
Chapter 46 : Too Sweet

**Rosalie’s POV

My first ever fight with Ethan ended on good terms. I was no longer grounded in my room, but in return, I had a total of four guards with me at all times.

Georgia stuck her head around my door smiling at me. “You ready?”

I slid on my shoes and grabbed my bag. “Let’s go.”

The guards didn’t hesitate when I informed them Georgia was merely taking me on an afternoon walk on the ground floor like usual. Estrella made it known that exercise was important during pregnancy, and if I wanted easy labor, I would need to walk more.

“Georgia, where are we going? This isn’t the way...”

“Shhh! Do you not want to go to the market?”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s an outdoor space within the enclosure of the capital walls. The castle estate completely surrounds the market. Once a month, local people come to sell whatever they have to those of high society.”