

"Get lost" she yelled, his jaws dropped, "Why are you still staring at me, Oh, I almost forgot that you're not only dumb but deaf as well, I said you should get your filthy disgusting self out of my sight right at this moment" He stood up, his pupils dilated before he turned and left her A tear fell from her amber eyes but she quickly wiped it off, stood up and left with her bag Erica is a 16 year old teenager, her parents died in a terrible car accident when she was 5 and left her in a cold and heartless world with properties and finances which she had no idea on how to deal with, she experienced the harshness of the world at such a tender age which made her cold,sharp-tongued and ruthless till she met someone who changed her into someone she never wanted to be

Wildstar20 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


At the cafeteria, Erica could be seen sitting alone, browsing through her phone while dealing with vegetables and steamed fish

When suddenly a girl appeared from nowhere and sat next to her "I hate you" the girl said to her "I love you" Erica replied

Freda Wayne, A girl of 17 yrs old, Optimistic and Outspoken, Erica's one and only best friend, Living happily with her dad who was not very rich and not very poor

She got mad at Erica for rejecting her calls and not seeing her ever since she came to school

"First of all, why did you reject my calls?" She questioned her as she ate one of her fish,

Erica looked at her "You know I hate sharing, you can go and get yours" Erica said,

"Well baby, I won't stop till you give me a valid reason why you rejected my calls" Freda replied,

Erica glared at her and she grinned at Erica, "I wasn't feeling too well that's why" Erica said,

"Oh my God, The Great Erica Scott isn't feeling well, Well that's the more reason why you should have called or answered my calls so that I can take care of you"

"Well sorry honey, remember I told you to give me a valid reason, your reason is invalid and unreasonable" Freda said as she finished the last piece of fish

"I hate you" Erica said,Freda shined her white teeth at her "I love you" Freda replied as she took her school bag and left the cafeteria

"Uhh, I seriously hate that girl, I mean how can she finish my dish, and I will look like a foodie if I go over to the caterer demanding for more food" Erica sighed before she took her bag and went back to her classroom

Soon she overheard students gossiping among themselves " Did you check the information board" Danielle, the shortest among the three said

" Yes, the school is embarking on a camping trip, OMG! I'm so excited" the average one named Mira said

"You can't be serious, It's been like forever since our school went on a camping trip, I can't wait" the third one named Tina giggled.

'Erica, have you finally lost it, why are listening to those rats, focus on what you're doing, It's not like you're going for the camp anyway' Erica scolded herself inwardly as she continued scribbling down things on her book, she looked down at her wrist and caressed the bracelet wrapping loosely around her wrist, she didn't want to remember him but she couldn't control her mind, she continued with what she was doing when her saucy bestie came and abruptly sat beside her

"Oh my goodness, Erica, Erica ,Erica, I can't believe this" Freda jubilated

"Hey noisy cat, I know you don't have any respect for me but at least have some respect for my name, Who calls a name like that" Erica said to her

" Come on honey, don't be such a party pooper, well no matter how much you try to make me angry, you can't kill my spirit because I'm way too happy to be mad right now"

"Let me guess, the extra magnificent school camping" Erica said as she rolled her eyes "Yeah baby, and it's next two weeks, I can't wait, we gotta go for shopping tomorrow"