
Sold? Oh please.

COMPLETED Jessie Marin is a popular and successful actress at the peak of her career. Until she is in a staged accident and the rest of the world thinks she's dead when in fact she's kidnapped and sold in a trafficking ring to the highest bidder. Jason Kang a wealthy business tycoon, invited by his friends to the auction house, does not intend to buy anyone. In fact, he thinks it's a disgusting thing, changes his mind when he sets his eyes on Jessie. The only problem is he fell in love with her body. Nobody, not the kidnappers or the bidders knew her identity, what happens when Jason finds out? How does he intend to keep a woman who will not be kept? And what happens when a common enemy arises? ~~~ "So what are you going to do? Yes, I escaped or rather tried too, what are you going to do?" Jessie sassed at him. Jason grinned "you're not in the least scared of me are you?" he asked. "Should I be?" Jessie laughed. "You definitely should," He said flipping over and trapping her beneath his own body. "You forget" he continued "You are a captive in this house, not a guest, not a visitor. And you won't take a step out unless I say so. So I advise you to rather stop defying me and behave." "Or what? You'll hit me?" she scoffed. "Oh, honey there are worse punishments than physical abuse," Jason said. Jessie wanted to believe he was bluffing but they were a danger, a deep rage that she saw in his eyes that terrified her. Did she want to find out what was worse than a beating? She bit her lips and tried to push him off her, but he grabbed her arms and held them above her head. Pinning them above her head with one hand and gripped her neck with his other hand. "Don't push me, Jessie, I'm trying, really trying to be good. Be careful with that pretty mouth of yours." Jason warned. "You're trying? I haven't had a proper meal in the last three days, I have no clothes and I'm sorry but I'm I supposed to look at the ceiling all day? There is nothing to do in this house." she snarled. "You say there are worse things than physical abuse what else could you possibly take from me?" Jason smiled and tilted his head as she uttered her last words. Dipping his head he sniffed her hair. Coming down lower and biting her ear lobe. He loved the way she shivered at the contact. "Oh dear Jess, there a lot of things I can take from you" He whispered in her ear. Dragging his nose the expanse of the smooth clear skin of her long neck. When he placed a feather-light kiss on her collar bone she struggled beneath him. But she was not strong enough to break out of his grip. ~~~ Feel free to message anytime on discord @ Obliviousstudent#2356. I do not own the book cover, credits to the artist.

Obliviousstudent · Urbano
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380 Chs

20. Impostor.

Jason got into his car and plugged in his phone, 'how didn't I notice it dying?' he thought.

When it came on he saw about seven missed call from Paul and Katherine. Dialing Paul he started the car and drove out of the building.

"Jason what have you been doing? I've been trying to reach you for a while now." Paul said from the speaker.

"Yeah, my phone died. What's wrong? You called so many times." Jason asked.

"That woman isn't Jessie Marin. Jessie Marin the actress is dead." Paul said.

"What? Is that even possible?" Jason asked. "Are you sure?"

"No he's not" Katherine said from the background. "Jason send us the address were you dropped her off."

" Uh... I dropped her off in the middle of the road I don't think that's going to help." He said.

"You dropped her in the middle if the road? You dropped a beautiful woman in the middle of the road in the middle of the night?" Katherine asked saying it as more of a statement.

"Paul" Jason called to his friend.

Katherine shook her head, Jason always did this, whenever he was wrong and she gladly called him out on it he involved Paul to silence her. Well too bad not this time, Paul didn't have that right anymore. Ignoring Paul pleading gaze she spoke,

"Look here Jason. Not only did you ruin that woman's life by kidnapping her or aiding it. You left her to fend for herself in the middle of the street while you were having a nice time dining with the devil." She scolded. "I do not for one minute believe that Jessie Marin is dead or a killer, you just dropped my favourite actress in middle of the road, in a country with mad and crazy fans enraged by the news!"

"Katherine I already told you, Jessie is dead. That woman is an impostor." Paul argued.

