

  Author's POV

  (In the Music Industry)

  Eve was sent to call Eric and she was feeling nervous.

  "What is wrong with me?? She thought but she ignored the thought and went inside but Eric wasn't inside.

  "Where could he be?? She thought and then went over to his desk, she looked at the bin next to the desk and was surprised to see tissue filled with blood.

  "What is wrong with Eric?? he must really be sick??"

  Eric was in the bathroom washing his face while looking at the mirror as he recalled what the doctor said to him.

  " Eric, i am sorry to say this but you have just limited time to live, if you've treat this years ago then it wouldn't have become worse" The doctor had said.

  Tears manage to roll down his eyes as he recalled how the doctor had announced his condition, the reason why he had

  been so pale, nauseous, and experiencing horrible abdominal

  pain and muscle weaknesses over the past week.