
So, It Turns Out I'm the Immortal Cultivator

Li Jiudao crossed into the world of cultivation, but lacking the aptitude for cultivation, he could only be an ordinary person. With no other choice, he accepted his fate, passing the time by fishing, writing, and painting. Little did he know that the small cat who occasionally came to him for fish was actually a white tiger in its true form, a generation's demon emperor. The white-haired old man who competed with him in calligraphy was an ancient powerhouse. The enchanting woman who begged him daily to paint a portrait was a worldly immortal. Li Jiudao was dumbfounded. "So, it turns out I'm the Immortal Cultivator?"

MirrorForFuture · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

As a Gesture of Thanks, You Shall Perish

"Ancestor, something seems quite strange!"

After arranging Ning Jie's accommodation, the head of the Taihua Sect wasted no time and went straight to Wen Wuyou. He couldn't help but feel that Ning Jie's sudden change in attitude was suspicious.

"I find it strange too," Wen Wuyou furrowed his brows and said, "Keep a close watch on him and make sure nothing happens. If he disturbs the senior experts, it will be a grave offense on our part."

The head of the Taihua Sect nodded, fully aware of the seriousness of the situation, and replied, "I will personally keep an eye on him."

"No, I think it's better if I handle it here," Wen Wuyou contemplated and decided that he should personally oversee the situation. With him present, it would be relatively safer.

Inside the room, Ning Jie's face darkened. Since being possessed by the Spirit Saint, he had never felt so frustrated.

"These damn people, I'll make them pay in the future!" His eyes emitted a cold and murderous aura.

"That old man is quite cautious; he's even personally watching here," the voice of the Spirit Saint's soul resonated with Ning Jie, sensing that Wen Wuyou was guarding outside.

"What should we do? With him guarding outside, how can I investigate Xia Yan's whereabouts?" Ning Jie was in distress.

"Don't panic! I'm here! I'll help you gather information," a faint light emanated from Ning Jie's body and flew out through the window, completely silent, without causing any disturbance. Even Wen Wuyou didn't notice.

Wen Wuyou activated his spiritual awareness to the fullest, firmly locking onto the room where Ning Jie was. However, even in this state, he failed to detect anything.

The faint light was a fragment of the Spirit Saint's soul that had been separated. As a saint, even though he was severely injured, he was still quite formidable and managed to avoid Wen Wuyou's spiritual awareness.

After a short while, the fragment of the Spirit Saint's soul returned to Ning Jie's body, and Wen Wuyou remained completely unaware.

"What's the situation?" Ning Jie hurriedly asked.

The Spirit Saint's soul hesitated for a moment before saying, "I think it's better if you don't know..."

"What exactly is going on?" Ning Jie couldn't just let it go. In his heart, Xia Yan was more important than anything else.

"Ah, Xia Yan should be in Qingshan City, with an ordinary person..." The Spirit Saint's soul revealed all the information it had gathered.

Although severely injured, he still had enough power to deal with disciples of the Taihua Sect. After sending out his fragment of soul, he easily controlled the Taihua Sect disciples and gathered the information he needed.

Xia Yan frequently visited Qingshan City to meet an ordinary person, and this wasn't a secret within the Taihua Sect; many disciples were aware of it.

"Xia Yan loves playing the zither, and that ordinary person is quite skilled in playing it. Xia Yan greatly admires him..." the Spirit Saint's soul continued.

"Xia Yan is outstanding within the Taihua Sect, and both the sect leader and the old man in charge have a deep affection for her. Even though she often visits that ordinary person, neither the sect leader nor the old man has ever said anything to her."

The Spirit Saint's soul went on, "It seems that the sect leader realized that your relationship with Xia Yan is extraordinary, so he falsely claimed that Xia Yan had gone out with some elder, probably trying to cover for her."

"Ah ah ah!" Ning Jie was in a frenzy, his eyes bloodshot, and his body exuded a surging killing intent.

In his heart, Xia Yan was his wife, and he couldn't tolerate her being so close to another man. He felt betrayed.

"Let's go!" He was furious and decided to go to Qingshan City to kill the ordinary person who was close to Xia Yan.

"Find an excuse and don't let that old man outside get suspicious," the Spirit Saint's soul advised. "When you confront them later, tell them that Xia Yan is your wife. They will probably try to cover up everything and not let you know. You can't go out with such a strong murderous intent; it will only arouse the old man's suspicion and complicate matters."

"Understood," Ning Jie took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his anger, calming himself down.

Finally, he calmly opened the door and walked out of the room.

"So quickly recovered?" Wen Wuyou was puzzled. However, he didn't reveal himself and remained hidden.

If Ning Jie found out that he was being observed, it would be troublesome.

After coming out, Ning Jie proactively approached the head of the Taihua Sect, claiming that he suddenly remembered some important matters and asked Xia Yan to wait for him when she returned.

"Alright," the head of the Taihua Sect nodded without any suspicion.

"Gone?" Wen Wuyou appeared, feeling uneasy, as if something bad was about to happen.

"No, I'm going to visit the senior experts," he left the Taihua Sect and headed for Qingshan City.

"Is the elder here?" When he arrived in Qingshan City, he found that the shops were closed. He knocked on the door but didn't enter without permission.

"This old man is quite cunning!" Ning Jie's face darkened. Wen Wuyou was faster than him; he hadn't even reached Qingshan City when Wen Wuyou had already entered.

"I'll wait until he leaves before I go and kill that ordinary person!" His eyes were ice-cold as he stood in front of the city gate of Qingshan City without entering.

Wen Wuyou arrived in Qingshan City. There was no need for any suspicion now; it was clear that Wen Wuyou had come to find Xia Yan.

Realizing this, Ning Jie's killing intent intensified. That ordinary person was doomed!

With Wen Wuyou here, his actions would be inconvenienced. He decided to wait for Wen Wuyou to leave before going to find the ordinary person. At that time, no one would be able to interfere, and he could do whatever he wanted.

"Dao Ge is back in Qingshan!" Some hunters passing by excitedly said. They were eager to go and help Dao Ge hunt.

"Dao Ge?" Ning Jie frowned. The ordinary person's name was Li Jiudao...

"Are you talking about Li Jiudao?" He asked the hunters.

"Yes!" They replied enthusiastically. "There's only one Dao Ge in Qingshan, and that's Li Jiudao!"

"Perfect!" Ning Jie laughed heartily. Li Jiudao wasn't in the city but in Qingshan, and Wen Wuyou had missed him.

"Take me to Qingshan!" Ning Jie directly lifted one of the hunters and flew through the air.

"Cult...ivator!" The hunter was terrified, and he quickly pointed out the way.

Soon, Ning Jie arrived in Qingshan.

"Thank you for bringing me to Qingshan," he said with a radiant smile to the hunter.

"N-No problem!" The hunter blushed and laughed sheepishly. He had never been thanked by a

 cultivator before, and Ning Jie's gratitude filled him with excitement.

"As a token of my gratitude for bringing me to Qingshan, you shall... perish," Ning Jie said with a faint smile. He struck the hunter with a palm, and the hunter's body exploded into a cloud of blood mist, bones and flesh splattering in all directions.

He enveloped himself in a protective barrier to shield himself from the splattering bones and flesh, not a single drop of blood touching his clothes.

"Li Jiudao, isn't it? You're doomed!" His eyes shot two terrifying beams of light, sharp and menacing, brimming with overwhelming killing intent.