
So, I Become A Side Villain Now?

A mercenary soldier from the future with the code Dark Saber is eager to retire soon. However, a dimensional crack disaster occurs on Earth, forcing him to fight against creatures from other dimensions. Despite Earth achieving victory, Dark Saber perishes in the battle. However, later he awakens in a strange place. "Wait, I know this place! It's..." ... He woke up in a game he hadn't played in a long time. And what's worse is, he possesses the body of an insignificant villain who is destined to die as the protagonist's stepping stone.

Gryphinne · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Lack of Initiative

After eating, we didn't go straight to class. We sat together for a while, chatting. I slightly pulled up my sleeve to check my watch. There were still 10 minutes before class started.

"I heard the third-years will soon begin their heroism practice in the outside world," Ishma remarked as I checked my watch.

My focus immediately shifted to Ishma. Indeed, this is the sixth semester of the third year.

"Hm. That will last quite a while, won't it?" I asked.

Ishma drank the milk in her glass, then set it down on the table. After that, she wiped her mouth with a tissue she had brought.

"At most one year and at least six months. That's quite long," Ishma replied.

Heroism practice is akin to releasing students from the mountain. They will be scattered in many places, not just domestically but also abroad. Occasionally, they might even go to another continent. If the students undergoing heroism practice are competent and talented enough, there are cases where they will be sent to the Demon Domain along with Professional Heroes.

Of course, such cases are very rare. Most heroism practices take place on the 'surface', solving some of the world's problems. Through guilds, companies, agencies, organizations, and the like, students will be assessed for their suitability to serve society and protect the 'world'. This service ranges from trivial to severe issues.

The advantage of joining a group is that you still hold the status of a Sveitmann Academy Hero Department student. While this status grants ease, it also comes with high expectations from the group you join. There's also the disadvantage of seniority within the group. Although some groups don't emphasize seniority much, the reality is that most do. This is unavoidable.

Besides joining a group, there's also the option to travel alone. Although the downside is not being able to use the identity of a Sveitmann Academy Hero Department student, this method is quite favored by students. Besides the freedom, students don't need to take the academy's reputation too seriously and there is no seniority.

Of course, with high freedom, students still cannot commit crimes because, after all, they are 'heroes'. However, it doesn't mean students can't resort to cunning actions. As long as they stand on the side of good and the outcome has a positive impact, any method is always permissible.

"Where do you plan to go during heroism practice, Ishma?" I asked.

Ishma's gaze wandered softly, seeming to be thinking about something. Soon, her eyes locked onto mine.

"I don't know. I think being a free hero and traveling alone sounds fun. But who knows?" Ishma replied with a shrug.

"Aiyaa, I think that's the right choice if you want absolute freedom without the constraints of a group and the academy's reputation," I responded with a relaxed smile.

Then I continued, "You don't plan to join your family's group? If I remember correctly, you have a maritime protection and security division, right?"

When I asked the question, Ishma didn't respond immediately. Then she answered, "That consideration is always there. But still, it seems like I want to travel alone."

Ishma then drank her milk in a few gulps and set it down again. Ishma continued, "Well, it's still far off, so I'm not thinking about it much right now."

'For some reason, I have a strange feeling about her answer. But, traveling alone huh?' I thought.

I stared at Ishma's beautiful face for a moment with a flat expression. She also looked into my eyes without blushing. Then I smiled faintly.

'I haven't quite connected with classmates, or maybe the entire academy. I don't know if that will change in the future. But, if it doesn't change much, maybe I can consider traveling with Ishma during heroism practice later.' I thought as I stared at Ishma's face.

"What about you, Edward?" Ishma asked, breaking my reverie.

"Me?" I responded, raising my head from my previously resting hand. I also pointed to my face.

After pausing for a moment, I sighed weakly and placed my hand on my chin, resting my head again.

"Like you, I haven't thought much about it. But, considering I don't have connections, and my relationship with my family isn't great right now, I guess I'll travel alone too," I continued.

Then, I saw Ishma smirk.

"Want to travel together?" Ishma asked.

Honestly, I was surprised by her proposal. I didn't expect Ishma to take the initiative to invite me to travel together. But as much as possible, I didn't show it in front of Ishma. At least not for now.

'Tch, it can't be helped. There's nothing wrong with a woman taking the initiative first. But as a man, I guess I need to be more proactive in the future,' I thought, complaining about my slow initiative.

"I'm okay with it if you don't mind. Yeah, I think traveling with you would be fun," I replied.

After I answered, Ishma pulled up her left sleeve to check her watch. Then Ishma stood up, bringing her empty plate and glass, and smiled. My gaze followed her movements.

"It's time to go to class, or we'll be late," Ishma said, looking at the cafeteria exit.

I then stood up and replied, "Okay, let's go."

Carrying my two empty glasses, Ishma and I walked to the place where dirty dishes were placed. After that, we headed straight to class.

