

Okay. Before we kick this novel off into full throttle, I wanna go over a few things beforehand. Hope you dont mind 😁

This is the story of a young man named Erik Fotia, a twelve year old youth who, up until recently, has lived out in the sticks within the glorious state of Texas. However, due to a recent job change within the family he is forced to move with his mother and two sisters to New York City, a place packed full of people. Its here that he learns of who he really is as wave after wave of events get thrown into his face, cramming the truth down his throat whether he wants it to or not.

I won't reveal anything off the bat but things get pretty dicey for him.

In any case, let's answer some of the questions I know some of you will have when starting this novel. I'd rather not get the questions on the first chapter so I'll get them out of the way.

First and foremost, the timeline, where is it? It's about a year before Percy joins Camp Half-Blood and the whole series begins. If you haven't read the books (not counting the movies 🙄🤣) then that's also fine as I'll be going out of my way to explain everything in detail. No need to worry.

Harem? No clue. Dont particularly care either way.

What's his parentage? Ain't telling. Feel free to guess though.

Will I follow canon? Canon can go fuck itself for all I care. I'll respect the source material but I will rewrite and reshape everything depending on how Erik affects the events. In summary, Canon is dead to me.

The story is pretty straightforward without it being too complicated to understand.

All that being said, I dont want a flat story with 2d characters and little to no spice. Hence where the "Arcs" come into play, or Volumes I guess you can call them.

Each Volume covers a part of the story which range from 100-150 chapters in total. Think of it like an arc from an anime like Dressrosa from One Piece or Ninja War from Naruto, only without the constant filler. It's all neatly divided up in order to make it clear what's going on and to add some order to the system at which I upload.

I might also throw in little sections to give some of the main characters some backstories, maybe some 30-50 chaps or so to establish who they are and how they got to where they were. Everyone wants to know more about the characters right? Lest they become flat and 2d with no development.

I think I covered everything I wanted to say. If you have any questions for me then feel free to leave them in the comments below, OR you can join my discord and ask me over there.


Remember to stay safe and much love. Updates start tomorrow.
