
Snow's Goliath

A woman in need finds herself accepting help from an MC born and raised guy. Two very different worlds collide for good or for worse is yet to be seen. Help sometimes comes from the unlikely place/person.

Paula_Parker · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 4: The answer that changes everything

My eyes got really big.

"Snow, do you like me; are you attracted to me? Baby I like you and I am really attracted to you. You know where I stand on hurting women and I have told you over and over I will not hit you." He said.

"We haven't even gone on a date or anything." I said.

"And? I promise I will take you on all the dates you want and show you off to everyone if you agree to marry me so you won't have to marry that stupid jerk." He said.

"Where would we live?" I asked.

"Did your mom leave this house to you in the will?" He asked looking around the living room.

"No to Oliver but he signed the deed over to me so it is in my name now." I said.

"Then we'll live here. I have no problem moving out of the clubhouse if you don't want to live there." He said looking at me.

"So what's your answer Snow?" He asked.

"Yes." I said and he smiled really big.

"Good and baby once we are married, you don't have to look at the ground or anything when guys talk to you. You are allowed to look at them in the face and that especially means me baby. I would also love it if you would stop using this low voice I would love to hear what your voice sounds like at a normal volume etc." He said running one of his fingers down my right cheek.

"And everyone in the MC will protect you. You never have to worry about someone hitting you or putting you down etc because if that was to happen there would be 60+ guys ready to beat that person's butt with me in the very front." He said.

"Let me make some calls and get the people here that we need." He said then he stood up.

"Do you have a white dress?" He asked turning around to face me before he left the living room.

"I have an ivory color dress." I said.

"That will do; go put it on Snow." He said smiling at me then he turned around and walked away.

Wes' POV

I walked outside to call my dad. When I told him what was going on, I could tell in his voice he was mad too and he agreed I made the right decision deciding to marry Snow and make her mine once and for all. My mom said she would call her jewelry friend and have them come to the house so we could pick out our rings and she would get one of my dad's tuxes and bring it. My dad said he would call the preacher and the judge before coming over to the house with my mom and Cameron. I told him to also tell Axel and Holly (Axel's girlfriend) to come. I mainly wanted Holly because she owns a beauty salon and I knew she could help Snow get ready especially with make-up so we could try to cover up her bruise on her face. After I ended the call, I went across the road and rung the doorbell at my uncle's house. Shannon answered after a minute and she looked like she had been sleeping. I told her I was sorry for waking her up but I wanted them at the wedding that was about to take place. I explained to her why it was happening right away and she nodded her head before saying they would be there just let them get ready. I quickly sent Axel a text telling him to bring my truck and some of my clothes. He texted back not a problem. I knew it wouldn't be since Holly knows how to drive his motorcycle and has done it plenty of times. I walked back inside the house and towards the bedroom.

"Baby, where's the remote for the garage door for I can put my motorcycle in the garage?" I asked leaning against the wall outside the bedroom.

"It's in the small desk near the front door and in the drawer." She said.

"Thanks baby." I said then I walked away.

I had just got finished putting my motorcycle in the garage and was closing the garage behind me when my mom, my dad, Cameron, Axel, and Holly drove up. My mom, dad, and Cameron came in my dad's truck. Cameron didn't look happy when he got out of the truck.

"Could this not wait until I don't know a decent hour for a wedding?" He asked in a mad voice as I stopped near all of them in the driveway.

"No, I want this done as soon as possible." I said and my mom smiled at me as she handed me a black clothes bag that I knew had the tux in.

"So where is the bride to be? I brought all my stuff." Holly said holding up her big make-up bag.

"In the house; go all the way back to the door that is straight back and knock on it. It's the bedroom and she is in there changing into the ivory dress she has." I said and she nodded her head before walking away.

"So you are moving out of the clubhouse?" Axel asked as Jason and Shannon joined all of us.

"Yeah; she has the deed to the house and it is in her name and I figured she would want to live here instead of the clubhouse." I said.

"Well I know I speak for both of us when I say we will be happy to have you living across the road." Jason said before patting my right shoulder and smiling at me.

"Thank you." I said smiling at him.

Another car parked along the side of the road near the house then I saw Clara (our jewelry person) get out of her car.

"Go inside and get ready. The preacher and judge will be here soon." My dad said smiling at me.

I nodded my head before walking towards the house and Axel followed me.

"So I am your best man right?" He asked as we got inside the house.

"Well it isn't going to be Cameron." I said and he laughed.

I opened the first door in the hallway and I saw it was a bathroom. I walked to the second door and opened it to see it was the guest bedroom. I walked inside it and Axel followed me.

"Dude, I think I can get dressed without you." I said looking at him as I put the bag with the tux on the bed.

"You know even if she agreed to marry you that you need to take it slow with her. She isn't going to want to have…" He started to say.

