
Chapter 102 I love you, Rosalie

**Rosalie’s POV

A phone was ringing.

It had been ringing for several minutes, and it woke me from my sleep.

I heard it from my bedroom, even though I was fast asleep, and even though it sounded like it was coming from far away.

Thinking it was Soren’s phone, and he would eventually wake up and answer it, I tried to ignore it, but eventually, when he didn’t, I sat up and rubbed my eyes, deciding I’d go investigate.

Pushing my feet into my slippers, I put my robe on and headed into the other room.

Soren wasn’t on the couch. The kitchen clock showed it was already past midnight.

That was weird.

“Soren?” I called, not loud enough for the guards outside to hear and know that there was a problem, but loud enough that he should’ve been able to hear me if he was in the house.

There was no answer.

“Soren?” I called, a bit louder.

I went and looked in the bathroom, but he wasn’t there either.

He didn’t seem to be anywhere.