
Snow's Goliath

A woman in need finds herself accepting help from an MC born and raised guy. Two very different worlds collide for good or for worse is yet to be seen. Help sometimes comes from the unlikely place/person.

Paula_Parker · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 5: Trouble continues/ secerts come out

Addison's POV

I woke up when the sunlight hit my eyes. I could tell my head wasn't on a pillow before I opened my eyes. I could also smell a citrus, woodsy, and cigarettes smell. I knew who had that smell and when I opened my eyes I saw my head was on Wes' chest and his right arm was around me holding me tight to him. I looked at his left hand and saw the ring he was wearing. I smiled as I remembered what happened earlier this morning. I looked up to see he was still asleep.

"Addie! I brought you breakfast; whose truck is in the driveway!" Nathan yelled as I heard the front door close.

Wes started to move and I looked back up to see he was awake.

"Morning." He whispered smiling at me before kissing my forehead.

"I need to get up." I whispered before leaning up.

"I'll go with you." He whispered as I started to get out of the bed.

I walked towards my closet and pulled down a dark green dress. I turned around to see Wes pulling on a pair of dark pants then grabbing a white t-shirt from his suitcase.

Wes smiled when he saw I was looking at him.

"Could you stay turned around so I can change clothes?" I whispered.

He nodded his head before turning away from me. I quickly changed clothes and I was trying to zip up my dress when I felt him stop behind me.

"I got it." He whispered against my neck as he started to zip it up for me.

"There." He whispered before kissing the back of my neck after he got it zipped up.

"Thank you." I whispered turning around to face him.

"Not a problem." He whispered smiling at me.

I walked towards the door and he followed.

"About time; you are usually awake by now." Nathan said when I walked into the kitchen and saw he was already sitting at the table eating an egg and sausage biscuit.

"Sorry I overslept." I said.

"Not a problem I got you a biscuit and coffee. Whose truck is in the driveway?" He asked as I sat down at the table across from him.

The look on his face changed after that when he looked behind me and I knew that Wes had walked into the kitchen. He quickly took out his gun and pointed it at Wes.

"What are you doing here?" Nathan asked in a mad voice.

"Nathan, please lower the gun." I said.

"Baby, he wouldn't shoot me because he wouldn't want to fill out the paperwork or deal with the blowback from the MC." Wes said.

Nathan quickly looked at me when Wes called me baby.

"It's my truck and it's here because we are married." Wes said and Nathan got a really mad look on his face.

"Married; I didn't even know you two knew each other. Just what type of company have you been keeping Marie Addison Daniels since you moved in here?" Nathan asked in a really mad voice and almost yelling.

"I am 100% better than the jerk your dad wanted her to marry." Wes said stopping behind my chair and putting his hands on my shoulders.

"You told him." Nathan said.

"Yeah she told me and she's an adult Nathan so she doesn't have to tell you everything. She is allowed to have a personal life." Wes said and Nathan shot him an evil look.

"She's my sister; I know what is best for her not some stupid jerk who is in a cult!" Nathan yelled in a mad voice.

"It's not a cult. It's a MC; a family." Wes said keeping his voice calm but I could tell he was trying his best not to lose his temper because his grip on my shoulders tighten.

Wes' phone started ringing.

"I have to take this but come get me if he continues to give you problems." Wes said then he kissed the top of my head before walking away.

"Addie." Nathan said in a warning voice after we heard Wes walk outside.

"He abused me Nathan. Tanner abused me. He hit me and has been doing it for years now." I said.

Nathan's eyes got big.

"Why didn't you tell us?" He asked.

"Dad knew and he didn't care because it was a business arrangement. He also said it was my word against Tanner's word since Tanner always hit me where the bruises wouldn't show if I wore the correct clothing. It has only been lately that he has started hitting me in places people can see even when I am wearing clothes." I said and he got a mad look on his face.

He stood up and threw away his food before walking away.

Wes' POV

I had just hang up the phone with my dad when I heard the front door open and close. I turned around to see Nathan.

"I didn't know okay. I didn't know he was hitting her she just told me." Nathan said in a mad voice and stopping in front of me.

"Her dad did though didn't he?" I asked.

He nodded his head.

"I will protect her and keep her safe." I said.

"Should have been my job. She is my sister." He said.

"She isn't one to ask for help. I have noticed that but even if you could help there is only so much you can do within the laws. Me; I am not a cop I am just a guy in a MC who happens to care very deeply for your sister." I said.

"Take care of her; I'll break the news to Oliver then we will both talk to our dad but expect blowback because our dad isn't going to take this news lightly." He said.

"And I am not going anywhere and if he wants to get to her he will have to go through me." I said.

He looked me up and down then shook his head before walking towards his car.

Addison's POV

I was still eating breakfast when I heard the front door open and close. Wes sat down across from me at the table not long after that.

"Why didn't you tell your brothers about Tanner abusing you?" He asked in a mad voice.

"Snow." He said when I didn't say anything.

"Nathan and Oliver would never go against our dad." I whispered and he shook his head.

"And truthfully I didn't know if they would believe me. Around everyone else Tanner is this amazing outgoing person." I whispered and he nodded his head.

"Did your dad believe you?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I told him but he just said it would be my word against Tanner's and I knew everyone would believe Tanner over me." I whispered.

"Snow, you can tell me anything and I will always believe you. I am not going anywhere and it is not a weakness to ask for help baby." He said reaching across the table and interlacing his fingers with mine on my left hand.

