
sold the soul to Devil

jaby koi sold his soul to Devil when he was 11 years old because he wants to talk to his died parents...

D_T_7666 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


Rebeca:-- walking here and there.( in stressed).

Higher priest :--- You have only one way, today is the night of full moon You have to make that person drink your khoon and apply your blood on this spiritual knief and hit that man's body thrice And on the devil's body, the blood on the knife filled with the same blood will touch the devil's body. Due to which the person who has promised the devil will end it.

rebeca:--- okk thank you so much

in jaby' s mansion

jaby :--- aahh (painfull screams )

rebeca :--- jabyy (shout)

Rebeca did what the priest told her.It didn't take rebeca time to do that action.

Now just waiting for the devil to come and then jaby will be safe