
Chapter 16 : All I Could Feel Was Him


I wanted nothing more than to crawl into my sleeping bag and close my eyes. I was exhausted. I truly hadn’t slept much at all over the past week. This was not at all how I’d envisioned my time spent on my field study.

I was meant to be researching the plant samples and soil, determining the best course of action for the area to not only improve their harvests but also gather information on the area’s flora as a whole to add to my report that I was required to turn in to Morhan.

Instead, I found myself sitting on the edge of the bed I shared with Xander, unwinding his bandages.

“It looks so much better,” I whispered, in awe of the abrupt change taking place on his skin. I’d expected the wound to be large based on the damage it had done to his body, but it was small, just a few teeth marks where the swelling had gone down.