
When Dragons Fly and Rains Fall

"Even though they're called dungeon floors, not all dungeons change environments often. Shibuya Dungeon stands out globally for constantly shifting, while something like the Greenland Dungeon stays frozen from top to bottom with no changes.

The desert area in Shibuya Dungeon starts at the 68th floor and stretches to the 74th. It's just an endless, open desert with nothing in sight—no structures, no obstacles. The kind of place that saps your stamina just by walking. A nightmare for regular explorers, especially considering the trip back."

"Uh… aren't you going to say anything?"

"About walking through the desert?"

: Seriously, explain this.

: Something clearly isn't right here.

: This is why EXs are in their own world...

: Do your job properly.

: You've completely lost touch, Kisaragi.

: Get a grip, man.