
Snow's Goliath

A woman in need finds herself accepting help from an MC born and raised guy. Two very different worlds collide for good or for worse is yet to be seen. Help sometimes comes from the unlikely place/person.

Paula_Parker · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 6: Learning more about each other/moving forward

Sep.7th (Saturday)

I must have fallen asleep on the way home because the next thing I knew I was waking up to the sunlight hitting my face. Before I even opened my eyes, I could tell I was using Wes' chest as a pillow again. I opened my eyes and stretched.

"Morning baby." Wes said before kissing the top of my head then I looked to see he was awake and he smiled at me.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"A little after 9." He said still smiling.

"I was thinking I could order us some breakfast to be delivered then we could go shopping. Maybe buy you some new clothes etc." He said running his right hand through my hair.

"You don't have…" I started to say then he put a finger from his left hand on my lips.

"I know I don't have to but I want to. You are my wife and I don't mind spending money on you or spoiling you." He said then he lifted my head off of his chest.

I just looked at him after he did that and he smiled at me before leaning down then he kissed me. The kiss was short and just like last time he pulled on my bottom lip some as he ended the kiss.

"Now let's get dressed then I will work on getting us food delivered." He said kissing my forehead.

I nodded my head before getting out of the bed then walking towards the closet.

"I'll change clothes in the bathroom then I'll order us some food." He said as I heard him opening and closing the dresser.

"The other door in this room leads to the master bathroom." I said without looking at him and taking down a navy and white dress.

"Good to know." He said then I heard him walk towards that door.

After I got dressed, I walked out of the room and went to the living room.

"I was thinking Waffle House; are you okay with that?" He asked sitting down beside me.

I noticed the citrus and woodsy smell was stronger so I knew he must have put on more cologne after changing into his black pants and white t-shirt that had the MC name and logo on it.

"What?" He asked smiling at me when he saw I was just looking at him.

"You just smell different." I said.

He laughed.

"I hope it is a good difference but I haven't changed my cologne baby." He said smiling.

"You don't smell like cigarettes." I said.

He nodded his head.

"Yes I smoke and I haven't done that yet today. I don't smoke that often and I promise it's not an addiction. Why do you want me to stop smoking?" He asked.

"You can do what you want." I said before looking down at his phone in his right hand.

"That isn't what I asked Snow and if you want me to stop I will. Like I said it's not an addiction." He said tilting my face up to look at him.

The doorbell rung after that and he looked towards the door.

"This conversation isn't over. Pick you out something to eat." He said before kissing my forehead then he handed his phone to me before getting up.

Wes' POV

When I opened the door I saw it was my Uncle Jason. I quickly walked outside and closed the door behind me. I walked a little bit down the driveway and he followed.

"Your aunt wants to have a cook-out/ wedding party for you two today. She has already ordered a wedding cake etc." He said turning to face me as I took a cigarette out of my pants pocket.

I nodded my head as I took out my lighter then lit the cigarette after I put it in my mouth.

"She wants you two to have the wedding experience that you two didn't get with the quick wedding. She has already brought you guys a lot of stuff and wants to invite the whole MC over to celebrate the wedding." He said.

"Yeah that's fine just make sure the guys know they don't have to get us anything." I said as I blew out the smoke and held the cigarette in my right hand.

"So 3:00 a good time for you two?" He asked.

"Yeah; I'm taking her shopping today for clothes etc. but we should be back by then." I said as I smoked more of the cigarette.

"I think she wants me to quit smoking." I said when I got finished and put out the cigarette with my left boot.

"Are you going to quit? You have been smoking since you were 16 Wes and yes your father and I knew you were smoking underage and allowed you to do it." He said giving me a look.

"It's not an addiction." I said.

"And that's you lying to yourself and you know it. Don't lie to her Wes and if she does want you to quit then you actually have to try to quit Wes. Don't do what you did last time and barely put in the effort to quit and fail at it." He said shaking his head at me.

I nodded my head at him.

"You are happy with her I can tell that Wes. More happy then you ever were with your previous girlfriends before you started doing just one night stands which is something you need to tell her about. You can't have secrets from her Wes." He said.

"I just want her to be happy; I have yet to see her smile but she doesn't look so lost and sad in her eyes anymore." I said looking towards the house.

