
Sold To The Bastard Mafian Billionaire

In the dangerous world and games of the Mafian world, two individuals path collides and a war breaks out. Elena a promising lawyer and the secret daughter to the Russian Mafia is kidnapped and auctioned off. Does her heart tangle with her toxic owner Emiliano. Will Emiliano be able to handle the tumultuous wind coming his way as an illegitimate son?

Onuwa_Solange · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs




"Please please please" echoed in the background as the voice woke me up from my slumber. 

"Ouch!!" I sigh softly as I tried to sit up but instantly regretted it as a throbbing pain ran sharply through my head causing me to wince in pain and grabbing my head in the process, trying to massage it in an attempt to soothe the pain.

"Ahh!! Please Noo!! Nooo!!" The voice that woke me yelled again loudly causing me to shift lazily to the direction the noise came.

For a moment, I couldn't really see what was happening or comprehend where I was because my vision and mind was still blurry but everything became clear in a split second.

The voice was the struggle of a girl being gangbanged. In a second, all the memories of last night came rushing back like a movie.

My body froze suddenly and goosebumps covered every corner of me. The view in front of me wince in fear as a wave of cold air suddenly filled my body.

Where am I? What do I do now?. Ran repeatedly through my mind. I looked around to see if there was a way I could escape without distracting the room. But to my disappointment, the room was filled with other girls equally scared as me.

I sat huddled in the corner of the room, my head buried in my knees as I rocked back and forth. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks, but I couldn't muster the strength to wipe them away. All I could think about was my family, wondering if they knew I was missing, and what they must be going through.

I was so scared, I didn't know what to do.

"Ohh the blonde is up" one of them said as he had finished his round whom I recognised as the handsome bartender of last night." You are definitely one tasteful piece to devour" he said as he harshly grabbed my face forcing me to look up into his eyes which was filled with disgusting lust and desire.

"Don't you dare touch me" I barked at him and deeply bit his hands on my face ,making him wince backwards in pain.

"Fuck!! You bitch!!" He barked back, while sending a sounding punch of face and then on my stomach.

"Please, please" I cried softly as I fell to the ground grabbing my tummy and the taste of blood touched my tongue.

"You are just fucking meat waiting to be devoured" He roared loudly as he stormed me repeatedly with his feets. 

"Please, pleas-" I begged in pain as he continued stomping on me, targeting mostly my head.

Is this how I'm going to die? My life was just beginning to make sense. God please.

I cried bitterly as the pain from the stomping intensified.

Deep down I knew that if he continued like this, I was going to pass out as I couldn't contain the pain again.

"Hey!!" One of the other guys barked harshly at him, making him stop abruptly.

"Shit" I heard him curse to himself as he shifted behind in fear, leaving me covered in blood almost unconscious.

There was absolute silence for a few seconds. The only sound was from my painful sobbing, wincing and coughing.

The door cracked open and the sound of red heels walked slowly into the room. I tried opening my eyes but my lashes were filled with blood making it difficult for me to see.

"Who did this?" The voice said, it was smooth and velvety but had a sharp edge to it that sent shivers down my spine.

The room grew quiet again, followed with fidgeting coming from the men.

The sound of a sounding slap echoed suddenly through the room, sharp and stinging, charging the air with tension that the silence that followed the slap was deafening.

"I'm so.. sorry boss" the fool that hurt me stuttered as the shock of the slap was still reverberating through his skin.

"Do you know how much you just fucking caused me?" She barked loudly at him, making him stumble behind a little with his head bent.

I looked up, wincing in pain only to catch the sight of a revealing tall, slender figure clad in a black dress. The woman was breathtakingly beautiful, with flowing brown hair and piercing green eyes, but there was something menacing about her aura.

She crossed the room towards me and my breath suddenly caught up in my throat. There was a cruel, calculating expression on her face, and I knew she was the one in charge. 

I could feel the blood drain from my face as she bent down in front of me, her gaze cold and calculating.

"Clean her up" she commanded authoritatively as she stood up, about to leave." Get the girls ready in 5 minutes"

"Yes boss" All the men answered uniformly

Two huge hands dragged me roughly from the ground pulling me with them as my body staggered weakly on the rough floor.


Few minutes had passed and I was now being pushed roughly together with a group of other girls I hadn't seen in that room with our hands strapped to our backs.


"Move it" A grumpy voice roared in the back and harshly pushed the girls, making me fall to the ground which made my knees hurt badly.

We reached a dimly lit room, filled with smoke. The choking stench of smoke and alcohol churned my stomach so bad that it took everything in me to resist vomiting.

The place was filled with men and women all elegantly dressed and whores barely dressed by their sides.

Their whistling and lustly looks made instantly know what was going on. 

I was pushed roughly to the stage by one of the men and made to kneel before blindfolding me.

"Here we have a pretty one" The female voice I recognised from earlier yelled through gritted teeth.

"One of its kind, a perfect blonde, modelish body shape, twenty- two years old and to top it all Valedictorian of the year in the prestigious Harvard University" She announced loudly and paused for the message to sink in. Which it did.

Although I couldn't see right now, I could feel the lustful eyes of these old pervert men and women burning through my skin.

"$3 million is the starting price for the bidding." She yelled.

"$5 million" Someone in the crowd yelled.

"$7 million" a female voice yelled this time."I've never fucked an intelligent one before" The woman who yelled revealed, provoking laughter in the crowd.

"$8 million" another person yelled." I want her too"

I knelt down there with tears streaming down my eyes nonstop no matter how I tried to hold it back. 

My life was just getting good. Where did I go wrong?. What wrong did I do?.

I was more worried about Chloe and my family's stressed out because of me right now.

I just wanted to go home.But instead I am being auctioned like meat waiting to be bought.

"$10 million, I must have this girl" the same woman yelled, shutting off the other people.

$10 million is it then.."

I was about to be dragged off the stage when someone else made a bid.

"$70 million" A cold husky voice said.

There was a dead silence in the room instantly that the music that was playing in the background stopped.

"Are you sure sir?" The auctioneer asked to be sure.

It was shocking even for me 

"Yes I am" the voice declared again, domineering. For a moment, I wondered what someone who bid this amount of money planned on doing with me.

"$70 going at once… SOLD" She declared. Two men dragged me roughly as I was taken away from the stage.

I fell to the ground and I was pushed harshly into a room.

"Fucking bitch" the voice whom I recognised as the bartender cursed at me before banging the door behind him.

I was left in a cold room as I couldn't make out where I was because my hands were still strapped and my eyes blindfolded. 

The cold silence of the room sent shivers down my spine.

Tears continuously streamed down my eyes without stopping, my head banged like there were hitting drums on it, my heart heavy and scared of what monster bought me and what he wanted with me.

"Oh God please, I want to go home" I prayed quietly as my knees were still gummed to the ground.

The sound of the door opening made me stagger behind in fear. The strong perfume of this person mixed with the scent of the cigarette he held in his hand filled the room instantly.

His footsteps came closer and his perfume became intoxicating. I tried to move further away from him but was stopped immediately.

Silence ensued for some seconds as I felt his burning gaze on my face. He let out a puff of smoke onto my face and finally spoke.

"Hey there beautiful"