

Love has a name can you guess what's his name? Belissima is a simple girl in love with fantasy based romance novels,what happens when a delicate naive flower like her ends up in the hands of a cunning and evil mafia boss. Love has a name and to me it's fantasy, something many writers create just to make their readers happy. Love has a name but it's something that has never existed so should it really have a name. What if it really does exist? What if I think it doesn't exist because I've just never experienced it before? ~GG~ Trigger warnings: •Mentions of rape •Panick attacks •Blood •Violence •Abuse •Incest A/N: I wrote this while doing an assignment for my teacher and I was like "wow!this should be a novel"This book is going to be a hell of a ride so stay tuned and enjoy. Btw I'm not a professional writer so sorry for the rookie mistakes,I'll get better as the story goes along ^_^ Also I am putting hard work into this book so please don't copy it, enjoy!!!

Unknown_Authur · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


Belissima's P.O.V

I love working in the library it's filled  with romance novels and I want to read each an everyone of them. I've read some about handsome mafia bosses falling in love, some about vampires saving their lovers and others about ware wolves meeting their mates.

One thing I've learnt from these books is love definitely comes with a catch, just like pyramid schemes. It's either your lover is a dying hopeless romantic or your lover is a psychopath, obsessed with avenging his dead family. But if you are really unlucky and blinded by love, your partner could end up being a blood crazed vampire!

As I entered the dark dusty gloomy, library while getting out of my head,I finally noticed how bright it was outside. I went and started up the coffee machine and got my self a steaming hot cup of milk coffee. It always got me going on Monday mornings like this one in particular. My boss Katelyne was coming in for her weekly check up on the staff. Speaking of them where were they. I looked down at my watch and saw it was only 7:30.

" Guess I'm early today,huh?" I thought to myself.

Suddenly Katelyne bursted into the door with ten white bulky plastic bags. She stood in front of me, looking tired and sleep deprived,giving me the 'are you just gonna stand there and stare at me?' look.I quickly got up from my small wooden stool and got the bags,these things weighed as much as an elephant. Her blond brows sank deep in thought as she hid her ocean blue eyes behind her eyelids. Her blond hair stood still and unmoving something rare to see as she is always flashing it around to make women envious. I wouldn't blame them,her hourglass figure and ocean blue eyes with the right outfit could pull in any man even the "loyal" ones.

There was a suffocating silence as she became deep in thought and it was killing me.

"What's in these bags Katelyne?" I asked to break the silence

"Listen Belissima these bags contain something valuable, don't lose them and don't fucking drop them you get it?" She said in an angry tone.

I nodded silently.

"Now fuck off!"she screamed .

It was really rare to see Katelyne angry,she was always bubbly and arrogant instead,but now she was acting like a bitchy boss. I rolled my eyes and went back to my desk, placing the bags under it. The morning went on as usual, drunkards entering the library and disturbing the customers,punks coming in here and getting caught spray painting the shelves, so nothing major happened considering in my neighborhood people get killed in broad daylight.

It was 12pm,my lunch break. I was packing my bag to leave when Katelyne started walking towards me in a hurry.She looked like a nuclear war was about to start.

"Get the bags," she whispered

"What?" I replied as I couldn't really hear what she said.

"Get the fucking bags Belissima!" She whispered angrily.

I quickly got the bags from under my desk and stood next to Katelyne. I was curious to see what were in the bags so I squinted my eyes after I found a hole which could help me see the contents. All I could see was a cream white power,I assumed it was a powdered milk of some sort so that's what I assumed it was,powdered milk. But why the fuck would someone want a shitload of milk?

A/N:What do you think is really in the bag?What's Katelyne up to?