

I was so excited and at the same time confused. He had a lot of admirers. He made his move and I am also confused because he is taling to girls. and I am not sure if he really like me in my best. and would be there in my worst. He had a lot of side girls as his admirers. His frienes are girls and his banter with them was a waste of time to see. It was upfront betrayal and sadness in real life. I always had love triangle and I could not avoid it because he was in conflict with me last week. and Im too demure too to make a move. I was reluctant and shy to say my feelings and to show my love because there wre eyes looking. and I am new in the city. I do not want to cause a scene and new enemies. He is really upfront telling me he is going crazy with me and my friends could see that and they couldn't believe. Myself too could not believe it..

So what will I do?? I could not stop my feelings that is why I should go with the flow too. I love myself not just because I have new love in my life but I am again being happy and smiling. I talk to my self and For no reasons I laugh alone when I am thinking about him. He is so sweet and cute and kind and funny and understanding.

But I am still observing and I love him too and I like to touch him too but I remembered I never have a love like this..I never had been inlove and open like this to a person.

Girls go to him and I couldn't avoid that. He is looking at me when he Talks to girls. I was ofcourse jealous and I am not showing it. I am also showing my Acts as Chill type only. We are talking and there is no label and ofcourse I do not want to assume.

He treats me so much sweetness that like a lover would do. Am I just assuming? Am I just again being fooled? Let us see