
Snow's Goliath

A woman in need finds herself accepting help from an MC born and raised guy. Two very different worlds collide for good or for worse is yet to be seen. Help sometimes comes from the unlikely place/person.

Paula_Parker · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 9: Not the Homecoming I expected or wanted

Nov. 18th (Monday)

I woke up to someone pounding on the hotel room door that I was staying in. I got out of bed then walked towards the door.

"This better be good; we got in late last night from that stakeout and I want to get more sleep before we have to do anything else." I said in a mad voice after I opened the door to see Axel.

"It's Addison; your uncle called she's in the hospital." He said then I turned around to walk back towards the closet where my clothes was at.

"Wes, your dad said you are not to leave." He said as I started packing my stuff.

"We are talking about my wife; I'm leaving and I'll deal with the consequences later." I said giving him a look.

"Figured you would say that; call me after you find out what's going on." He said as I made it to the door with all my stuff after putting on a shirt plus my shoes.

I nodded my head then I walked past him.

When I got to the hospital and made it to the front doors, I saw Nathan.

"Wes." He said blocking my way and I gave him a look.

"Get out of my way Nathan." I said in a threatening voice and making sure to get as close as I could to him.

"Our dad is here Wes; he has taken control of everything because Addie never changed who could make medical decisions for her if she was out of it or who can know what is going on with her and that's our dad." He said pushing me a little bit away from him.

"He isn't going to let you see her Wes; please go home and I'll update you when I can and I promise when Addie can come home then I'll take her home." He said as I just stood there staring at him with a mad look on my face.

"She is my wife; I have every right to see her or know what's going on." I said almost yelling in a mad voice.

"Then get Addie to change it as soon as she can until then our dad is controlling everything even if you two are married Wes but believe me causing a scene isn't going to help because our dad won't hesitate to get you arrested and throw your butt in jail." He said matching my tone of voice.

I shook my head before turning and walking away. I went straight home and kept my phone close to me. It took two days before Nathan called and said Snow was getting released from the hospital. He also filled me in on the fact she had the flu and she had to be kept so long because she was dehydrated but the doctor thinks she can get better at home. I was sitting on the porch steps when Nathan's police car pulled into the driveway.

Nov. 20th (Wednesday)

Addison's POV

My dad wanted me to stay in the hospital until I was fully recovered from the flu but I told him I wanted to go home. Nathan said he would take me home and I saw Wes sitting on the porch steps when Nathan pulled into the driveway.

I hadn't even unbuckled before my door was opened then Wes leaned over me and unbuckled me. He helped me out of the car then he put his hand to my forehead so I knew he was checking to see if I had a fever.

"I took something before leaving the hospital." I said and he nodded his head.

"Thank you." He said looking at Nathan.

"Not a problem; tell your uncle and aunt I said thank you for taking her to the hospital." Nathan said and Wes nodded his head.

"Here's all the medicine she needs to take." Nathan said handing Wes a pharmacy bag.

Wes grabbed my right hand after that and lead the way to the house. Once inside, he locked the door behind us then walked straight to the bedroom.

"Get some rest; I'll give you something else for the fever in about 2 hours if you still have one." He said pulling back the covers on my side of the bed.

"Wes." I said as he put the covers over me.

He looked up at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Get some rest baby; we'll talk when you are better." He said before kissing my forehead.

"Wes." I said as he walked away from the bed.

"Sleep Snow." He said in his demanding voice and giving me a look before walking out of the room and closing the door.

I waited a little bit before getting out of bed then walking towards the living room. Wes was sitting on the couch and looking at his phone.

"Are you mad you had to come back early from whatever MC thing you had to do?" I asked then he looked to see me.

"Get your butt back in bed Snow." He said in a mad voice and pointing towards the hall.

"I'm sorry I came down sick and ruined everything." I said then I turned to walk away.

"You ruined nothing Snow; you need rest and to get better. I promise we'll talk when you are better." He said as I walked away.

Wes's POV

An hour after I sent Snow back to the room the doorbell rang. I got up and walked towards the door.

"Let me guess my dad sent you to talk to me?" I asked seeing my uncle after I opened the door .

"You have been ignoring his calls and texts." He said as I walked outside and closed the door behind me.

"Well maybe I don't feel like being chewed out for doing something any rational person would have done." I said sitting on the top step then taking out a cigarette.

"We aren't any rational people." He said sitting down beside me after I lit the cigarette.

"The job you left is a huge job and now they are down 1 person." He said.

"I am not apologizing for what I did." I said giving him a look.

"And I didn't say you had to. I am just saying consider your dad's point of view and the bind this has put him in. Being Prez isn't easy and he can't show favoritism." He said.

"I know; we all know how much Addison means to you. And how much you mean to her. You two are great together." He said as I blew out some smoke.

"Her dad banned me from seeing her unless I wanted to cause a scene and get arrested. Two days I had to wait to get an update on her and that she was coming home." I said in a mad voice.

"She never changed who gets contacted when she is admitted to a hospital or who can get updates plus make decisions when she can't. " I said in the same tone of voice.

"You two have only been married 2 months Wes and I doubt she forgot on purpose. " He said.

"Have you updated yours?" He asked.

"Yes. I did it the next day after we got married." I said.

"So what are you really mad about here Wes? The fact she forgot or are you thinking she doesn't care for you like you do for her?" He asked.

"I've said I love you to her and she didn't say it back. I just feel like it's one fight after another to get her to open up and truly trust me plus what I say." I said.

He nodded his head.

"So you think her forgetting to change the paperwork is another sign she doesn't love you or trust you?" He asked.

Addison's POV

I got out of bed after I heard Wes walk out of the house. I stood near the door and listened to him talking to Jason. When I knew I couldn't take anymore of just listening and was starting to cry, I quietly opened the door.

"So that's what you are mad about." I said then they both looked to see me.

"Snow…" Wes started to say in his demanding voice as he stood up.

"You can talk to your uncle but not me." I said as Wes walked towards me.

"You are sick. You shouldn't even be out of bed." He said stopping in front of me.

"How can I rest knowing something was wrong here Wes?" I asked in a mad voice and almost yelling while pointing between us which took them both by surprise.

"Snow, I really think we should wait to have this conversation." He said before looking at his uncle.

"Yeah same thing Tanner use to say which was code for shut up and know your place." I said before turning and walking away.

"Snow." He said walking into the house as I reached the bedroom.

I slammed the door shut then locked it before getting back in bed.

"Snow, unlock the door." Wes said after he tried the doorknob.

"Baby, you are sick. I can't take care of you if you have the door locked." He said.

He hit the door when I didn't and after a little bit I heard him walk away.