"Give her time it will happen." He said.

"Alright I'll see you later." I said and he nodded his head.

I walked back towards the house after that. I walked to the living room when I got inside and I saw she wasn't on the couch. I walked to the kitchen and I saw her messing with the coffee pot.

"My aunt and uncle are throwing us a wedding party today. There will be a wedding cake, presents, etc." I said stopping behind her and putting my arms around her as I moved as close as possible to her.

She nodded her head and I felt her breathe deeply so I knew she probably smelt the cigarette.

"Yes I smoked when I was outside." I said before she could say anything.

"Baby, do you want me to quit?" I asked as she put the coffee bags in the top of the coffee pot.

"I completed the order for Waffle House; it should be here soon." She said closing the top lid.

"Don't dodge the question. Do you want me to quit?" I asked turning her around to face me and her back was against the cabinet.

"No, don't look at the floor; look at me." I said in my bossy voice when she started to look away and towards the floor.

She slowly looked back at me and I could tell she was scared by the look in her eyes.

"You don't have to be scared of me Snow. I just want you to answer my question honestly." I said.

"I like the smell on you." She said and I smiled at her.

"So you don't want me to quit." I said.

"No I don't." She said.

"Ok." I said before running my left hand through her hair.

"Where's my phone?" I asked.

"Left it on the coffee table." She said and I nodded my head.

"Alright." I said before moving away from her then I walked towards the living room.

I picked up my phone from the table and when I unlocked it I saw the receipt of the order from Waffle House. I walked back towards the kitchen when I noticed the card she had paid with.

"Hey Snow, who's card did you pay for this with because this isn't my debit or credit card?" I asked as I saw she was sitting at the dining room table.

"The credit card Oliver gave me and told me I could use." She said before drinking some of her coffee.

"Ok, I can tell this is going to take some time." I said stopping at the table then turning her chair to face me.

I slowly bent down to get on her level so we were eye to eye.

"Snow, I have no problem spending money on you and buying everything for you. I want to do that baby especially if something is my idea like us going shopping and ordering in breakfast." I said putting my left hand behind her neck and gently massaging it.

She nodded her head before turning away from me in the chair and grabbing her cup of coffee.

"Baby, just let me take care of you okay. Do you trust me to do that?" I asked as she sat her cup of coffee back on the table after drinking some of it.

"Look at me please." I said when she was about to say something but was still facing away from me.

She let out a big breath before turning back to face me.

"I wouldn't have married you if I didn't feel safe with you." She said looking me in the eyes and I smiled at her.

"Good." I said massaging her neck again.

I saw her look down at my lips before quickly looking back up at my eyes and I smiled even bigger.

"If you want something, all you have to do is ask baby because more than likely I will give it to you or won't say no to you." I said.

The doorbell rung right as I thought she was going to say something.

"Hold that thought." I said standing up then walking towards the front door.

When I came back in the kitchen, she had moved her chair back around to face the table and she was drinking her coffee. I unpacked the food and put her food in front of her. We both ate in silence and afterwards I told her to go get her phone so we could go shopping.

We probably spent 3 hours going to different stores looking for her some new clothes but she didn't pick out any clothes. She just kept saying it wasn't the type of clothes she liked and I knew it was because none of the stores had long dresses that had long sleeves and a high neckline like she usually wears. I didn't push it that she didn't have to always wear that type of clothes. I did end up buying her a TV plus other electronic stuff and a security system for her home that I told her I would get Jace (another one of my friends and he is 2 years older than me so 34) to come over to install it after the party. We went to Dairy Queen for lunch and she barely touched her food. When we got back home, I started to set up the new TV, blu-ray player, and stereo system in the living room.

Addison's POV

I was in the bedroom just sitting on the bed when Wes walked into the room.

"I got everything set up. We still have an hour and a half until we have to be next door. Do you want to watch one of the movies we brought today?" He asked sitting down on the bed next to me.

I shook my head and just looked at my hands in my lap.

"I wish you wouldn't go quiet on me and just tell me what's going on in that beautiful head of yours." He said as I felt him start to massage my neck.

"Are you mad I didn't get any of clothes we looked at today?" I asked as I slowly looked up at him.

"What? No baby, I am not going to make you get something you don't like or don't feel comfortable with." He said shaking his head at me.