In class, as soon as we entered together, many eyes fell on us because the classroom door was at the front of the class. I guess it was an automatic reaction. What wasn't automatic were the gazes that locked on us afterward. I also noticed Giselle's unpleasant look.

'Always staring! Why do you guys love to stare so much?' I thought, slightly annoyed.

With our flat faces, we ignored our classmates' gazes and walked up the seating platform. As usual, we sat at the back.

I put down my bag and sat back with a sigh. Ishma then sat next to me on my left.

"I'm sure you know this, I guess you became the center of attention after walking with me. Aren't you bothered?" I asked Ishma.

Ishma didn't answer, but she placed her bag on the table and took out her book and writing tools. Then she moved her bag to the chair, then turned to me.

"I felt it during the first semester because of my beauty and body. And it's no different now. The only difference is I'm walking with you. And maybe they'll start rumors that I'm dating you or something. Just ignore it and it's all over," Ishma replied calmly.

I sighed deeply and rested my head on my hand on the table.

"You're really confident in your appearance, Ishma. And it seems you're indeed ready for such a situation," I said.

Ishma didn't respond immediately.

"Weren't you used to it before? You always got attention... ummm... negatively. But now you seem a bit bothered?" Ishma said.

Without answering first, I observed the class that was no longer paying attention to us.

"Not really. I also don't care much now. It's just..." I glanced at Ishma as I paused my sentence.

Ishma tilted her head slightly and said, "Just what?"

"I guess the attention increased when I decided not to do my old habits. And the fact that I'm close to one of the flowers of the Hero Department, the extra attention becomes even more," I smiled resignedly.

"Hmmm, the flower of the Hero Department, huh? I'm flattered," Ishma responded with a grin.

After our conversation, the professor entered the classroom and today's lecture began.


Classes lasted until noon with two subjects. Basic Geomagia and Basic Alchemy. Today's lectures were over. Only Thursday and tomorrow, Friday, have two subjects. Most students will train in the training area on both days.

After the Basic Alchemy professor left, I stretched my body.

"Is it that tiring that you have to stretch like that?" Ishma asked while tidying up her desk.

I was still stretching my body, also answering Ishma's question.

"Well, not physically. It's just that stretching like this is very comfortable. Maybe you should try it," I replied without looking at Ishma.

After I finished stretching, my gaze fell on Ishma. She seemed to be looking at her own body. Then she replied.

"No. I think it would attract unnecessary attention," Ishma answered, looking at her chest area with her hand touching the top button of her shirt.

My heart jolted. Of course, I understood what Ishma meant. For a woman, having a good body is indeed a beauty blessing. At least, that's what I think. Who wouldn't want to have a good body? But having a good body has its downsides. Especially a body type with clear curves like Ishma's. I understand that very well.

Afraid Ishma might feel uncomfortable, I diverted my gaze from her.

"I'm going to train at the main training ground after this. Are you coming?" I asked without looking at Ishma.

Ishma stopped staring at her chest area and turned her gaze to me.

"I did plan to train today. So, yes. But I'll go to the cafeteria first to pack the free lunch," Ishma said.

"Oh? Good idea. I'll join you. To the Department cafeteria or the main cafeteria?" I asked.

Ishma rubbed her chin and thought. Then soon she answered, "I think we'll go to the main cafeteria. Last Monday they had limited Bisonas Meadowroamer steak and I missed out. Maybe there's another special menu there. Besides, we'll be training at the main training ground too."

'Oops. Turns out she also went there last Monday. I got the steak though. Lucky. I feel guilty towards you without informing her that I got the special menu, I nodded and tidied up my desk, putting my books and writing tools into my bag. After that, I descended the platform with Ishma following behind me. The other students were engrossed in their conversations with their friends, so not many noticed me and Ishma.

However, as we reached the bottom of the platform, I noticed someone's gaze that was a bit different from usual. I glanced slightly and in the corner of my eye, I could see Zephyr Orion and Rosaire Serenaia watching us.

When our eyes met, Zephyr smiled brightly and nodded. Meanwhile, Rosaire's face remained expressionless, but her gaze was sharp. I then continued walking with Ishma out of the class.

"It seems they saw our duel," Ishma murmured very softly.

I glanced at Ishma, who was beside me on my right.

'You noticed their gaze? And also,'

"How did you know they were watching us?" I asked Ishma, continuing the question in my mind.

"My detection sense is at its maximum when we're about to fight seriously, and I noticed them yesterday. If you didn't notice, that's quite understandable. That Lunar Elf Rosaire hid herself and Zephyr well using mana," Ishma explained in a very low volume, so our distance was very close while walking.

"That Rosaire, she's a monster at mana control," Ishma continued.

I pondered for a moment and I speak in my heart and head,

'I guess I wasn't proactive enough to train my detection skills either.'