
Chapter 32 : I'm Not Afraid

For once in my life, I was at a loss for words.

I couldn’t do more than stare at Jared, who was staring back at me. I was sure our expressions were identical, full of disbelief, concern, regret… maybe even some underlying deeply rooted longing that had led us into bed after the ball. But still, this was insane.

“That temple in the city, near the wall… it wouldn’t be hard to pay off the priest. Archer and I saw him at a tavern on our first night here,” Brandt continued. Now he was the one pacing. “We’d have to back-date it, of course. By six months to a year at least–”

“No,” Jared and I said in unison, cutting him off.

“This is our best option,” Brandt continued, tapping his fingertips on his thigh. “Our only option.”