
The ignorant and the change

On New Island, deep in the ruins of team rockets secret science lab, a pale pink and purple coloured Pokémon sat on a chair observing a giant monitor-like screen that flickered with a shade of green. Next to him, a woman, dressed in goth colours, a white cloth over her head, and murky eyes, like she wasn't all there.

Mewtwo frowned suddenly as he looked at the screen. Dragonite had just handed the letter and left when a silver flash of light blinded the recipients. But the screen Mewtwo was staring at didn't suffer the same fate. He intensely stared at the silver robot speeding past, grabbing the letter and leaving before the blinding effect wore off. Well, more like it was the blinding effect.




It continued to switch to different screens showing different individuals or groups of people. all of them suffered the same fate. As soon as they were handed a letter, they would be blinded, the letter would be taken, and nobody saw a thing.


Mewtwo slammed his hand down on his armrest out of rage.

He glared at the screen ready to crush it to smithereens when a text swapped out the visual of the kids recovering from the blinding effect.

[You wish to prove yourself, to demonstrate your power. To establish a new world order, yet you know nothing of the current one. Ignorant of the secrets known only to so few. A power, greater than any other, a power with the ability to make real change. Do you wish for it? do you hunger for it? you claim to be the best yet only experienced so little. You have been blinded by the darkness of reality, unable to perceive the light even when it shines right before you. 2 days from now, you shall regain sight, and with it, you shall observe true power. Be prepared.]



The screen shut off before blowing up.

There was a long period of silence.

Mewtwo's eyes were still locked in the broken screen. Who was this person? They seemed to have the answers he so desperately sought. He had always been spiralling down a never-ending chasm of despair. Wandering around aimlessly in search of his life's meaning.

Why was he born, for what purpose was he born? Those questions continued to plague his thoughts like weeds. He tried to work with humans, but they were disappointing, their cruel, greedy and destructive nature with complete disregard for the lives of Pokémon disillusioned him. If it was to be left unchecked, the world would be destined for ruin.

Such an inferior and weak species could never be in charge of the world. But neither could these subservient Pokémon who let them govern in the first place. He simply could not tolerate that. He would take action against those who created him, he felt disgusted with anything related to his creation.

And humans being the primary conspirators in the atrocity they had created would suffer the greatest calamity. He would gather the genes of every Pokémon and create better, stronger and smarter versions of them. And with their help, he would create a new world order.

He would start with the trainers that showed some potential and were gullible enough to fall for his schemes.

And then, not only clone them but enhance them as well.

Yet his plan now seems to have been ruined by these silver creatures. And now this text on the screen had given him clues about the information he had been craving for. This person knew of his origins, maybe they could answer the questions he so desperately wanted answers to. But they also alluded to something beyond his current view, they stated that he was only seeing a part of a whole, that he was missing something. Something important.

He craved for this secret, maybe it would give him insight into a better truth so that he could better grasp the reality presented to him. He exhaled while staring at the broken screen with a deep gaze.

(We shall see what you have in store for me)


The days went by quickly, Rex had nothing to do during these two days, he spent his time drinking tea while listening to Giovanni and Gaia talking about the intricacies of certain projects, their flaws, how to remedy them, when they should be released, at what price and targeted towards what audience. Marketing naturally attended the last two since this was their specialty.

Rex didn't speak much these days, only when necessary. Solemnly did he say anything, but when he did, it was very effective at carrying the intended meaning. He gave his ideas in a timely fashion when they found it difficult or stuck on a certain area or issue.

Giovanni noticed this, that the kid he had been with seemed to have gone through a small change. Before he was cocky and loud, as seen during their initial conversation between Rex and Spade. Rex made no effort to conceal his intentions or words.

He was confident but slightly reckless with no care for subtlety. But looking at him now, he seemed to have somewhat matured. But in a very specific way. He was far quieter and much harder to get a read on.

If the previous Rex was a confident a cocky kid, the current Rex was a young man who had calmed down by several degrees.

Rex himself was only half aware of this. What he was currently doing was practising. To be specific, he had decided to carry himself in a more restrained manner. This was because he felt that he needed to be less childish when it came to how he approached planning and enacting his thoughts into actions. He himself recognised he was arrogant, easily blinded by sudden gain, impulsive and lacked the self-restraint to look at the bigger picture in order to maximise the benefits.

He had experienced the consequences of that too many times on his journey already. The first time he changed this was during the meeting, he saw the bigger picture, as if it was right in front of him. And he acted accordingly based on his looks, age and the circumstances around the meeting and their lack of information on him to manipulate their perception of himself to his advantage. This momentary shift in mentality brought him so much gain.

The league went from a business partner to a charity on this metal shift alone. The benefit of controlling and restraining his impulsive thoughts and reckless side was something worth investing into.

But naturally, breaking habits takes a long time. and therefore, one must practice and stay adamant on their journey toward change and progression. Furthermore, he understood the difference between harnessing the power of a calm, calculative and manipulative mindset and going too far leading to eventually being swallowed up by it permanently.

Yet his ultimate goal from this wasn't to become a cold emotionless prick. He hated such people. But a calm and silent person gained more than a loudmouth.

'Who said it best? Ah! A fish with his mouth closed never gets caught.' He recited silently to himself.

Those who tend to speak too much end up spilling more than they intended. Whether that was willingly or not, consciously or otherwise, smart people could take advantage of that for their benefit.

Yet this loudmouth part of him did still have its uses when tricking people into believing that's the real him in order to gain more later. It was a long-term personal project he set for himself.