
Chapter 44: Chased

My first thought was that we needed to start walking, that we needed to get out of there and see if we could make our way back to the castle. I had no idea what might happen down there in that cave. We moved to the mouth of the cave, but that was all of the movement I could get from Warren with his injuries, so we stopped and sat down so I could figure out what to do next.

In one direction, it was nearly pitch black, and the edge of the cave seemed to be surrounded by forest. On the other side, I could see the night sky and thought that might be the way to go. While there were still trees in that direction, at least it wasn’t as thick as the path to my right.

For now, we were cold and wet. A fire would be nice for us to sit next to and dry off. I would reassess the situation after that.

With the woods nearby, I was able to gather some wood and kindling. My hands were trembling slightly, so it wasn’t easy to get the fire going, but eventually, I managed to get a spark.