
Setting everything up

Everyone was incredibly happy with their pokeballs. Rex had a ton of materials he was experimenting with to create even more powerful Pokémon or tech. They spent the night having a blast before going off to bed.

the next day

"It's going to be about 5-6 days before I get to Viridian city. It's already been about a week. Elesa has already been waiting for the past two days." He mumbled to himself.


Two days ago



"Elesa! How was everything?" Rex asked with a happy smile on his face.

"Everything was easily cleared up. Dad is dead and my sisters are coming with me to Kanto." She said to his shock.

Rex was speechless for a moment.

"Y-You killed you father?" he asked cautiously.

"Nah, he killed himself after I castrated him and took his entire fortune." She said casually.

Rex unconsciously closed his legs shut as his face turned pale as a sheet of paper.

'And I thought I was a monster,' he thought seriously.

[I say it was the least she could have done considering she was about to be sold to another man for her father's profit.] Gaia chimed in.

'I do not disagree with you at all. It's just shocking that she was able to go that far.' He thought in his mind.

"So, did you have to use my Pokémon?" he asked curiously.

"No, there was no need to in the end. Although there was the usual number of guards, there were some new ones that were hired by my dad. They were much stronger and more skilled than the usual guards. If it wasn't for Zapdos's increase in strength, I would have had to use it." he said calmly.

Rex nodded; he wasn't too surprised considering the boost Zapdos had to his overall stats. Not to mention his ability.

"So how did you go about it? tell me in detail." He said with curiosity.

"Sure, so as soon as I arrived the guards stopped me at the gate. They quickly informed my father of my arrival. It didn't take long for him to get there, and we had an argument. He had a smug look as if expecting me to cave in.

He was pretty mad when I said I would refuse his offer. He then said he was going to force my sisters into an arranged marriage with some of his friends. Initially, I wanted to see if he would really go through with it. call it my naiveness or senseless hope, but I thought that maybe, just maybe, he would the heart to spare my sisters. But it seems I expected too much from him.

There was no room for conversation anymore, I got Zapdos to take down all the guards. I told Zapdos to keep the voltage down against those people. They were simply paid to do their job. They had no say in any of this.

But my father, I had zapdos overflow his entire body with electricity. Zapdos is incredibly adept and masterful in his control, so in the end, my dad wasn't able to move below the waist for the rest of his life. His organs experienced severe damage and are incredibly prone to malfunction.

I then put him in a wheelchair and took him to our house where I took his entire life's work and crashed it into the ground. My sisters also took great pleasure in the old man suffering. I then took all the family money and left. It was pretty straightforward. As we were walking out we heard a single gunshot from the house. We knew he had killed himself. I didn't have the courage to do it myself." She said with a sigh at the end.

There was a small bout of silence as Rex processed everything.

"Are you ok?" he asked cautiously and in a soft voice.

"Not really, I just burnt down my family home where I grew up in, I killed my father indirectly and I don't know where to go from here. I feel… oddly lost at the moment." She said as her voice began to choke up.

Rex knew it was better that she releases all this than to bottle it up.

"What are you talking about? Of course, you know where to go." He said confidently.

"W-Where?" she asked.

"The Unova league. Aim for the champion seat. Focus on your modelling, you have a whole life ahead of you Elesa. This may have been an incredibly hard thing for you to do. But now, you are finally free. no longer are you a caged bird with clipped wings.

For now, come back to Kanto. We'll figure out the small details when we're together. Bring your little sisters along as well." He suggested.

There was a long silence.

"… thank you, Rex," she said emotionally.

"You don't need to worry about it. I'll see you in Viridian city in a couple of days." He said calmly.

"…Ok, take care."


"*sigh* this is going to be a big change for her. But it is necessary if she wants to move on. System, I think it's time we started our plan. By the building we'll be using as our business headquarters please."

[on it. would you like to start the hiring process?]

"Yes, but don't open shop until after the league. Do it slowly. I want quality over quantity. Use whatever tricks you need to in order to convince them. Whether that's money or whatever. Start hiring in the Pokeball sector first. We'll need factories close by. Then go on to the movie sector. Get the right directors and start writing the scripts according to my memory. Substitute the necessary parts with elements of this world to make it more impactful. You know all this better than I do." He said calmly.

[Roger. Everything will be done and ready to launch as soon as you have won the league.]

"very good."