
45 - F around, F out.

Chapter 45 - F around, F out.

Written By Dr Armstrong

->The Spider's POV<-< p>

'Ho...so this thing really is useless, huh?' The Spider lampooned internally as she stared intensely at a small, floating green cube.

She had recently purchased [Space Magic] from the shop as she initially thought it would give her cool new space powers, like teleportation, telekinesis, or a telephone call with your mom for example.

But nope, nada, nay—that shit was some remarkable faeces...

The first Spell granted by [Space Magic LV 1] was [Coordinate Designation], which manifested in the form of a small green cube, yada~yada...

It's useless garbage. The Spell sends the cube's coordinates to the user, but the cube itself can only be created in the user's field of vision...


Kumoko jumped around the cavern's blistering floor, her [Fire Resistance] had enough levels for the heat not to be much of an issue.

But it still wasn't high enough to completely detach the Spider from feeling the scorched earth burning her feet. Jumping around rather than just plain ealking minimized the sensation.

She was still human...well, a well-hidden part of her, at least.


"Woah...the hell was that?" The volcanic environtment shook as heavy weight was presumably thrown around in the distance, perhaps a high-level fight...

"Umu, we should check it out!" Ms. Magic urged from the depths of Kumoko's mind, it was one of her [Parallel Minds].

"But what if its—" Another one of her other minds said, it was Ms. Fit, the Kumoko in charge of the bodily functions.

"Araba is still in the Lower Stratum, it should be safe." This time it was the original Kumoko herself, or Ms. Intel, who intervened.

"But.." Ms. Fit continued to argue her point.

As the the one who's job is supervising the body, of course she'd be the one to care the most for its safety.

"Mou, this is getting us nowhere...let's just go in slowly, kay?" Their argument had went on too long for comfort, exactly 0.6 seconds, so they just decided to still go for it, but with a more catious approach.

Kumoko stopped jumping and adopted for a more slow yet stealthy pace, she endured the burning sensation upon her feet by using [Poison Attack], which was just poisoned water, to cover her legs.

By this point, she had already managed to get [Heresy Nullification], which she acquired after being titled as the [Ruler Of Perserverance.], so using [Detection] was a no-brainer.

Well, using [Detection] wouldn't be the right way to call it. Both it and [Appraisal] had been subsumed by [Wisdom], after all...

But she still liked to call the individual functions of [Wisdom] by their old names, just for the sentiments.

After she activated the Skill, the Spider suddenly stop dead on her tracks...

"What...what the fuck is this..." The Spider widened her eyes as she froze.

Just one step away was a thick, green aura...like a translucent forcefield, or an illusionary barrier.

"That looks like the holo-shields from Overwatch..." Ms. Magic muttered from the back of her mind.

It absolutely did, just more...green and less corporeal.

Unforunately, the invincible forcefield was blocking her way to the distant rumblings.

Fortunately, it didn't seem to be going anywhere, so she had plenty of time to think it over.

"Is it actually a barrier, or are we tripping?" Ms. Fit asked, which was a good question.

Kumoko glanced around before picking up a small pebble and throwing it into the forcefield.

It passed through just fine.

"Well...at least we know it's not a disintegration field..." Ms. Fit said with a relieved tone.

"Wait, what if it only disintegrates living beings...?" Ms. Magic suddenly asked.

Hn...Kumoko activated [Telescopic Sight] before zooming in on the area beyond the forcefield.

In the nearby lava stream, fish and other such animals could be seen jumping in and out, creating ripples in the magma.

"Okay...but that's inside the forcefield. Those creatures must have been there before the forcefield was created." That made sense, the only things that could go in were the things that were already inside...

Unfortunately, there wasn't any other Monster besides the Spider herself in the immediate vacinity, so there was no way to test it out.

"Something like this can't just spontaneously exist...this doesn't really look like a flat barrier, but a spherical one." Kumoko muttered to herself.

If this was a sphere, then it must have a centre, which was most likely where the source of the invisible barrier was located in.

As one of her [Parallel Minds] investigated the centre, Kumoko decided to find out if she could at least get some intel from the forcefield...


[Telepathatic-Detection Field, recently created by the Champion of Güliedistodiez via simultaneously using Telepathy and Detection, purpose unspefied.]

Woah...so it's actually someone's Observation Haki!

"Wait, you can do this with [Telepathy]?Damn, why did I never buy it!?" The Spider was quite frustrated as she completely missed out on such an amazing Skill.

"But...who the hell is this Champion of...I really don't know how to pronounce that..." She would sorry if they met, perhaps that that weird name belonged to the Champion's hometown or something...

"Found him!" Ms. Magic announced as Kumoko returned her attention back to the telescopic section of her vision.

"That was quick...KALAMEET!?" Was her instinctual reaction as she zoomed in on what could only be called a floating red eye.

Of course, it wasn't really floating, the rest of Kalameet's body was just obscured by a thick mist.

As the [Ruler Of Wisdom], Kumoko did not even need to lift a finger before the mist was entirely erased in his own vision, revealing not-Kalameet's true form.

"Ew, what the hell." Frankly, it was kind of terrifying...not the cool kind, more like the malformed Xenomorph kind.

It was some sort of mantis shrimp-cum-dragon-cum-feline, very weird.

At least it wasn't a creepy crawlie, like a Spider or something...


"That's definetly a Dragon, them shiny scales don't lie..."

"Yeah, but...it's awfully small for a Dragon isn't it?"

"A Wyrm then? But that means whatdafuckhisnamewas is the Wyrm's boss..."


It was hard to believe a Wyrm of all things had managed to get its hands on [Detection], that's a really high-tier Skill!

Well, she wasn't one to talk, really...

But even more unreal was the fact that it aso seemed to have [Dimensional Maneuvering], it was literally coming out of a portal as she thought!

This kind of Wyrm...it couldn't be normal right? It was like a freak of nature, kinda...like...her...

Was it...another Reincarnator? That would explain the high-level Skills...

"Maybe we should get closer, that guy has [Telepathy], so maybe we can figure things out...yeah?" Ms. Magic proposed, though the others didn't seem as enthusiasthic.

But seeing as they didn't have any other option, aside from fleeing and forgetting about all of this, which was too anti-climactic, Kumoko took a step toward the forcefield.

Fuck around she did, find out she would.



Laptop got malware, had to write from phone, which is much slower, sorry.

Stones, please ;)