"We'll look online later and see if we can find you some clothes but I stand by what I said earlier, you don't have to cover up with me. If you want to wear different types of clothes then I am all for it but if you are not comfortable doing that yet then that is fine." He said.

"Thank you." I said and he smiled at me.

"You are welcome baby; I just want you to know you can be yourself around me. I want all of you and I can't wait until I hear this beautiful voice of yours in a louder volume or a normal speaking volume for most people." He said.

"All of me?" I asked in a scared voice.

"Baby, don't do that. Yes I want all of you and I am not pressuring you to do anything. We are taking this at your speed but yes when you are ready, I want to have sex with you." He said.

"And before you say it, I know you are a virgin I have no problem with that." He said as if he could read my mind.

"You aren't?" I asked.

"No, I am not. Are you sure you want to hear about that right now?" He asked turning to face me but he kept massaging my neck.

I slowly nodded my head.

"Ok; no I am not a virgin haven't been since I was 17 and she was my high school sweetheart. I thought we would get married after high school but when I asked her she turned me down then left to go to a college out of state before really giving me a reason why she didn't want to get married. I didn't date for a while after that and the next time I had sex I was 21 and it was with a girl I considered my best friend and always had kind of crush on her. Turns out she was engaged to be married and cheated on him with me. When I found out, I told her I never wanted to see her again and I made sure her fiancé knew she had cheated on him. After that I decided I wasn't cut out for relationships so I guarded my heart and only had one night stands until I met you. When I first saw you, you were completely out of it after being found on the side of the road and brought to our clubhouse. There was just something about you it made me want to protect you and make sure no one ever hurt you again. Then when you finally woke up and I heard you talk etc., baby you brought down all the guards around my heart that I put up. It took everything in me not to throw you over my shoulder and lock you in my room at the clubhouse when you said you wanted to leave and go back home. Baby, I am not saying any of this to scare you and just in case you are wondering I always wore a condom when I had sex. I am clean I made sure of that after I met you and went and got tested. There has been no one else since I met you baby and I was so happy when I found you again even if you did lie about your last name. No one has ever wore my cut until you." He said never breaking eye contact with me and still massaging my neck.

I leaned forward then gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Thank you baby." He said smiling at me as I moved back to my original spot.

"I want to give you all of me; I am just going to need time." I said.

"Not a problem; I am not rushing you." He said.

"I am scared to wear other types of clothes. I have worn this for so long to cover up bruises that these dresses are like a part of me now." I said.

"You don't have to worry about that with me baby; there will be no bruises for you to cover up and you will always be beautiful in my eyes no matter what type of clothes you wear. It's whatever you feel comfortable in and if you decide you want to try to wear other types of clothes then okay I will buy those clothes for you and if you don't like them then we'll return them or give them away." He said.

I bit my bottom lip as I looked at his lips.

"Remember what I said earlier, if you want something all you have to do is ask." He said removing my bottom lip from between my teeth then he ran his thumb (on his right hand) across it.

"But if it is a kiss you want, you can either ask me to kiss you or kiss me yourself. I will never stop you from kissing me." He said as I continued to look at his lips.

"Kiss me please." I said.

"It would be my pleasure." He said smiling then he quickly closed the distance between our faces before kissing me.

The kiss lasted longer this time and as we kept kissing he slowly moved closer to me then I ended up on my back with him on top of it.

"Is this okay?" He asked between kisses after I ended up on my back.

"Words baby; use your words." He said when I just nodded my head.

"Yes." I said in a breathy voice.

"Ok." He said.

I felt his tongue run across my lips as the doorbell rung. I thought he would get up and break the kiss but he didn't. Instead he ran his tongue against my lips again.

"Baby, open your lips please. I just want a taste of you." He said against my lips before running his tongue across my lips again as the doorbell rung again.

I slowly parted my lips then his tongue slipped in my mouth. His tongue touched mine twice then he broke the kiss and got off of me.

"Thank you baby." He said smiling at me then he got off of the bed and walked towards the front door.

I was still laying on the bed trying to wrap my head around what just happened when he walked back in the bedroom.

"Holly is here." He said smiling at me.

"You good?" He asked as I got off of the bed and walked towards him.

I nodded my head.

