
SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world

What would you do if you had the chance to go to a world of your choosing with the perfect start and unlimited possibilities? well, that is what our MC received. This is a story following the birth of the strongest trainer to ever walk the planet. going region by region, league by league, champion by champion in order to chase after his ever-fleeting sense of accomplishment. Fans scream out his name every time he enters the arena, opponents forfeit when they meet his gaze, his combat style, unforgiving to even the smallest of mistakes. Soaring above the sky itself his figure fades from the eyes of all those who he has defeated, never to catch up. Will there ever be anyone equal to him? join the discord https://discord.gg/ZexRV5gqu9 hey guys this is my first ever fanfic and novel in general, I'm not doing this seriously just for fun. i did take inspiration from various works like "journey towards greatness" since I like their way of doing it. Not a Harem!!!!! i don't own any of the characters except OC's and I do not own the cover of the novel

Plug_O_Stien · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
242 Chs

Emitonal Roller Coaster

In the middle of the barren land stood two Pokémon of contrasting colours. One was bright green and the other was black as the abyss. They both stared at each other for 5 seconds before they fell simultaneously. Rex was shocked, this was the first time Machoke had fainted in a battle against another trainer. Rex was running towards Machoke when he saw him raise an arm. Machoke now had a severe purple undertone amidst his black colours. The poisoning was immense.

Machoke pushed himself off the ground using his arms with his sheer willpower. He was screaming in an attempt to increase his power before finally managing to get to his knees where he stopped. He looked at Rex before raising his arms in victory. Rex smiled helplessly at the guy, he never wanted to be outdone, but before he could step forward, Machoke spat out blood and dropped to the floor.

Rex's mind blanked for a second before a surge of immense power came through him before blasting towards Machoke. Rex put his arms under Machoke and attempted to feel his pulse.

*Budump… *Budump… *Budump…

It was incredibly faint, but he was alive. Rex shed a tear before sighing in relief. He raised his head and gazed at the frozen commander who stood there like a statue under his vicious look. He pulled out a Pokeball and threw it out, a massive blood-red Gyarados came out and looked around before seeing Machoke in Rex's arms.

Gyarados froze and stared at Rex in questioning, Rex nodded towards the commander with a vicious glare. Gyarados turned his head and released his intimidate to the maximum. The commander who was barely able to cope under Rex's gaze finally couldn't resist any longer and collapsed on his knees.

Rex "Gyarados, kill him," he said calmly, it was so calm it sent a shiver down the back of everyone present. Gyarados didn't even hesitate and sent a hydro pump so thin that it was hard to see, yet it was so fast it threatened to break the sound barriers and immediately reached the commander. Gyarados moved his head sideways which made the hydro pump cut horizontally, essentially beheading the man.

The commander's head flew from his head and into the sky. The panic and shock on his face were still painted on his pale face as his eyes turned cold and lifeless. Rex stared at the body without blinking, etching this into his brain. Whoever threatened to kill his family would die.

Gyarados didn't even blink an eye either, even though this was the first time he had killed someone, this guy had almost killed his senior brother and friend, that was unforgivable. Rex told Gyarados to gently carry Machoke to the Pokémon centre at his fastest speed.

Reaching the Pokémon centre Rex burst through the door which attracted the attention of everyone present. He didn't care at all he was carrying the barely living Machoke in with his full strength.

Rex "I don't care what you are doing, save my Pokémon now!" he yelled at the rushing nurse Joy. Nurse Joy looked at Rex who had a grim face as he carried Machoke in.

Nurse Joy "What happened to him?" she said hurriedly

Rex "poisoned severely, weak pulse, unconscious," he said quickly. Nurse Joy nodded seriously and got a stretcher on wheels before taking Machoke away. Rex looked at their backs until they were no longer visible before a vicious murderous look could be seen on his face.

Rex walked back out and headed towards the Pokémon tower while pulling two pokeballs out. Scyther and Onix.

Rex "Onix head towards the back of the tower and create a big hole in the ground. Scyther you go inside the Pokémon tower and collect all the bodies as fast as you can, you have three minutes." He said sternly with no room to complain. His Pokémon had never seen him like this and didn't complain and rushed forward.

Rex walked into the tower and headed to the top floor where Mr Fuji was since he needed to make sure to entertain them until Scyther was done. Making his way up the stairs to the 6th floor Rex noticed something or someone directing their gaze at him, it was intense and full of curiosity and passion. Rex didn't know what was going on but made sure to make a mental note of it and take care of it when he went down again.

He soon arrived back at the 7th floor to find a crying Cubone, an illusory Marowak and a teary-eyed Mr Fuji. It seemed that they had finally reunited, and it was a bittersweet moment, especially for Rex who had almost lost his best friend.

Rex looked on from a distant corner in order to not intervene with the special moment, after all, it would be annoying if a stranger burst into the middle of it, ruining their moment entirely. Soon the Marowak disappeared as it embraces Cubone one last time. The emotional tears from Cubone along with its begging screams pulled at Rex's heart. It made him remember all the times he spent with Machoke, and he couldn't really imagine a time without him, after all, they were especially born at the same exact time.

When everything calmed down and Cubone embraced Mr Fuji as he continued to cry, Rex made his presence known by coughing lightly. Mr Fuji flinched slightly and looked over before sighing in relief.

Mr Fuji "Thank god you are safe, I thought that it was those team rocket punks again," he said with an embarrassed look.

Rex "Such little confidence, if I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were hoping for my defeat," he said in a teasing voice.

Mr Fuji "no-no that's not it, I wou-," he stopped halfway when he realised Rex was pulling his leg.

Scyther appeared next to Rex and told him everything was ready. Rex nodded and looked towards Mr Fuji.

Rex "it is all clear down there, be careful of the occasional ghost Pokémon but apart from that it should all be safe," he said with a warm smile.

Mr Fuji "that's great, what about you though?" he asked curiously. Rex shook his head with a smile.

Rex "I have something to take care of before leaving."

Mr Fuji "I see that Pokémon that man was talking about, right? I can safely tell you that it was just marowak's soul looking for Cubone," he said with a smile.

Rex "If that's the case then it will be a quick search, nonetheless I would still like to search," he said with a mysterious smile as he quickly peeked at a corner in the room. Mr Fuji didn't notice anything and only sighed before nodding.

Mr Fuji "thank you young man come by my Pokémon house later, I have a gift for you as a token of my gratitude," he said kindly before descending the stairs. Rex was intrigued about what it could be but before doing that he sat down on the box the commander was previously sitting on and stared at the corner that had a flickering shadow.

Rex "Come out, there is no point in hiding anymore I've found you," he said with a grin. But the thing that emerged from the shadows shocked Rex to his core.

Rex "H-How can you be here?" he asked getting up from the box with a jump.