
Chapter 49 : Back Home


I woke around 4:00 a.m., taking a hasty shower and readying for my journey. The last three years of my life were packed in boxes and stacked in a pile next to the front door of our apartment, waiting for the postman to pick them up later in the day.

I wouldn’t come back here. Maybe to visit, maybe, but otherwise, this chapter of my life had closed. I looked around the living room and kitchen as I slung my duffle bag over my shoulder, taking it all in–the twinkling lights that hung over the window, the pothos vines that climbed up the brick wall in the living room, the empty bottles of wine and pizza boxes in the kitchen.

Heather and Viviene were still asleep. We’d said our tearful goodbyes last night. They thought it would be for a long time, but they were wrong. I slid two envelopes on the kitchen counter, one for each of them before I headed out the door.