
SOLANGELO!!!!! (reopened!!)

I just finished rereading the Heroes of Olympus series and decided to write a three days in the infirmary fanfic with a twist. Instead of the war with Gaea already being over Will had immediately brought Nico to the infirmary. Reyna's quest did succeed but Gaea hasn't woken yet as they arrived early. The seven are still gone but the first of August (I think that's the right month) rapidly approaches. Also before this fanfic Nico has never met Will (I know contradicts to basically the whole Riordanverse sue me) but Will already knew Nico from watching him. The cover is not mine.

Genderfluidcat37 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


The only thing I could think of when the earthquake started was I needed to get to the infirmary. The cabin seemed fine so I instructed my siblings to stay put and left Kayla in charge. When I arrived at the infirmary the ceiling was caving in. I only had a few seconds. I tried to help everyone out and made it back just in time for when it collapsed in a cloud of dust and dirt. The huge figure of Gaea had risen and the seven were working to defeat her. I saw Nico head towards them and grabbed his wrist, pulling him back.

"Don't" I said "This isn't our battle and you're in no condition to help."

"I have to help him." He cried "Please. I can't lose another person close to me."

"No. You can't go."

"Solace let me go." Nico's tone darkened

"I can't let you hurt yourself. That's my only job."

I held on to him as dark thunder clouds covered the sky. A huge lightning bolt struck Gaea. She swatted a figure I presumed was Jason, son of Jupiter, out of the air. My healer instincts told me he wouldn't survive. Knowing Gaea was defeated when Nico tried to pull out of my grip I let him go. I watched him rush forward before turning and heading back to my cabin. Luckily the cabin was still intact and nobody was injured. All the younger children had crowded around Kayla's bunk and looked terrified. I couldn't blame them. I was supposed to be the oldest and have the answers to everything but right then I just wished Michael Yew were there so I wouldn't have to be in charge. We all remained silent, unsure what to say. Rose was the first to speak.

"Is it safe?" She asked her voice full of fear

"I think so." I answered "Do you remember Jason?" They all nodded "He defeated Gaea but probably lost his life in doing so. He will be remembered as a hero."

"Will you tell us a story?" One of my siblings asked

"A story about what?"

"A story about Jason." Another one answered

"I didn't know him very well. I don't think I could properly honor him."

"Can you at least try?"

I shrugged and began my story. When I finished we sat for a moment of silence before I ushered them off to training. They had to stay prepared even if we had just won a war. On the way out the door Kayla caught my arm.

"Hey Will." She said "I know that he's probably not in a great place but since the infirmary's gone you should let Nico out."

"Yeah I was probably going to have to anyway." I said "I'll check up on him regularly so we don't have to worry about anything bad happening under our control."

She nodded and I headed off to find him. I spotted him in the first place I checked, the steps of the Big House. Jason's body lay next to him and tears streamed down his face. I walked towards him.

"Nico you're supposed to be in the infirmary but it collapsed so you're free to head back to your cabin." I said "The only condition is you have to let me come check on you three times a day."

He nodded but didn't move.

"Nico, you have to leave him." I said calmly

He shook his head and I rested a hand gently on his shoulder. He brushed it away and glared at me. His face was tinted red from crying. As I glanced into his eyes I could almost see how broken he was. He had lost his mom, sister, and best friend. I couldn't just leave him alone. I sat next to him and we stayed there together in each other's company until it was time for the funeral.