
Both Good for the Body and Tasty (1)


Pelerian has been foaming at the mouth frequently.

Just a moment ago, I was the one telling him not to overreact.


But this time, I couldn't help but foam at the mouth as well.

The room of treasures.

The secret room where Pelerian had gathered weapons for his guardian.

It was clear that humans hadn't discovered this place.

There were no torches hanging on the walls like in other areas.

The weapon racks weren't covered with glass display cases.

There was no rearrangement of the layout for easier viewing.

Above all, it seemed no one had entered the room for a very long time.

Dust had accumulated thickly in various places.

So much so that long tracks were left in my wake as I entered.

"The preservation magic has been dispelled. It must have collapsed when the security magic was broken."

There are cases where people become calmer when they reach a certain level of anger.