
Snow Way


AndrehDukmak · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Part (1)

One day of university hours , a student named jack was in love with a pretty girl named Rose , Rose father was very treated with her and she did not like him. He used to him her repearedly and repearedly. She came every day to the university with her eyes covered in tears. On day rose came to the univerity with red spot on her face.

Jack asked her. Who did this to you ?

Rose : my father and brother they are the ones who did this to me , they suffer from chronic and dengerous respiratory diseases that lead to Murder.

Jack was afraid of rose a lot after what happened to her .

Jack asked her : where do u live ?

Rose : Home far from humans near the forest

This forest is very scary, I do not advise anyone to go to it. So he went home and began to think about what Rose said

He told his parents that he should go to this forest full of frightening and terrifying events, so they opposed Jack's family, and prevented him from going to this forest.

On the morning of the second day, Jack went to university to meet his friends, and told them about this forest

He liked the idea and loved it so much that he started thinking about going to this forest, so the parent of their friends refused and dont let them go.

Jack's only father who agreed to let his son go to this forest, and after completing his university studies, Jack decided to go to this forest, to discover if Rose was telling him the truth or not