"I am going to take it slow. I am not going to force myself on her and when she is ready, yes we will have sex but not before then." I said before taking off my cut and he nodded his head.

"Have you two even kissed?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"So your first kiss is going to be at this quickly put together wedding; don't you think she deserves her first kiss to happen before you two are standing in front of all of us?" He asked.

I gave him a look.

"Just saying." He said before walking towards the door then leaving.

I cussed under my breath before walking out of the room and he smiled when he saw me heading towards the main bedroom. I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Holly asked.

"It's me; I need to talk to Snow." I said.

"It can wait; you aren't going to see her in the wedding dress until the ceremony starts." She said.

"Holly, open this door now. Put a robe on her I don't care I need to talk to her." I said in my demanding voice.

A couple of minutes later I heard the door unlock then Holly opened the door.

"10 minutes Goliath then you are leaving and aren't going to see her again until the ceremony starts." Holly said and I nodded my head.

She walked out of the room then I walked in the room and shut plus locked the door behind me. Snow was standing in front of her closet with a long pink robe on and she was looking at the shoes.

"Trying to decide what shoe to wear?" I asked then she looked at me as I stopped on her right side.

She nodded her head before looking back at the shoes.

"You can go barefoot for all I care." I said.

"Snow, can you turn to face me please?" I asked.

She slowly turned to face me and she looked at my face which made me smile.

"You know we will have to seal this marriage with a kiss in front of everyone that is here." I said.

She nodded her head.

"Baby, do you want our first kiss to be in front of everyone or do you want it to be when it's just the two of us?" I asked before running my right thumb across her lips.

She looked down at my thumb then gulped.

"All you Snow; you just let me know what you want but I want our first kiss to be special for you." I said.

"I've never…" She started to say still looking down at my thumb that was still moving across her lips.

"Tanner and you never kissed." I said dropping my voice to my low tone which I know she loves because I've seen the way she reacts to it.

She shook her head and I couldn't help but smile.

"Snow." I said and she looked up at me.

I bent down and moved my face closer to hers. I briefly touched her lips with mine after I took my thumb away. When she didn't back away, I touched her lips again then slowly kissed her. To begin with, she didn't kiss me back but then she slowly started to kiss back. I put my left arm around her waist to keep her close to me. I wanted to keep kissing her but I knew I needed to stop the kiss because she might not be ready for anything more than a short kiss. When I broke the kiss, I lightly pulled on her bottom lip. When I looked up at her eyes for the first time since I met her, I saw light in her eyes and she looked really happy. I smiled at her.

"That was perfect." I said before giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

"You mean it?" She asked in almost a whisper.

"Baby, I would never lie to you." I said giving her another quick kiss.

There was a knock on the door.

"Times up Romeo!" Holly yelled and I shook my head.

"See you out there." I said smiling at Snow then I finally let go of her and stepped away from her.

"And I mean it go barefoot if you want to. It's better than you falling in high heels." I said before walking away.

I unlocked the door and opened it. Holly quickly walked inside then pushed me out the door before shutting it and locking it. I went back to the guest room and got dressed. 25 minutes later, Snow and I were standing in front of everyone. It didn't take long for us to say our vows and afterwards Snow and I went to the kitchen where Clara had all the jewelry lined up on the table. I told Snow to pick out whatever rings she wanted because money wasn't a problem. I saw she kept looking at a rose gold color halo style ring. She never picked it up but she kept looking at it. I picked it up and asked Clara what size the ring was. She said it was a 7 but if we needed a bigger size she probably had it in the trunk of her car. I looked at Snow then she whispered she was a 9 ½. I told Clara that size and she nodded her head before walking out of the room. She came back 5 minutes later with the ring in a 9 ½ and she had a plain rose gold ring in the same size. I took both of the rings then slowly grabbed Snow's hand before putting both of the rings on her ring finger. I told Snow to pick out a ring for me and she gave me a look. I told her I trusted her judgment and she nodded her head. She quickly picked out a gold band and I took it from her. I looked at what size it was then told Clara that I needed it in my size. She nodded her head before walking away again. When she came back with the ring, I handed it to Snow and told her she could put it on my ring finger. I held out my left hand towards her and she put the ring on me. After that Judge Moore came in with all the papers we needed to sign. We quickly signed them and he said he would get them filed right away. Everyone left 30 minutes later and I went out to my truck to get my suitcase. When I came back inside, I didn't see Snow in the living room or kitchen. I walked towards the bedroom and saw the door was open. When I walked into the room, I saw Snow was under the covers on the right side of the bed and she was asleep. I smiled before closing the door behind me then taking off my clothes. I kept my boxers on then I got in on the left side of the bed. I pulled her towards me and she came no problem and even turned to where her head would be on my chest. I smiled before breathing in her jasmine and apricot smell that I love.