"Good and I enjoyed it too." He said in his low deep voice then he tilted my face up and gave me a quick kiss.

I walked towards the living room and he followed me.

"You girls have fun and come over to my uncle's house when you two are ready for the party. I am going to go ahead and head over there." He said as I sat down on the couch beside Holly.

"You do that Goliath." Holly said and I saw him shake his head as he walked towards the front door.

Wes' POV

As soon as I got to Jason's house, I went straight to the backyard. Jace, my parents, Axel, Park, and Jonah were all sitting at the table on the back porch as Jason stood next to the grill that had hamburgers, steak, and hot dogs on it. I grabbed a beer before sitting down on Axel's right side and I hit his back. I put the beer on the table as I took out a cigarette and lit it.

"I'm guessing your girl is still okay with you smoking?" Jason asked looking at me.

"Honey, you need to quit if Addison doesn't like you smoking." My mom said looking at me.

"She said she didn't have a problem with it and she liked the added smell of cigarettes to my cologne." I said and she shook her head.

"You free afterwards to set up a security system?" I asked looking at Jace.

"Sure; I can't wait to meet your girl since I didn't get an invite to the wedding brother." Jace said looking at me then he drunk some of his beer.

"It was a quick put together wedding and I knew you had just gotten back from an assignment." I said and he just gave me a look.

"Brother, tried or not you know I would have been there and I would have made a much better best man than Axel." He said.

"Oh whatever I was an awesome best man." Axel said before throwing a pretzel at Jace.

"Is Cam coming?" I asked looking at my mom and dad.

"No, he said he was at the wedding so he shouldn't have to be at the wedding party." My dad said and I nodded my head.

We started talking about an upcoming assignment when the gate to the backyard opened and closed. I had just put out my cigarette with my left boot and opened my beer when I looked towards the gate then I saw Holly and Snow. I spit out my beer when I saw Snow was wearing a pair of dark pants and a dark pink t-shirt that was short sleeves. Her hair was up in a ponytail and it looked like she was wearing a little bit of make-up which included light pink lipstick. I shot Holly a look and she smiled before winking at me as she walked onto the porch. As Snow walked onto the porch, she looked down at her feet. I knew everyone was looking at Snow and me especially me because of my reaction of seeing her dressed in a different type of clothes than what she usually wears. Holly sat down in the empty chair on Axel's left side.

Addison's POV

As soon as Holly and me walked into the backyard I either looked at my hands or my feet but I heard everyone stop talking when they saw us. I followed Holly onto the porch and as soon as I got closer to the table someone reached out and grabbed my right arm before pulling me towards them then picking me up and sitting me in their lap facing them. I knew from the smell that it was Wes. He put his right hand under my chin as he kept his left arm around my waist then he tilted my face up so I could look up at him.

"Hey." He said smiling at me.

"Do you like the clothes and make-up?" I whispered.

He pulled my face closer to his since he still had his hand under my chin. He kissed me and it was a short kiss.

"Does that answer your question?" He whispered against my lips.

"But you are perfect the way you are; you don't have to dress up or wear make-up for me. If you want to do it for yourself then I have no problem with that as I told you before you are beautiful to me no matter what you wear and that includes make-up." He whispered against my lips then he bit my bottom lip before running his tongue across it then he smiled at me as he leaned back against his chair and moved his face away from mine.

I put my arms around his neck then I hugged him. He quickly put his right arm around me too and hugged me back.

"Ok and here I thought Holly and Axel or Blair and Park were the couples that loved PDA a little too much." I heard a guy say.

I felt Wes do something then the guy laughed.

"That's Jace." Wes said as I ended the hug then slowly turned around to face everyone then Jace ( 6'2 with light brown hair that went a little past his ears and brown eyes) waved at me.

"Nice to finally meet you Addison." He said before winking at me.

"Hey, get your own girl don't flirt with mine." Wes said before pulling me back flush against his chest and tightening his grip around my waist.

"Where did you get the clothes?" Wes asked as I felt his breath on the right side of my neck.

"I brought them from my store. I am pretty good at guessing people's sizes. There are a few others in a bag I left at your house." Holly said looking at Wes.

"Ok I'll pay you for them later." Wes said.

"Nonsense consider it a wedding present." Holly said smiling at Wes then winking at me.