"I have to go to the clubhouse to get the rest of my stuff and talk to my dad. Afterwards, I have to go to work tonight. I promise after tonight I am off until next Friday." He said and I nodded my head.

"Do you want to hang out with Holly today and she can bring you back home later?" He asked.

"No I am good." I said as I got up to throw my stuff away.

"Snow, she will not mind if I drop you off at her beauty salon." He said following me.

"Ok if you are sure she won't mind." I said turning to face him after I throw my garbage away.

"She won't. Go get your phone then we'll leave." He said before kissing my forehead.

It didn't take us long before he pulled his truck up outside Once Upon a Beauty Salon. I shook my head at the name at it and Wes smiled at me.

"She's a big fairy tale person." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"I'll be home late but I want you home by the time I call you at 10." He said before running one of his fingers down my left cheek.

I took the extra key to the house off of my keychain then handed it to him. He took it then put it on his keychain.

"I'll see you later." I said then I got out of his truck and walked inside the beauty salon.

Holly was happy to see me like Wes said she would be. When she didn't have any customers, she talked me into letting her do something to my hair. She wanted to put purple highlights in my hair but not everywhere just scattered around to make it look great. I agreed and she squealed before hugging me. When it was closing time, she took me to the clubhouse so she could introduce me to Tiffany, who is Jonah's girlfriend. I didn't know who Jonah was until they described him (6'2 with light brown hair and green eyes; his hair is dyed and he had a big scorpion tattoo on his right arm) to me then I nodded my head because I remembered seeing him with Wes at the clubhouse. Around 9:30, they both wanted to go to Onyx and I agreed to go with them.

Wes' POV

I had just gotten though making a walkthrough when I decided to sit at the bar and keep an eye on the customers Bailey had.

"We have a problem." Jonah said sitting down next to me.

"What's the problem?" I asked looking at him as Bailey sat down a glass of Dr. Pepper in front of me.

"The problem is my girl and Holly are here with your girl." Jonah said.

"Snow is here." I said in a mad voice and he nodded his head.

"Well that would explain why she didn't answer the phone when I called her at 10." I said still in a mad voice since it was almost 10:30 now.

"Hold on, the girl with purple highlights is your girl. That is Addison?" Bailey asked then I looked at her.

"Purple highlights?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Uh yeah and if that is your girl then she is on the dance floor dancing along with Tiffany." Bailey said before pointing towards the dance floor.

I quickly turned in my seat and I saw Bailey was right. Addison looked different with the purple highlights but a good difference. I noticed some guys that weren't far from Tiffany and Addison whispering to each other as they looked at Tiffany and Addison. I quickly got up and Jonah did too then we both walked towards our girls.

Addison's POV

I didn't want to dance but Tiffany talked me into doing it. I wasn't that great of a dancer so I was just dancing slowly no matter if it was a fast or slow song. Right now it's a fast song and Tiffany had her hands in her hair as she moved around to the beat. I couldn't help but smile at how carefree she looked. I stopped moving and froze when I felt someone stop behind me after they put their hands on my hips.

"Baby, did I not tell you to go straight home and be there by 10?" Wes whispered and I felt his breath on my neck near my right ear.

I tried to turn around to face him but he tightened his grip on me to where I couldn't move.

I saw Jonah stop near Tiffany after that and Tiffany rolled her eyes when she saw him. She shook her head when she saw Wes behind me.

"Baby, answer me." Wes whispered as he moved even closer to me then he started to slowly move both of us to the beat of the song.

"Yes you told me to be home by 10 but Tiffany and Holly wanted to come here." I whispered.

"You could have told me that you were planning on coming here." He whispered.

"I like the purple highlights." He whispered before kissing my neck on the right side.

"Nothing; no comment?" He whispered when I didn't say anything.

"Could you maybe let me go?" I whispered since there were a lot of people looking at us.

He turned me around to face him but he never stopped dancing and kept his hands on my hips.

"What's wrong Snow?" He asked.

"I am not that great of a dancer and people are staring." I whispered.

"Let them stare and I don't care if you are a good dancer." He said smiling at me.

"Wow, Goliath can smile. Has hell froze over?" A guy that looked to be around my age and 6'1 with long black hair and hazel eyes asked stopping near us.

I saw he was wearing a cut that just had Probie on it.

"What do you want Probie?" Wes asked through clenched teeth and looking at him.

"There's a situation at the main door." Probie said.

"You must be his girl. It's nice to meet you." Probie said smiling at me.

"Did I say you can look at my girl Probie? Keep your eyes to yourself." Wes said removing his hands from my hips then he pushed Probie away from us.

"Jonah!" Wes yelled as Probie walked away.

Jonah quickly showed up with Tiffany by his side and he had his right arm around her.

"Watch my girl and go get my cut for her to wear." Wes said looking at him and he nodded his head.

"I'll be back; stay with Jonah and them." Wes said looking at me then he kissed my left cheek before walking away.

Once Jonah lead us to where Holly was sitting at, he told Tiffany and me to stay there and don't move before walking away. He returned 5 minutes later with Wes' cut and he handed it to me. I put it on then he sat down beside Tiffany and put his right arm around her.

Jonah had to go back to work 15 minutes later but he told the guy that was guarding/ watching the VIP section to watch over us and to not let us out of his sight. I asked Holly what the guy's name was and she said that was Razor (he had a black hair, I think because his haircut is a buzz cut, and he had dark brown eyes; he looked very intimidating with all his muscles but he didn't have as many as Wes). Around 2:00 the nightclub started to close and 15 minutes later, Wes and I left to go home.