan and put a stop to this coven's activities. You will be given a team of skilled Evolvers to assist you, but make no mistake, this is a dangerous undertaking." "You will be accompanied by three other Evolvers from the Blue Dragon Guild," Master Yun said, his voice steady. "Their abilities complement your own and will provide valuable support on this mission. But remember, the coven you face is not to be underestimated. Use your wits, your skills, and the power you have been cultivating to overcome them." You don't have magic class yet but put your stats to good use.

Cheol Su nodded, his mind already racing with strategies and tactics. His first quest is a dangerous one, he must do beyond his best in order to survive.