"Alright thank you." Wes said.

"I think my nephew has forgotten his manners; do you want a drink Addison?" Jason asked and I looked to see he was looking at me.

"We have water or sodas if you want that instead of a beer." Wes said before kissing my neck on the right side.

"Water is fine." I said.

"You sure?" Wes asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Ok." Wes said before standing up holding me like I weighed nothing.

He put me back down in the chair then he walked towards a large cooler close to the back door.

When he got back, he put the bottle of water down on the table in front of us then he picked me back up before sitting down then he pulled me back down into his lap and put his arms back around me.

"I can get my own seat." I said.

"Nonsense I like you right here." He said before kissing my neck again.

"How are you going to eat?" I asked looking back at him.

"Easy; we are sharing a plate." He said winking at me.

"You'll get use to him being like this. He's been like this all his life." Jace said.

"Yeah like you would be any different when you finally found the right girl for you." Wes said then I saw him flip Jace off and Jace laughed.

I grabbed my bottle of water and opened it before drinking some of it. Within 30 minutes, the backyard was full of people and all of them sat at the tables set up in the backyard besides Blair and Tiffany. Park made Blair sit in his lap and Tiffany sat down beside Jonah. Not long after that it was time to eat.

"Hey, are you okay?" Wes whispered as he sat our empty plate on the table.

"There's a lot of people here." I whispered.

"They won't hurt you Snow." He whispered.

"I promise they won't and even if they tried they would have to get through me to get to you." He whispered.

I looked down at my hands.

"Hey, don't do that don't start to shut down." He whispered before turning me around his lap to face him.

"Baby, if you want to leave then we will." He whispered tilting my face up to look at his face.

"Kiss me please." I whispered.

"Always and as much as you want me to." He whispered before kissing me then he put his left hand behind my neck.

He had just ran his tongue across my lips when someone cleared their throat.

"What?" He asked through clench teeth after he broke the kiss and looking at the person behind me.

"Dude, don't get mad at me. We are ready for you two to cut the cake." Jace said.

As Wes looked at me, the soft expression on his face came back and he ran his index finger on his right hand down the left side of my face.

"You ready to cut the cake?" He asked smiling at me.

"But just a warning, you get cake on my face and I will do the same to you." He said before giving me a quick kiss.

I nodded my head as he let me get down out of his lap. I waited for him to get up then he interlaced his fingers with mine on my left hand then we walked towards the really big table in the backyard were most of the other people were sitting. The 3 layered white cake was sitting in the middle of the table.

Most of them had their phones out and Wes shook his head.

"What? We just want to record this great once in a lifetime moment." Park said smiling at Wes as he stopped in front of the table directly in front of where the cake was at.

"Right." Wes said before flipping him off.

"Wow that hurts brother that you don't trust us." Axel said before putting his hand over his heart and almost everyone at the table laughed.

"Just cut the cake." Julia said looking at Wes and me.

I picked up the knife then Wes got behind me before putting his right hand on top of my hand then helping to grip the knife.

"The cake is white chocolate." Shannon said as we started to cut the cake.

I grabbed a plate after we cut a slice of the cake then Wes put the slice on the plate. He put the knife down on the table then he moved to my left side and turned to face me. I picked up a fork and got some of the cake on it. I held it out towards Wes and he smiled before wrapping his mouth around the fork. He closed his eyes as he pulled back eating the cake. When he got finished eating the cake, he opened his eyes then took the fork from me. He put the fork on the plate before picking up the rest of the slice of cake and holding it in his right hand out towards me. I opened my mouth then took a bite of it. He put the rest of the cake on the plate before getting some of the icing off of it with his left index finger.

"Ok you two are boring." Axel said rolling his eyes after I got finished eating the cake.

Wes just laughed.

"Shut it; I think it was sweet." Holly said hitting Axel in his right arm.

"Ok time to open gifts." Shannon said.

"I think we are just going to go back to our house but you guys can leave all the gifts on the front porch." Wes said before putting his right arm around my waist.

"Alright." Jason said nodding his head.

Wes and I walked back towards our house and Jace followed us so he could put up the security system. Jace was probably at our house for about 2 hours messing with the security system and talking to Wes. We ended up with a lot of gifts and Jace helped Wes carry them in since Wes wouldn't let me help.