
So, It Turns Out I'm the Immortal Cultivator

Li Jiudao crossed into the world of cultivation, but lacking the aptitude for cultivation, he could only be an ordinary person. With no other choice, he accepted his fate, passing the time by fishing, writing, and painting. Little did he know that the small cat who occasionally came to him for fish was actually a white tiger in its true form, a generation's demon emperor. The white-haired old man who competed with him in calligraphy was an ancient powerhouse. The enchanting woman who begged him daily to paint a portrait was a worldly immortal. Li Jiudao was dumbfounded. "So, it turns out I'm the Immortal Cultivator?"

MirrorForFuture · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

The Prosperity of My Taihua Sect

Li Jiudao prepared six dishes and a fish soup. Before he could start eating, Lu Liang brought these dishes to the table energetically. The old man had an impressive physique.

Li Jiudao was stunned by what he saw. Lu Liang didn't look like someone who had suffered a severe injury. He carried the dishes to the table with more stability than a young person.

"Do you drink, old man?" Li Jiudao asked as he lifted a wine jug and placed wine glasses on the table. This was his homemade wine, and he used to enjoy a glass or two in his leisure time.

Lu Liang shook his head and replied, "I never drink, sir."

"Alright then." Li Jiudao didn't insist and uncorked the jug, pouring a glass of wine. The wine was clear as crystal, exuding a rich aroma. Lu Liang's expression immediately changed.

This wasn't just ordinary wine; it was the kind that transcended the mortal realm. Lu Liang regretted his decision deeply. Just the scent of the wine accelerated his spiritual energy flow and increased his strength. What would happen if he actually drank it?

"Um... Sir, can I have a glass?" Lu Liang's face turned red with embarrassment. He had initially declined the offer to drink, and now he was asking for it.

"Haha," Li Jiudao chuckled. "Of course, you can."

He poured a glass for Lu Liang, who expressed his gratitude and took a sip. However, as soon as the wine entered his mouth, he felt like he was drinking molten lava. His stomach churned, and his internal organs seemed to be burning. His skin turned red.

"I've been too hasty... How could I down a glass of wine from Grandmaster Da Neng?" Lu Liang exclaimed as he slammed his hand on the table and fell over, drunk. The potency of the wine was overwhelming.

"You really can't hold your liquor, old man," Li Jiudao said, disappointed. Lu Liang had claimed not to drink, and now he was knocked out after just one glass.

"Well, it's understandable. Who can resist the temptation of my wine?" Li Jiudao's brewing skills were extraordinary, and his wine was almost like an elixir. Not many could resist such temptation.

"Looks like the old man won't have the pleasure this time. No worries, I'll make more for him when he wakes up."

He helped Lu Liang onto the bed, covered him with a blanket, and then returned to continue his meal.


In the Green Mountains, a group of hunters gathered around the corpse of a giant tiger that resembled a small mountain. They were all wearing worried expressions.

"What kind of beast is this tiger? Our knives can't cut it, and our axes can't even make a dent. It's so heavy!"

This giant tiger was the fierce tiger beast that Li Jiudao had shot with an arrow.

The hunters wanted to take the tiger's body back with them, but they couldn't even budge it. The tiger was as heavy as a mountain, and no matter how many hunters they gathered, they couldn't move it an inch. They also tried to dismember it, but their knives and axes broke while the tiger remained unscathed, its flesh as tough as divine iron.

"This tiger seems quite unusual. Let's just leave it!" They decided that something wasn't right and left the Green Mountains, leaving the tiger's body behind.


At the foot of Mount Taihua, the location of the Taihua Sect, a large group of young disciples gathered for an assessment. This was the preliminary selection, not the formal examination. Only those who passed the preliminary selection could participate in the official assessment.

There were too many people who had come to join the Taihua Sect, and their qualities varied greatly. Therefore, before each official discipleship assessment, the Taihua Sect would conduct a preliminary screening.

"A cultivator at the Sixth Stage of Qi Refinement, that's acceptable," a middle-aged man nodded as he looked at the trial stone, recording the names of those who passed the assessment.

The trial stone had the ability to detect a cultivator's cultivation stage. Those above the Fifth Stage of Qi Refinement could pass the preliminary selection and become official disciples of most smaller sects. However, in the Taihua Sect, passing the preliminary selection was just the beginning.

"Three Stages of Soul Forging Realm, not bad at all!" The middle-aged man's expression turned joyful as he saw the cultivation level of the next person.

But when he saw the cultivation level displayed on the trial stone for the following person, his expression changed dramatically.

"One Stage... Unity Realm!" He couldn't believe his eyes and kept staring at the trial stone, suspecting he had read it wrong.


"Unity Realm!?"

Shouts of astonishment filled the air as everyone turned to look at the person who had just been tested. She was a young girl with fair skin, exquisite beauty, a tall and voluptuous figure, and an air of nobility. She was stunning.

"Unity Realm, the stage where you can gather the essence of heaven and earth into your body. It's a major realm that most people can only enter with the help of others, but she's so young, maybe fifteen or sixteen at most! This might be the youngest Unity Realm cultivator in history!" 

Furthermore, she hadn't even joined a sect or received the kind of cultivation resources that others had. Unity Realm was a major realm that was incredibly difficult to break through. Even with extraordinary talent, one usually needed the support and resources of a powerful sect to achieve it. 

"Ha-ha, notify the Sect Master! Our Taihua Sect is going to prosper!" The middle-aged man was filled with excitement and rushed to inform the Sect Master. If this young girl, who had achieved Unity Realm at such a young age, joined their Taihua Sect and received their guidance, her future achievements were bound to be unimaginable.

"They're boasting about their precious disciple, Sheng Nan, from the Yuanyi Sect, but now they'll see!" The middle-aged man couldn't help but gloat. Sheng Nan was a famous prodigy in the eastern region, but she had only reached Unity Realm at the age of twenty. This girl had surpassed her by a significant margin.

The girl smiled, her beauty as enchanting as blooming flowers. She knew what it meant to achieve Unity Realm at such a young age. In the future, she would likely become the most highly regarded disciple of the Taihua Sect.