"Actually I agree with Katherine, I don't think she was lying. Katherine Google her address and send it to me asap." Jason said.

"Sure thing." Katherine said pulling out her phone.


Johnathan played with his pen as he stared into space, thinking about the last conversation he had with his father. He was sitting in an office right below his brother's, an office that now belonged to him.

His father probably gave him the office right below Jason's to show him were his place really was in the family. He had been in the country for almost two weeks now and he still hadn't met Jason. He didn't know if he was ignoring him or was just oblivious to him being around. Two weeks he was already C.O.O of the company. He was an architect he had no idea or information what so ever about how to even start a business. And he had to manage a multibillion dollar enterprise.

"Mr Kang?"

He looked up at his secretary Krystal. "You're still here? It's pretty late." He said.

"Oh, it's okay, besides it's in my job description not to leave before my boss." She smiled.

Jonathan tilted his head and smiled at her, "Well I guess I'm being a heartless boss yeah?"

"Oh no not at all, I can understand that you're also shocked by the news? I couldn't do anything properly through out today." She sighed .

Jonathan was confused at first but when he followed her gaze to the tv he understood what she meant. The dead actress, he looked back at his secretary and chuckled at her expression.

"You must have been a good fan." He said.

She nodded. "I'm the president of one of her fan clubs" She frowned. "You can't tell anyone that!" she said quickly realising her error.

Jonathan laughed, " don't worry your secret is safe."

"It's just too unbelievable honestly. Jessie would never do something like this. Granted she wasn't the nicest person but she had the kindest heart and she valued her fans." Krystal frowned.

"Are you crying?" Jonathan asked noticing a tear drop rolling down her cheeks.

"What?" Krystal turned to look at him, wiping her face. She rose her big glasses and sniffled wiping her eyes carefully so as not to ruin her mascara.

"I'm sorry, I'm being so unprofessional right now aren't I? Forgive me." She pleaded.

"It's okay, someone special to you just died and you realised she was not what she said she was, infact she was a killer. You must feel betrayed so it must hurt." Jonathan gave her comforting smile.

"I don't believe she killed that driver, it's not true." Krystal said in a warning tone.

Jonathan raised his brows at his secretary, he tilted his head to the side and rubbed his chin. 'This is bound to be interesting' he thought.

"How sure can you be? Surely you can never truly know a person, am I right? She was a model to the world but you can't really know her personally." Jonathan said.

"That not true! I know her, I may just be a fan, but I know her. Would a killer visit a sick fan, or would she own an orphanage?" She asked

Jonathan rolled his eyes. "Do you not know what good publicity is? You can't be that naive."

"I'm not naive, I'm trusting. And I've never been wrong to put my trust in a person, Jessie Marin was real, unlike other actresses she didn't hide her real personality and she has great talent." Krystal said. "Besides, why would I believe anything this news is saying, Patricia Lee is the only witness that alone is enough to cause suspicions" She continued.

Jonathan watched his secretary speak about an actress with so much passion. The passion of a real fan, he saw it first hand today.

"Why don't you believe Patricia Lee?" Jonathan asked.

"Are you Kidding me? She is always after Jessie, and the funny thing is that she couldn't even hold a candle to Jessie's talent." Krystal scoffed. "She always wanted to have Jessie's fame and love."

"I thought they were really good friends, I see many posters of them, aren't they co-star in that hit comedy show?" Jonathan said.

"Oh please, that's just acting. We all know the truth." Krystal shook her head.

"Alright, alright. Whatever you say JM fanatic."


"You know Jessie Marin fanatic. That's what I'm going to call you from now on." Jonathan said.

"If you think that's an insult or a tease you are mistaken sir, infact I appreciate it." She smiled.

Jonathan shook his head, picking up his jacket he handed her his suitcase and they walked out of the office.


I introduced another character hope it's not getting too confusing?

Anyway vote comment and have a wonderful day, God bless.

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