
Snow's Goliath

A woman in need finds herself accepting help from an MC born and raised guy. Two very different worlds collide for good or for worse is yet to be seen. Help sometimes comes from the unlikely place/person.

Paula_Parker · Urbano
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Time away from each other continues

When she wasn't back by Tuesday, I finally broke down and asked around the MC to see if anyone knew where Oliver lived at. Boston knew where he lived at which is how by 10:00 in the morning, I found myself sitting in front of a ranch style house and a couple of acres of land right outside of city limits.

Nov. 5th (Tuesday)

Addison's POV

I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard the doorbell rung. I knew Oliver would get it so I took my time getting dressed.

"Where is she?" I heard Wes yell as I walked out of the bathroom.

"You mind lowering your voice?" Oliver asked.

"I will as soon as you tell me where my wife is at." Wes said still in a loud voice.

"This is my house not yours so please lower your voice before you wake up my daughter." Oliver said in a mad voice and talking about Olivia (who is a year old).

I stepped into Olivia's room right as she started moving around. I heard Wes and Oliver walk towards the kitchen.

"You have a daughter?" Wes asked in a shocked voice.

"Yes. She is a year old as of yesterday." Oliver said from the kitchen and I heard him place something in front of Wes on the table which was probably a cup of coffee.

"My wife works the night shift at the hospital." Oliver said as I heard him sit down.

"Addie told me you knew she was here and that she needed some space." Oliver said as I was almost to the kitchen.

"Yeah she left me a note saying she was coming here but nothing about needing space. What are you talking about?" Wes asked in a mad voice.

"Someone is awake and wants her daddy." I said walking into the kitchen then both of them looked to see me.

"Hey baby." Oliver said when he reached me and taking Olivia from me then kissing my left cheek.

"She just woke up; you want me to get her bottle?" I asked.

"No I'll get it; you have a visitor." He said.

"Talk to him." He whispered in my right ear before walking past me and towards the refrigerator.

I just nodded my head then headed towards the coffee pot as Oliver walked out of the kitchen with Olivia.

"So is this how it's going to be? You don't want to talk about something or want to avoid something so you go running to your brothers to get away from me?" Wes asked in a mad voice as I poured a cup of coffee.

"How is it running away when I told you where I would be?" I asked.

"You knew I didn't know where he lived. I had to ask around to get that info." He said as I heard him get up and walk towards me as I put the coffee pot back on the coffee maker.

"And you never said you would be gone this long." He said.

He put his hands on the counter on both sides of me boxing me in as I felt him stop close to me.

"Come home and let's finish the conversation that you started." He said dropping into his really low voice then kissing the back of my neck.

I gulped.

"Snow. You started the conversation. You can't just go back and forth on it or decide you no longer want to talk about it after I want to talk about it." He said still in his really low voice.

He kissed my neck.

"Snow, I'm on the same wavelength as you. You want to move past just kissing and get closer to us having sex, I am all for it." He said against my skin before kissing me again.

"I'm scared." I whispered.

"And I understand that but I've told you over and over again, we are going at your pace. You opened the discussion and hinted that you might be ready for more but if you need more time and just want to talk about it then that's fine just tell me that don't just shut down completely and act like we never had the conversation or you never brought it up." He said as I drunk some of my coffee.

"Ok, I think I've heard more than I have ever wanted to hear when it comes to my sister's private life. You two can leave." Oliver said then I quickly turned around to see him.

Wes kept his hands on the counter and boxing me in. Wes looked back at Oliver then at me.

"Really go home Addie." Oliver said giving me a look.

Wes took the cup of coffee away from me and put it on the counter.

"We'll stop and get you some. We'll both get some." Wes said then he grabbed my right hand and walked towards the front door.

Wes went to the first coffee shop we saw and got in the drive thru line.

"Baby." He said as I continued to look out the window.

I saw him nod his head when I didn't say anything or look at him. His phone started ringing and he looked at it before shaking his head.

"What is it Cameron?" He asked in a mad voice as he answered his phone.

"Now?" He asked still in a mad voice.

"Ok give me about 30 minutes. Tell dad not to start without me." He said then he hung up the phone.

"Change of plans baby; I need to go to the clubhouse." He said.

"Just drop me off at home." I said.

"It's out of the way baby. You have to come with me. I promise as soon as I am done we'll go home and talk." He said.

"Hey, look at me please." He said after we moved up in the drive thru line.

I finally looked at him and he smiled at me.

"We'll talk I promise. Just you and me or we could not talk your choice." He said before messing with the hem of my dress (it stops right above my knees) as he looked me straight in the eyes.

"Do you love me?" I asked and he didn't have a chance to answer because we moved up again then he ordered the coffees.

As soon as he got the coffees, he parked in the parking lot then turned to face me.

"Did you just ask me if I love you Snow?" He asked.

I nodded my head.

"Yes I love you baby. Without a doubt I love you." He said tucking a strand of my hair behind my left ear then kissing my left cheek.

"And while I would love to continue this conversation and see where you are going with this plus to ask you the same question, I have a meeting I have to get to." He said then he turned back to face front before backing out of the parking space.

Wes' POV

Throughout the whole meeting, I kept checking my watch to see what time it was. When the meeting was over, I quickly stood up then my dad said for me to stay behind.

"Yes." I said after a couple of minutes of him just staring at me.

"Where is your head at? Did you hear a thing I said in the meeting?" He asked in a mad voice.

"Yes I heard what you said so are we done here?" I asked.

"No, pack your stuff Axel and you will be joining Cameron and Jonah." He said.

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"As soon as you get back home and pack your stuff." He said.

I nodded my head.

"Are we done?" I asked.

He waved his hand dismissing me then I turned and walked away. Addison was sitting at a table with Axel and them. I joined them and pulled my chair close to Addison's left side.

"We are going to have to postpone our conversation. I have to leave today." I whispered in her left ear.

She just nodded her head before picking up her drink.

"I promise Snow as soon as I am back we will talk." I whispered.

"Don't hurry home on my account." She whispered then she got up and walked away.

"Marriage problems?" Jonah asked after Addison walked away and Cameron shook his head.

"You shut up and mind your own business." I said giving Cameron a look.

I shook my head before getting up and following Addison. I heard someone following me and it didn't take long before Axel caught up to me.

"Give her time Wes; it takes time to get use to the way our life is and the fact we are gone a lot sometimes." He said as we made it outside.

"You think I don't know that Axel?" I asked.

"Afraid she is going to divorce you?" He asked.

"Don't even say that." I said giving him a look and he held up both of his hands before nodding his head.

"Give me 30 minutes then I'll put you at the meeting spot." I said and he nodded his head as we made it to my truck.

He waved at Addison then he walked away back towards the clubhouse.

We didn't talk on the way home and she stayed in the living room as I went to the room to back my to go bag.

"I'm leaving my truck for you to use again. Jace said he would check on you again for me and I'll call or text when I can." I said dropping my bag by the couch and looking at her as she sat on the couch reading a book.

She nodded her head then flipped the page in her book.

"Snow, please say something. I don't want to leave with us fighting." I said leaning against the back of the couch behind her and touching both of her shoulders.

I nodded my head when she didn't say anything.

"Ok, I'll call you later if I can. I love you Addison and I'll be back as soon as possible." I said before kissing the back of her neck then I backed away and grabbed my bag.

I looked at her one last time before turning to face the door then walking towards it.

"Be careful and come back in one piece." She said as I opened the door and I smiled.

"Always Snow." I said then I walked out the door and closed it behind me.